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Joined 10 months ago

There are no metics to support any drop in productivity. There are lots of metrics to support making people go back to the office is bad for the environment. The traffic were I live is pretty much back to what it was before. It's gross just watching the haze of fumes knowing it is there so these dickheads can maintain their property portfolio.

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If only society was designed around looking after people instead of infinite competition, maybe this wouldn't be so much of a problem

You will be able to return to Gaza only when another announcement permitting it is made

So maybe never then?

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I think most people would vacate the area if you started discussing your resent of science. I'm guessing you're some sort of religious fundamentalist?

I found khan academy to be really good. My daughter handled the JavaScript module pretty well at the age of 9. If your son is already familiar with the concept of programming and can read well enough, I'd be pretty sure he'd enjoy this


No, equating all Jewish people with the oppressive apartheid state Israel

Where did he say (or equate) all Jewish people?

And the same day stirred up a shit storm about watering down climate commitments, surely coincidence...


Unfortunately they are likely looking to both destroy free communication and the climate, and not just using it as a ruse... They're psychotic.

I think this is very interesting, and you should go pester ones like Stephen Fry on mastadon to come have a play with lemmy

Just as a homage to Stephen Fry in particular, here's a fantastic audiobook version of hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy on archive.org


Mythos is also awesome


Yeah I got banned from greenandpleasent the same time Russia invaded Ukraine because it was taken over by a bunch of boot lickers and likely actual paid russian shills, probably some of the same crowd hosting hexbear et al. And got a site wide ban soon after...


Alpha private school leaders believe

they will make lots of money

The blatant disregard there will be of this research, which will be the case, tells you everything about the viability of trusting the captains of industry to navigate us away from climate collapse

That's someone properly refreshed, ready to do some quality work!

3 day week, 4 hour day is doable, but my goodness would it cause wild upward pressure on wage levels....


Wage inflation is not good apparently...

Punch me

Yeah I didn't get the impression they were crazy religious...


Tesla battery apparently have a density of 244-296 Wh/Kg, so does that mean 1000 metic tonnes of of batteries at 289.6 Wh would be enough to provide annual storage here? That doesn't seem infeasible or unreasonable for something potentially so beneficial.

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.net core now has all the framework stuff and all runs great on Linux. C# is a really nice language.

Nice, sounds even better!

I wonder how many children will be saved. Surely they've calculated this, given the high cost of freedom of information/speech being severely restricted.

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Clearly a bit too vanilla for the clergy admins liking

Context is anti semitic

It's sarcasm the way I'm reading it, i.e. he is saying the the UN chief is providing context and that is being deemed as antisemitic, which it's not.

The Israeli ambassador is conflating the state with the entire set of Jewish people, which as you said is itself antisemitic

I think you're both on the same page

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If only I had some money to transfer somewhere :(

UK government want to see all your data. Is this just a shot across the bows, because it's comes off incredibly stupid given the context of what a cloud environment provides, i.e. massive amounts of easily accessed very expensive hardware, and there are boutique options out there....

Or maybe they'd like to bring shared computing infrastructure into the hands of the people, nationalised cloud, mmm sounds good!

Beautiful 🥲

This is quite an in depth solution to sortof what you're talking about


It really only covers making sure people are fed, housed and watered. Personally I think cars are a pain in the arse, I'd rather run or cycle everywhere, but then that's not everybody. If you really liked them, and you were fed, housed and watered, you'd definitely have time to look at building or contributing to building one, assuming people don't tell you to fuck off because it's a noisy, smelly death trap...

Unfortunately, the likelihood would be that a lot of people couldn't handle being in the same kind of housing as everyone else, because they believe they're special. But logically this makes much more sense that what we're currently doing. Capitalism is extremely wasteful.

And before you say, well you'd never get people to agree to this. I think the tankies/fascists have solutions to that problem, you're just encouraging them...

They're quids in (unless they've based their finances on the capital gains from owning property in a ridiculously expensive city while shunting the costs onto lower paid workers who are forced to commute long hours at their own expense).

Well they have to have their side hustle too, gig economy and all!

I'm confused, hardcore Christians name their kids after (what Christians call pagan) Greek gods?

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Its not the destination, it's the journey