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Guilt by association is no joke! Even friendship can be dangerous! Better to avoid any human contact to not draw suspicion.

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Humans have a history of violence as well as altruism. And with an increasing degree of societal complexity, humans also have a consistent record of violence reduction. See e.g. "The better angels of our nature" (Pinker, 2011).

Painting humans as intrinsically violent is not backed by evidence.

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Wrong. EU countries have given over 50 billion $ support so far. Germany alone has given roughly 28 billion. There's only a handful states that are in opposition against it, including lighthouses of democracy like Hungary...

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They probably have their identities tied to meat consumption. That's also a reason for the climate denialism. I recently learned about petro-masculinity and it seems very plausible to me.

Lol, sounds totally unbiased to me...

After all, why wouldn't you believe in unbiased reports from a channel named "neutrality studies"?

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It's a fun game with a nice mixture of looting & leveling, survival, base optimisation and progress, exploration and fighting.

I also like the humor of paldex entries hahaha.

We should abolish humour. It's too dangerous.

Gtfo russian troll. Yeah, I look at the last three years and think: Biden.. He only wants war!! Lmao

Civic? A car you can trust.

Finally a meme about the bridge!

Tongue brushing is underrated.

Sounds like any RPG to me. Except that your party consists of the same creatures that you're fighting. In that sense it's maybe more egalitarian than RPGs featuring classical enemy races like orcs or goblins.

In Pokémon the concept of evil comes in the Form of Team Rocket and other shady exploitative organisations. Interestingly Palworld also has a counterpart organisation called Syndicates. But I still don't know what their crime really is since you're really doing the same thing of fighting and catching Pals. Nevertheless you have to treat the creatures in your party right, if you want to make progress in the game.

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A lot of it is truthful information for sure. But sentences along the lines of "the west has never forgiven Haiti" are quite obviously biased and tell of a rather black-and-white view of the world. The west is not monolithic. Haiti is so far away from those countries that most of the west probably couldn't care less about what's happening in Haiti. Just like most South American countries couldn't care less about what's happening in Ukraine.

With the former colonial powers of Haiti, especially France, that's of course a different case and they contributed a lot to the sad state of affairs in Haiti.

Or "if I were president of Haiti, first thing I would do is remove Haiti from Caracom". Yeah... Okay why? Whatever the history was, why would someone think that less regional cooperation would improve anything for Haiti? Also what kind of undemocratic mindset is that? You could at least say "I would do a referendum." Alright, she was probably joking... But she's definitely far from unbiased or objective.

In any case I think if you asked the average Haitian what they would like to see in their country it's probably the same thing people need and crave everywhere: Peace, and a good economical perspective to improve their livelihood. And for that it doesn't matter if you're part of an empire or not. You can very much be free and be part of an empire.

Ultimately you need stability to achieve peace and prosperity and the chances for that are often even higher when you're part of an empire. Most people on earth would always prefer peace and stability over revolution if there's any alternative to the latter.

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That's why markets need to be regulated in a way that prices account for external effects like human health or environmental damages.

It's still an answer since most people base their vote on emotions and identity, not rational evaluation of policy.

I hate that people try to lecture others on how bad the last pandemic was handled but they haven't even understood this very basic and intuitive property of infectious diseases.

To me it's just ridiculous to somehow speak for "rationality", "facts" or "the science", only to proceed to ignore basic facts and evidence and resort to fearmongering instead.

Genius! With that thing you always have your squatty potty with you.

I wouldn't even know that shit because I couldn't care less about what friends of potential criminals think about their crimes. That shit is utterly unimportant. Why should I waste my life time for remembering such silly things?

You can try to teach people what a good consumption decision is w.r.t. global change. But it won't work in 99% of cases. People are often emotionally attached to their way of living and many have tied a part of their identity to it.

I don't care about what counts as excuses because there is no ethical consumption in capitalism. What I care about first and foremost is reducing GHG emissions effectively, within the system that we're currently living in. And for everything else you have to offer people real alternatives if you want them to change their behaviour. And changing that behaviour will not come true by only making factual arguments but by understanding people's emotions and identities and accounting for those in your argument. It's clear that people in rural communities (and a large share of the population lives there) will drive cars for many years to come and these cars have to be EVs.

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Well that's not the type of emotional argument that I was referring to lol. I don't know why you would think I'm talking about myself. I don't own a car.

I'm just trying to understand others that don't live like me in order to find the necessary compromises. Because that's what needs to happen in a democracy.

I understand that you're desperate but not much good will come out of that emotion. It's not that people are evil and care about nothing and that this is the reason why they don't act in a meaningful way. This line of thinking is just plain wrong for the vast majority of the population. Yes, people are also lazy but they also have many many everyday problems and can't make changing their lifestyle right here right now their top priority. Yes we have to fight for changes, in the media, on the policy level and also make the good alternatives a good deal to choose. But that won't happen with accusations and self-righteousness, I'm sorry.

Thanks for telling me again. Very helpful but besides the point.

Okay not like any RPG. It's a special kind of RPG. And as a game it has many elements that make video game RPGs so addictive.

I agree with you on the ethics. Maybe Palworld in that sense is more honest than Pokémon. In the Pokémon anime however I always had the impression that they try to depict Pokémon as having humanlike character tendencies, e.g. some liking to get into fights and others just working as nurses in the Pokémon center...

News to me that the Houthis are the recognised government of Yemen that could claim sovereignty. Also what are your sources on the perception of the strikes in the Global South? Why should a person in lets say Laos care more about Yemenis than Ukrainians? As a conflict it's similarly distant from their own lifes.

Is the data access exclusive for that one company? If not then it's no miracle they're opting for a subscription-based model lol

Wait until China has to deal with the fallout of the climate crisis. China is quite vulnerable to climate extremes and because of their demographics they'll have a huge shortage of people fit for work once the climate damage really starts kicking in.

Its true. Even in wars there is a rule of law. Attacking civilians is forbidden. But that thought of sparing non-combattants doesn't seem to apply in this case in the eyes of some very just people who rightfully codemn a genocide. Dehumanizing as a response to dehumanization... It's ironic.

Well you know what? This topic has nothing to do with genocide.

Well it's baffling to me to have "pollution" as the first point of that list. It's just beyond my comprehension how one could state that a non-combustion car doesn't help with pollution problems. Yes alright, there's still microplastics... But hey, please visit a city like Beijing and tell me again that EVs don't combat pollution on a massive scale.

It's nice to be critical and yes, cars are shit for our society. Nevertheless our society has been built around them and people will drive cars. They might do so less in 50 years but right here right now with the way society is organised EVs do definitely play an important part in reducing emissions. Change takes time. And people like the ones protesting against the Gigafactory prefer to ignore this context. To me this line of thinking is naive to say the least and can also be seen as self-righteous and delusional by those for whom no alternative is available now. Lecturing people about their lifestyle is not going to change anything.

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Yeah because as a voter we should put principles above everything else and base our decision on single issues... Isn't that similar to what the MAGA crowd is doing?

Sure, the principles are very different. But the outcome is the same: Hurt yourself by ignoring the complexity of a political system and voting against your best interest because you mainly listen to your emotions... I don't get it!

Thank you for your comments. I feel the same. And I can especially understand that you would tie promotions to at least hybrid. If you're responsible for other people, need to discuss, brainstorm and instruct, it's just a necessity to show up in person every now and them.

And c'mon.... Being obliged to work hybrid for a promotion... It's not like that's a draconian measure at all.