1 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I bet my right testicle that the very reason Sony and others have started bringing console ports to steam, is that steam has promised not to compete in the same space. Or something like that. Otherwise removing all those from steam is just something that’ll probably happen if they do enter the market again.

Then again, Steam Deck is a little bit in that direction. So perhaps not.

Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077. Both amazing games (latter after the many updates that brought it over to the good side).

If it’s “too” long (really, no such thing, but situationally this can be the reality) it can happen that life turns so that there’s no more time, and when I try to get back, too much time has passed and I can’t orientate myself anymore, can’t remember where I was and what I was doing etc.

On the other hand, I can’t start again either, for a few years, because I remember everything before the point I left off at, once I get into the places and puzzles and whatnot.

Annoys me to no end.

But c’est la vie.

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This is severely disturbing and dystopian, I can not believe we are just letting all this happen, the same as with Ukraine.

Earlier I was talking with my partner about these things from my safe home, far removed from these situations, and we realized this must be how the original nazis happened. It had puzzled us both, and many we had talked with in the past, how it was even possible to come to be.

I guess now we know. This is how it comes to be.

Feels so powerless and diminishing, but at the same time very human. Can’t realistically do more than vote locally when we can, but that’s not going to help anyone right now, or realistically even in the short term of a few years…

It’s so heart-breaking, and it’s bizarre because we probably don’t even know a fraction of all of it…

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I think most clients should implement some kind of logic to remove bot comments form the comment counts. AFAIK, lemmy already has a feature to distinguish bots(?), so it should probably should be possible to at least suggest some easy enough api for that if none exist currently.

I think you are (intentionally?) confusing the large gap and missing the nuance between raping, potentially even worse things as we’ve recently got more proof of, and acting goofy and awkward with greetings or whatever. Both can be described inappropriate, sure, but you have to realize there’s a long way between rape, pedophilia, and awkward greetings with kisses to forehead or whatever.

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Now hold on a moment, I think we need to at least discuss this whole removing France thing further…

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Anyway, get hyped for Glorbo, I hear it’s the best change since the quest to depose Quackion, the Aspect of Ducks.

The ending line is great. The archived article itself is pretty hilarious too

Do you consider it a win, if you have all the doodads?

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Not really. All extremists should have severely limited platforms to spread their hate in, and who else would see to that, if not democratically elected officials? Even if not democratically elected, I would personally trust almost any even remotely democratic government’s official to enforce something like that than to trust in some edgelord billionaire twat like Musk to do anything other than go the other way and signal boost that extremism instead.

And since I believe this, it would be hypocritical of me to criticize Brazil for this very thing, especially if a far-right populist like Bolsonaro (or anyone Musk likes for that matter) is involved.

But you might hold different views. And fair enough. But I firmly believe we should not give platforms to extremists or traitorous assholes, period. And should work to actively limit that, instead.

I.e I would not like to see, for example, ISIS leaders sharing their beheading videos on any social media platform. By that same logic, I would not like any other kind of extremism there either. I can’t just cherry-pick which kind of extremism I like to be limited and banned. If I believe that there exists entities or influences I would not like to spread, I should accept that those influences exist outside of my personally agreed views of what should be limited.

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Yup, this is likely the exact reason this happens. Oversight on their part. I contacted support and they told me they’d forward this further up The chain, I think this isn’t intended behavior for that safeguard lock, but rather stop account sharing or something like that.

Just need to check if running on gfn system and not playing an online game (which could have some problems with system hopping for bans or something maybe? Doesn’t seem likely but at least there’s a vector for malicious use, unlike in single player games), and if both are true, just skip the check.

We’ll see. I just got informed it’s a full 24h lock, and it’s set on the launcher servers somehow, which is not accessible on the account data. It’s launcher data, which means the customer support reps can’t do anything about it 😅

Just great stuff, EA never disappoints.

I have some newfound respect for the man, it seems. Not that I didn’t respect him earlier, just thought that his toxicity was the defining trait of his temper. I find these takes somehow mellow the image in my mind.

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Update: It seems requesting a password change from support side toggles the flag and lets you start the game again.

Unsure if this works multiple times, but at least for me, it worked, and this was my first time this happened.

Worth a shot people! If you ever find yourself on a similar situation

Having had multiples of windows and linux laptops in the past, I’ve gotta say that one can’t put a price on convenience and UX. I never liked using a laptop, carrying one around, especially working with one, until I ate my pride and tried a MacBook.

This is entirely subjective though. Previously I always compared the specs like that too, but I’ve come to realize there’s plenty more to these products beyond what can be listed in the spec sheet and easily compared like that.

But this is neither here or there, just that your message rang an old bell, and I thought I’d just chime in. I hope you have a great time with the new computers, we humans have different tastes and needs 😌

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I’m sick? Blue hat?

At this point it’s clear you’re just intentionally being provocative and contrarian.

If you had a specific case to point out, such as that one, you could have just done that, instead of whatever the fuck this is.

I still don’t know the case you are referring to, which could have been a great moment to educate and inform others, instead you spent the opportunity attacking and calling me sick, for what? You boggle me. Makes no sense.

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This, this is our thoughts exactly. Very well put from them. It’s so depressing, though understandable in a way. Makes you sad and angry towards yourself too, however warranted or unwarranted that may be ultimately.

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I don’t like OP’s strangely aggressive takes here, or their general lack of empathy in this regard, but I did not see them mentioning being a Christian or anything else, so this is just a moot and as such, an embarrassingly rehearsed point to raise.

“Someone else is almost as bad as this” is not the defense you may think it is. And I would bet most people on lemmy are either agnostic or atheist. So that’s just a hit and a miss as a whole.

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I mean, this seems obvious to me

Commenting in Reddit felt very claustrophobic in a way. And saturated. Kind of sad, also, if you were some days late to some nice topic, and get buried under thousands and thousands of comments made prior yours, and have zero interactions at that point from anyone, even if you asked a very relevant question or whatever.

But I suspect Lemmy will get to that point too. Right now, though, it’s light enough to actually warrant wasting energy writing anything as a response to anything.

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Another one worth a shot is Memmy, which I’ve settled of personally, as a prior Apollo user.

I’d describe it as being halfway the two, but to me, it just feels best to use.

As far as these beta apps go, I’m pretty surprised it’s this smooth to explore and use Lemmy today!

For mastodon, I just found an incredible FOSS app for iOS too; Ice Cubes. It’s mind blowing, really, how far fediverse has got in these past years since I last actively used it!

There’s Pixelfed, something of a fediverse Instagram. In many ways it’s actually better, even. But it’s pretty mature at this point and has a bunch of QoL stuff going on, such as mastodon signup/login thing.

Unfortunately I think ig crowd is much less likely to move on to fediverse alternatives than Twitter or reddit folks.

Hard to just quit ig for me too, when I have brand accounts to keep up and active, and it’s also actually the last social media I have family members and relatives on, and only thing allowing me to move would be for them to join fediverse somewhere, not necessarily pixelfed, but thats unlikely to happen very soon.

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Still, 2.7k fine for an insult, in a single instance, is already bonkers, but three months jail time?

Whatever your stance on whether or not the guy should be punished, the extent of this punishment here really shouldn’t sound fair or just in any way

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Well, despite all the good work and against common sense, surprisingly many still turn bigot. But much less so, luckily.

Seems like some people just can’t be content and happy, no matter what. And you have to direct that anger or bitterness or whatever to something. Too often it’s hate.

See a lot of comments here about creative skills like drawing or singing, and I feel a little bit privileged having skill in both and more besides, on the creative side.

But I can’t really feel good about it, because I have serious problems with math and strict, rule-based stuff.

I really wish I was more logical and structured. I also lack a lot in the department of executive function, being so chaotic and creative. I am really bad at most everything that would actually get me a decent wage. The creative skills are worth nothing (in the sense of getting paid) if you can’t manage to stick to deadlines or sell yourself as an employee or a freelancer, and I keep getting into deep trouble due to miscalculating and misestimating my budgets, timespans, conceptualizing bigger picture when I am thrown into doing small picture stuff, or seeing the small pictures when I’m working with the big picture.

But it’s pretty interesting and fun seeing these different kind of responses. I guess there’s a little bit of a zero sum game here; if one’s good at something, almost always they’re bad on something else. Seems obvious, but somehow I’ve never thought about that.

Jesus this is a bad take

I would actually take a very different route as a contrast to others on this thread:

I would clone some 20-30 mes and do a speedrun together to gather enough funds to buy a farm, and live out the rest of my life in a commune dream with others like me 🥹

Eventually there’d be other people joining in and I could release more and more of the clones as we gather enough saved up and finish the mortgage and all.

So eventually we’d find something of a balance at around 2-4 clones with which we’d just arrange a rotating system of guaranteeing 3 weeks of free time each between a week of work 😌

I think the more contemporary meaning for the word is “classic” rpg. Which better communicates the old isometric view and party-based adventuring.

Yeah, I’m waiting to see where we end up with Mlem before 100% committing to Memmy, but so far the latter feels more to my heart as a long time Apollo user.

Still, I have both installed, and alternate between the two to see new TestFlight updates and whatnot.

I’ve very much grown to love Memmy, but I think they are both already up there, getting awesome, so whichever one chooses, it’s probably going to feel good. Choice is always a treat to have!

No FOMO, haven’t really missed anything personally. The way I used reddit transferred perfectly to lemmy

I feel it’s extremely important to note that I almost instantly died after reading this comment

Just an anecdote:

When I was single last time, I tried tinder for the first time in a very long time. Wrote a few interesting bios. Got some matches, nothing that sparked anything ultimately though.

Then I just changed my bio to (roughly translating from my language) “hey, I create stuff”. Just a few words, no real substance.

Got too many matches to handle, a few really hit off. and one of them I am sharing my life with still.

All this to say, it’s not necessarily important to have a great bio. Maybe it piques peoples’ interest more, even, if it’s very minimal and casual. Not sure what it was, could’ve been just fool’s luck, but just a perspective I thought could be interesting to know.

I can now see the importance of safeguards!

”Most of the arsenal of NATO”?

That’s just ridiculous. Not a single NATO country has compromised their own defense for this, which can be argued to be a bad or a good thing from either side, and most everyone’s been buying up new gear and investing heavily on new tech; they are, with a few minor exceptions, basically sending the scraps that’d go to landfill if it wasn’t convenient-ish to send them to Ukraine instead….

I’m not, and we already have ongoing country-wide strikes and other worker rights fighting measures in my country going on, although not for these reasons, so that’s not really an option either, media already saturated on these actions.

But a good recommendation nevertheless, thank you.

Yeah, the problem is disk space. I have a mobile dev workstation, which means I don’t need huge amounts of disk space, so I cheaped on that aspect when buying it. Can’t fit the entire Legendary Edition on this thing, even if it could play it.

Did contact support, they can’t help with this. Hopefully it gets forwarded upwards enough so that at some point this is fixed.

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Personally, I kind of never intuitively thought up and down analogous to “good” or “bad”, rather I’ve always just thought of them as signal boosting and signal… uh, diminishing?

I.e I upvote stuff I think more people should see, and downvote things I think nobody should see. Neither of which directly correlate with good or bad or my level of agreement.

Generally commendable advice to say no to exes

Not sure what devil means here, but I suppose it doesn’t really matter which kind of devil it is exactly. It’s probably going to be very unhelpful or actively malicious on concrete or practical stuff anyway.

Would just ask stuff about them. How’d they come to be? Are there more of you? Are you limited to this planet, or does your influence extend beyond? Stuff like that.

To fine an absurd amount and/or send them to jail for 3 whole months?

If one person being an ass causes one to spiral bad enough to warrant that kind of sentences, I would hazard a guess that they are extremely likely on a wrong occupational path. There’s no way interactions like that aren’t weekly for everyone working any service gig.

I get that it has an effect and nobody should behave like that, but I can’t believe anyone would deem these as proportional punishments.

You likely get same 3 months jail here where I live (a western social democracy) for manslaughter, if you are first-time offender. Depending on a lot of course, but that anyone would consider these appropriate seems insane to me.

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As long as we have the freedom to live in peace, we ought to.

But the freedom doesn’t come free of charge.

Yup, I’ve always considered my private/personal domains something akin to interfaces in programming. Send messages here, and I’ll receive them. Despite changing the email providers and services several times behind-the-scenes. The people contacting me need not worry about the details, they just want to contact me with some amount of guarantee that the address is valid, and with no need for unnecessary questions as to whether or not it might have changed. It hasn’t and it won’t, worry not.