
0 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Yep, Ubuntu will fork all of these, then trash them, introduce their alternatives, then drop support in 5 years.

Just add this to your launch parameters:

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The classic "we have uBlocker at home" to ad injection pipeline at it again.

No, they're not missing the point. We all agree that mobile should have readability, it's just that the reality is we have no way to enforce it. Also, Firefox extensions like "Automatic Reader View" allow you to whitelist websites and force Firefox Reader view by default, as an attempt to create a plage more like what you are looking for without needing top down force that it would require to fix the issue (we all know chrome won't do it)

Literally isn't, which is why you're hitting a wall.

I'm sorry why is your solution "make the poors pay for something else."

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Eg, Imagine this anywhere else "I was driving, I saw someone wearing something showy, and I killed a pedestrian. I can't believe that lady was dressed hot, they made me kill a pedestrian." Does that seem right? No. Still the fault of the person looking.

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Are we no true scotsmanning now?

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They could be at work or on the school network.

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Have you installed nickelmenu and koreader? Brings the experience up a couple of levels software side.

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I got stopped yesterday with FF+UB. redirect.invidious.io time.

No it isn't? Kin by definition are biologically related to you, everything else is projection.

God I hope his lines are only his worst tweets.

20th century East India Company.

And why is it any different?

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Oh it's pretty obvious with an internal perspective too as long as you don't fall for their propaganda about being to the left and instead look at their policies

You have feminist movements spreading hatred against all men, and this is also hard.

Lies, this is propaganda by the reactionary anti-feminism movements

no one tells you how you should do instead, you just feel attacked and helpless.

Again, made up. It's simply that any solution presented didn't offer the same power dynamic the previous one did, because women are more empowered.

As a man, you no have 3 solutions.

Lmao what??? Where's the "be a decent, respectful person while also being authentic," the one that has been doled out for decades at this point?

incels will be the symptom of the failure to include men in feminism.

I see you have no idea what you're talking about, because you're not at all educated on feminism. Men are not in the title of feminism, and they're angry they're not.

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I hope this is sarcasm.

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A AAA game company needs to release a AAA game to be one, so while they may be poised to be one in the future, they haven't reached that label yet.

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I was raised in a Christian household, and I was told that when I turned 12 I could be baptized. I looked forward to, and on the summer I was 10, I decided I wanted to be ready. I sat down and read the bible, front to back. I got to the end, and I paused: this was nothing like what they were telling me! I decided to read it again through, certainly I missed something? At the end, I decided to work through again, one more time, and then I was no longer Christian, at least not like these other ones. Now I'm not at all, but I love being able to source the bible more accurately than my Christian family members.

My baby was too woke last night and kept me up.

I mean I hate it when my pickle slips out as a woman...

Great news, communism is neither an ad nor a dictatorship!

What I'd recommend, based on the insistence that seeing to not change your workflow, is to locally download the pages you have open with httrack, wget or a similar application. This would allow you to locally search all your tabs and their contents very quickly without Google, they will load faster because of lack of needing to redownload them, which if I understand correctly Firefox is trying to do at some level.

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What country tax interaction has 45%

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Well fuck you then! /j

Talk to support? They do that with games

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Its 1923 and the phonograph has been around for 45 years, and local radio has been around for 3 in some areas, so I think they would know what an entertainment device is. A tracking device, like a radio that tells people where you are without your input. These idea would not go over the heads of any citygoer, though you would struggle with any back country folks.

Reinstall your Nvidia driver, make sure you're using the kernel that utilizes it?


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My bill of entirely unprepared ingredients have increased by 25% since the beginning of the year, so no not a good price.

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Goonet is where you find your goons in a cyberpunk setting

I love your combos in Melee

They disabled it so they can implement it in 2 years. !remindme 2 years

WoW will be converted into their mmo department

Instead it's an episode thats either racist (early TNG) or ablist… as a trek fan even I recognize these shortcomings. Also I'm pretty sure I remember a transphobic episode? Somewhere in voyager I think...

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I did, which is why I was hoping, but also reality has shown me that 99% of the time it's some fuck-brained neolib.

Really depends on the strain

Which area of NC?? I lived in Hillsborough for a time, and 10 years ago I was able to get housing for $750/m. You're saying that 30 years ago it was more expensive? I'd like some sources, because I think you're either misremembering at best.