1 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Gecko (the engine that Firefox uses) isn't really meant to be embedded, and Mozilla stopped supporting that usecase a while ago. It's more like you have to design your app around Gecko, with XUL, which essentially makes Gecko both a browser engine and a UI toolkit.

at this point all social media will evolve into the exact same formats.

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JPEG-XL has been out for three years, and is better and more efficient than any other image format on the market. Google just has been insisting on keeping them off the web because they want to push WebP instead.

FreeBSD has over and over again been taken advantage of by companies that haven't contributed virtually anything back.

webp is cool, but I much prefer JPEG-XL

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if you stopped all masturbators from voting, you'd have like three voters left.

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everyone in the comments saying :3 need to all go to horny jail

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why am I seeing more and more Facebook memes over here, what the fuck is this?

"The Orb"

How the fuck do they come up with stuff like this and then say they're the good guys? The Orb? What's next, The Spire?

they're just so close... it's physically painful

Strong men create good times... Good times create soft men... Soft men make me hard... wait

rocks break. humans biodegrade. so no.

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Fucking hate YAML. With every fibre of my being. YAML needs tO GTFO

bleaching my eyes still won't be enough to get this out of my head.

Engagement. Hate promotes engagement and therefore is very profitable

chidi 🥰🥰🥰


We usually call it JXL for short.

mom said it was my turn to repost this!

GTK2->GTK3 was a major leap. For something like a GUI toolkit, changes and advancements are inevitable. A GTK4 port would be much less difficult, as the developer-facing changes are an order of magnitude smaller.

It's React Native, shipped with batteries included

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i remember back when the app wouldn't watermark downloaded images so 12 year old "memelords" on r/dankmemes would manually add watermarks to their cringe-ass memes to prevent Instagram accounts from "stealing" said memes

god, leaving reddit has made me realize just how much of a cesspool it was. i can't believe people actually called themselves "redditors".

is it too much to ask that someone fuck a hole in the back of my head?

Trans Inclusive Radical Misogynists

me 3

I remember when the 1080ti was top of the line. Good times.

my name proboably

Emacs, if you're willing to go down that rabbit hole.

Its filled with cryptobros and libertarians. Its a cesspool I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.

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I'm sorry... Gentoo? Mom's Laptop? ...

because, its the


"socialism in one country" is Stalinist treachery.

GNOME isn't based around GTK, it uses a fork of Clutter that now lives inside of Mutter.

revolutions involve homicide. get real

There are right click menus in Fragments, I don't see why other apps don't have them.

could this be considered a cult of personality?