Orphie Baby

@Orphie Baby@lemmy.world
6 Post – 211 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

We live in hell, people.

Weeks into that inaugural June training, one volunteer, a disabled retired Marine Corps captain, called the local sheriff’s office to report he was battered by Florida National Guard instructors when they forcibly shoved him into a van after he questioned the program and its leadership.


In a statement, Haas said the State Guard was a “military organization” that will be used not just for emergencies but for “aiding law enforcement with riots and illegal immigration.”


On the first day of training, Newhouse said he was escorted off the base after lodging several complaints, including that the National Guard’s schedule required training on Sundays, instead of allowing members to use those days for religious services and personal time, as was the original plan.

Edit: Oh my god, it gets worse:

That month, state lawmakers and the governor revealed that they wanted to assign the State Guard $89 million to buy boats, planes and helicopters. They wanted a specialized unit within the guard to have police powers and the ability to carry weapons.

And they wanted to boost the State Guard to 1,500 members. Instead of being activated only during emergencies within Florida, they could be sent to any state to “protect and defend the people of Florida from threats to public safety.”


DeSantis, a presidential candidate, has sent Florida National Guard members and state law enforcement officers to the Texas border, and has said he is willing to work with like-minded Republican governors and sheriffs to do more state-led efforts at the southern border.

“I think states need to be more aggressive,” DeSantis said in terms of taking action on federal immigration enforcement.

This is incredibly fascist and illegal, right? If DeSantis becomes president, we are going to have a civil war.

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It's getting old telling people this, but... the AI that we have right now? Isn't even really AI. It's certainly not anything like in the movies. It's just pattern-recognition algorithms. It doesn't know or understand anything and it has no context. It can't tell the difference between a truth and a lie, and it doesn't know what a finger is. It just paints amalgamations of things it's already seen, or throws together things that seem common to it— with no filter nor sense of "that can't be correct".

I'm not saying there's nothing to be afraid of concerning today's "AI", but it's not comparable to movie/book AI.

Edit: The replies annoy me. It's just the same thing all over again— everything I said seems to have went right over most peoples' heads. If you don't know what today's "AI" is, then please stop assuming about what it is. Your imagination is way more interesting than what we actually have right now. This is why we should have never called what we have now "AI" in the first place— same reason we should never have called things "black holes". You take a misnomer and your imagination goes wild, and none of it is factual.

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Excuse me, but as a middle child, I have to absolutely object to that last statement. Middle children have their own unique sibling/personality complexes. :P

Oh wait, I don't exist. Wow, that's a stealthy, mean joke. That cuts, fam.

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Most of these clearly have no proper etymology and root/suffix/prefix structure, and therefore are clearly made up.

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This community:


The future looks scary to me.

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Oh, okay, yeah. That make sense. Gotta love that spineless, landlord-during-COVID-style victim-blaming speak. : /

Okay, but depending on how "female" is said, it is often used in a derogatory way by incels and misogynists.

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Imagine living in a world where you can launch a bill to stop the investigation of a high-profile insurrection involving a president who doesn't want to grant a peaceful transfer of power, and you don't just immediately lose status and/or go to prison.

God we are an awful species.

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But Democrat-aligned groups saw something else in the Republicans’ about-face: disingenuousness.

I came here to say this. Like, they're not wrong.

Imagine being able to just waste $400 mil. While 40% of the people in the same, richest country on Earth are living paycheck to paycheck, trying not to become homeless.

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Pardon my literal autism, but can you explain the problematic implication for me, friend? I don't understand it ^^

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Don't forget your dual-wheel, 4D+ mouse!

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Good. It's not even AI. That word is just used because ignorant people eat it up.

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"Not alarming" is relative to experience— to how naive or cynical you are so far. I haven't been keeping up with these kinds of politics. I live in MN, a trans-refuge state. Wanted to keep my ears as far away from anything Florida-related as possible.

Forgotten = doesn't exist

At least in the sense that we mean it.

HMMMM. It's almost like it's not AI at all, but just a digital parrot. Who woulda thought?! /s

To it, everything is true and normal, because it understands nothing. Calling it "AI" is just for compromising with ignorant people's "knowledge" and/or for hype.

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This is not what I want to see on World News.

Aladdin isn't owned by Disney. It's not owned by anyone.

Never underestimate the importance of convenience and the lack of work most people will do in most circumstances— and I'm not even blaming those people. A third-party tool will never catch on the way a built-in, organic convenience will.

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I sorted by Hot and now all the Republican politicians are at the end.

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Who the fuckity shit said my argument was about dividing $400 million among four billion people?

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Japan would rather die. Microsoft, I don't know what their shit deal is.

This should be marked as NSFW, yeah? It doesn't matter what it ended up being in the end.

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Sometimes strongly-opinionated people (such as myself) are misunderstood as "arrogant". In the end, you need a lot more information and context on a person than just a few of their paragraphs to judge that. I'll say though that arrogance and lack of empathy go hand-in-hand, so that's one way to tell if they're arrogant.

Either way, if you give people permission to troll "arrogant people", then you are telling them that it's okay to judge others before you know them. And of course that's the source of a ton of society's garbage. Not to mention everyone's always in the process of learning and maturing. Nobody's perfect; and to be an ass to others is hypocritical, even if the area you're judging them for isn't the one you struggle with yourself.

This post is gold.

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DeSantis, the guy who militarized the Florida State Guard, gave them 90 mil for military tanks, planes, boats, and guns, and appointed leaders who abused them and threw disagreeing old ex-Marines into white vans? The guy who said they're doing this so they can invade other states and deal with immigrants and anyone else they deem a threat?

Man, you are really outing yourself as a fascist.

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Let me go fix that... 😉

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I know that stupid rich CEOs and shareholders don't understand this, but... "heart". You make a game with heart, and it's immediately apparent to the audience. You can try to break down what it is that gives it away, but that's unnecessary.

If a work of art has heart, it will probably sell well. As long as people can clearly see what it is, and as long as it doesn't do anything alienating.

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To be fair, the baby would've cried even if they didn't do that.

I think the best way to figure this out would be to do research on world holidays and start putting together a calendar. I can see a really interesting and informative video about this.

Hey VSauce! Michael here!

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Manga are a kind of comic, they're just pretty specific about their format and choices. Anime is a kind of animated cartoon, it's just specific about its choices. Even "coming from Japan" isn't a requirement as long as it follows those traditionally(-ish) Japanese choices.

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I like discovering new communities, but I getcha.

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Someone please sue the shit out of Amazon.

Fuck you, Unity.

Look, I don't know anything about these kids, but I wouldn't trust these "experts" until I learned more.

Kids freaking love games, regardless of other factors. I would have desperately looked for an internet connection as a kid too, and I found ways to sneak away and play video games a lot because my adoptive parents sheltered us. I still loved to read, create things, play sports, and watch TV. "Running away looking for internet" isn't "video game addiction" in and of itself.