5 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Hi! I'm oNevia. I love gaming, design and music. Hit me up if you wanna chat.


A ban on pride flags? Really? You're scared of some fabric or colors?

Grow up and mind your damn business. We're just trying to live our own lives. Fuck

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It doesn't appear in the letter, but is mentioned in the article. The letter also states that there are "more" policies that need to be defunded.

These policies encompass bans on pride flags, prohibitions on insurance coverage, restrictions on DEI programs, and even the defunding of children’s hospitals that offer gender-affirming care.

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As a recent hatchling (about 5 weeks ago) my experience is no it won't be that easy. But it does get easier. Sounds like you may have gone at it a little fast but that's ok! Don't worry about how you look. Try and focus on how it makes you feel. It's going to take some time to explore and find out what you like and don't like.

Those moments of euphoria will come back. And you will have moments of dysphoria. For me, those dysphoria moments got more intense now that I knew what they were, but they're slowly becoming fewer occurrences.

It's a marathon girl, not a sprint. No matter how hard we wish we could just press a button and be a woman, it doesn't happen that fast.

Try and find those moments of your transition you enjoy and slowly build from there ❤️

Love yourself and explore what makes you happy and you'll find your peace. ❤️❤️

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For me, chemical x was testosterone.

It gave me dysphoria instead of super powers 😔

Where is the 6 in gap between the door and stall??

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Both you and your familiar are gorgeous!

Jellyfin or Plex are great front ends that can help organize all your media.

I personally use Plex, but have heard Jellyfin is comparable 😀

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I found Dale Gribble

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Teleportation is the queen of all powers. Invisibility can be basically mimicked with quick teleportation work if needed.

Although my legs would probably atrophy from lack of use, lol. Why walk to the kitchen when I could blink there and get a sandwich and blink back in no time at all?

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Well damn. I need to learn how to draw

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Congrats girlie! I'm very proud of you and happy to hear you have such a supportive wife!

I came out to my wife (and myself) on the same day back in October and she has been such a great support for me. Including celebrating my first biHRTday with thoughtful gifts last week.

If you're looking for a little advice, my best tip is to stay brutally honest. Both of you need to be honest with each other and make space for each other. Even when it's tough. There have been many times where my wife was struggling with aspects of the grief of losing me as a husband and it was difficult to hear that and know i was hurting her. Just like she gave me space for my breakdowns over rewriting my life and the guilt and shame I felt for how this affects her, my 19mo son, and everyone else in life.

Without those spaces to share and explore ALL emotions and feelings this brings up, we wouldn't have made it as a couple. Now we're closer than ever and although the grief can still get us, we also see all the new things we are gaining.

If you have any questions or want to reach out for any other reason, my DMs are open :) I'm sure I've come across many of the same bumps in the road as you have/will.

Take it a day at a time and remind each other you are committed and love each other. There will be many more conversations ahead of you, but you got this babe!

And again, congrats on finding yourself and sharing it with someone that you love! ❤️❤️

I want to start off by assuring you that all of these confusing and sometimes contradictory feelings are very normal. I highly recommend the Gender Dysphoria website which is what helped me realize I am a woman back in October.

For me, a lot of this website resonated with me on such a deep personal level that it made me realize that all these small intimate moments and memories actually added up to a lifetime of dysphoria being AMAB.

Sure, a lot of your examples could be interpreted to be something that cishet men like to do. But you have quite a large list of examples plus more in a word doc. That tells me this is more than a "typical" cis man would experiment with or experience.

I would suggest maybe looking back on your life and try and think of how you felt when doing typically masculine things. Or being perceived as masculine. For me, I've mostly felt uncomfortable and even unsafe in situations where I felt I needed to put on a "macho" persona to fit in. And on the other side of the coin, when I was perceived as feminine, that gave me a sense of safety and comfort. For example, many times as a child I was mistaken for a girl because I had really long hair. People would profusely apologize but deep down I was happy to be thought of in that way. Even just for a second. I would get uncomfortable when someone would correct themselves and assure me that "I'm definitely a boy and very handsome" or some nonsense.

I think you realizing you enjoy being referred to with female pronouns might be something you should reflect more on.

And you're right on that last point. The fact that if you could wave a magic wand and instantly become a woman, tells me that maybe you need to explore that some more.

Nobody else can tell you if you are transgender or whatever identity. The only person that can do that is yourself. So this involves a lot of deep personal self reflective time in order to sift through all of the defense mechanisms and internal transphobia we have all developed in order to survive.

I will say this that has been my northern star through my journey.

Listen to your deepest self. Follow those moments of happiness and learn to care for yourself. You will find your peace ❤️

Good luck in your journey and no matter where you end up, know that there are people who support you! Feel free to reach out and DM me if you have more questions or want to talk :)

EDIT: I have terrible reading comprehension skills sometimes. I see you have already read through the gender dysphoria bible. Good starting place!

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Wait till they throw a blue shell.

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Congrats! I'm so happy for you! Just curious, are you thinking about changing your legal name? Sounds like it might be causing some dysphoria :/

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Of course you're allowed to comment! And I'm not OP, but thank you for your insight! I love the idea of peak a boo layers. Never thought of it that way ❤️

Back when I thought I was cis (trans femme now ❤️) it came down to really wanting to respect the person I was talking to or about and really wanting to be a safe space for them.

Not sure if that is something for everyone, but at least for me it was important to try and convey my support in small ways like that and generally giving the person the space to explore their name/pronouns.

Just updated my post, but it went great! I felt seen and heard in a medical setting for the first time in a loong time.

Plus my wife surprised me with my own blahaj and love note about how proud she was of me.

So I'm crying happy tears today. ❤️

I wish I had experience to share, but I just wanted to say I'm so proud of you for working towards this! I haven't come out to anyone at work yet, but worry about the possible backlash (very much a boys club)

You're an inspiration and you got this girl! So glad to hear your workplace has been supportive!

On Slack, is there anyone who wouldn't know who you were once the name change goes into affect? Maybe you can post in a thread everyone is included in and just briefly introduce yourself with your new name and if anyone has questions they can privately message you? Might help mitigate any possible confusion.

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This has been my experience my whole life 😭

Of course! Trust me, I think we've all been there. Hell, I had a similar breakdown about HRT a week or so ago. Sometimes that dysphoria hits hard and its hard to see a way out of it - but you already found your way out. It just takes some time to get there but you WILL get there.

I have found trying to focus on things that give me the most dysphoria and working on addressing that first. So for me, the biggest source of dysphoria is all my body hair. So I've come up with a shaving routine to help address it and it's helped me both have more moments of euphoria and the ability to better appreciate them when they come ❤️

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Lol, I can definitely see how that could catch someone off guard. Yes I love pickles but it's more of a "remedy" for some of the side effects I may experience at first.

Specifically, the medication Spironolactone is used as a testosterone blocker. It's a medication that is prescribed for a bunch of different things (cystic acne, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances in woman) but it's a class of drug called a potassium sparing diuretic. So it flushes the body of fluid but unlike other diuretics, it doesn't flush out potassium in the process. So this makes electrolytes go out of whack and your body's response is to crave salt in order to balance out the potassium and electrolytes (at least that is how I understand it?)

So the pickles are for my salt cravings basically. ❤️

Guess that was a bit of a long response, but hopefully you found it interesting. Thanks for the question and your support!

Think about renting a parrot. That's what I did for a while before getting my sea legs

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Goals 😘 congrats girl! You look stunning.

Ohh nooo what ever will I dooo

Does quality matter for you? I really like Blutopia for high quality files of movies and TV. Other wise, trackers like TorrentLeech are fine enough for my purposes.

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Congrats hun! I'm actually right there with you. Started my journey on 2/9 so seeing your experience helps put mine in perspective.

The mental changes are spot on for me! Although the first week I had a couple episodes of vulnerable insecurity. This week I'm a lot more calm and able to enjoy life better. Almost like my baseline happiness has been increased.

Hope to continue to see your posts :)

-Your almost biHRTday twin Olivia

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Thank you :) that means a lot

Interesting view point. I would have to consider whether time still passes for the user of the power? If you freeze time for everyone else, do you still age? And if so, I would still take teleportation over that as travel would be instant vs "appearing" instant to outside perspectives.

You're a banana aren't you?

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Totally feel you on those masculine moments. Especially the locker room stuff in school. Those were some of the most self conscious and terrifying moments for me growing up.

If it helps. I started exploring outside of my comfort zone by focusing on what aspects about my body or expression that seemed to give me the most dysphoria.

So for example, I have always hated my body hair. Not that I am particularly hairy, but I realized I viewed body hair as a masculine trait. Hated how it made me feel. So the first thing I did when trying to explore my feminine side was shave everything. And not only shave but also take care of my skin. Moisturizer and better hygiene in general.

One, this gave me those bursts of gender euphoria and made me feel pretty and just a little more attractive. And two, I started actually taking care of my body which gave me the momentum to learn to start loving myself. And loving the woman inside.

I hope that helps ❤️

Girl, I love you 😂

Thanks for affirming my thoughts again and even linking to one of my old posts from my old account.

Like I've said before, I have days where I'm my new self and days where I feel like my old self and I think I'm just working on fully accepting this as I explore. I get ahead of myself with basically everything and forget to smell the roses 🌹

Thank you ❤️ I am too!

Five fingers 🤮

Wow, that's amazing. I thought it resonated so hard for me because I also was struggling with depression. But now it all has a new meaning for me. Helps give me some more confidence and affirmation that this really is who I am and pushes be to be more accepting of myself ❤️

Thanks for giving me some more detail on it!

Youre probably just trolling to troll, but

  1. Being shot doesn't mean being killed
  2. Why do you assume the population doesn't change? Ya know people can make babies right? We're actually pretty good at it. Probably too good at it.
  3. Also, not the fucking point.
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Well good luck and I hope it goes relatively smoothly for you! 💓

Congrats on realizing your truer self! I'm a relatively recent hatchling as a trans woman and had a lot of those same feelings. More comfort and ease with myself, things tending to click into place (especially when recontextualizing my life), and realizing where a lot of my shame, guilt and self conscious behaviors were coming from.

Love yourself and explore what makes you happy and you'll find your peace ❤️❤️

I wonder if they could also do like full body 🥲 might take 100+ sessions but I really hate the body hair dysphoria, lol

Congrats on working on getting that beard shadow gone! Probably gonna be my first area as well ❤️

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I'm definitely feeling the excitement afterwards :) feeling a lot better now and thank you for the kind words

I think I'll definitely bring this up to my therapist as well. She already knows about my recent coming out and is really supportive but maybe she can help me work through these insecurities some more.

Feeling like I should love my self is new to me... and something that my wife has been preaching for years. I read her your comment and she gestured generally at the room and said "this is what I've been trying to tell you" 😅

Glad to hear this weird time crunch I'm putting on myself is just that. Something I arbitrarily put on myself that is causing more harm than good. I need to learn to enjoy the small changes and transitions as they come and not jump to bigger steps just yet.