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Insomniac, the dev team behind the wildly successful Spider-Man games just had a leak. In the leak, it's discovered that they were strong-armed by Sony (who owns Insomniac) to downsize staff despite exceeding sales targets and hitting goals. They needed to downsize to help balance Sony's books, who have acquired a slew of failing or underperforming studios.

Sony owns Studio A, and Studio B. Studio B have underperformed for the last few years, whilst Studio A has outperformed their targets. Because of the shortcomings in Studio B, Sony are now out of pocket, even accounting for the earnings of Studio A. Studio A are forced to eliminate staff roles to make up for Studio B's mismanagement. A well oiled and well performing Studio have to butcher their teams to balance their parent entity's books. It's so fucking short sighted and stupid.

This isn't just a Sony/Insomniac issue either, I guarantee this goes on throughout the industry whenever there's a parent company. It's just how it will always be in those circumstances.

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The major information that you can take away from this whole case, is just how much Call of Duty means to Sony, and gaming in general. Some stats came out that there were a good number of people who only play Call of Duty. I mean they own a PS5 and the only game they own and play is Call of Duty. For Sony, it's a potential loss of a significant portion of their customer base.

Thing is, Trump didn't actually have a vision. He didn't think he was going to win, and he was using the whole election as a way to enrich himself. There is no Trump vision, he plans nothing.

Isn't this expected?

Each to their own, sometimes a cosy game scratches just the right itch

It's a great little game, it's casual, charming and fun. If you enjoy it, they've also released My Time at Sandrock which is almost identical (gameplay wise) but with a brand new town, people etc.

Window open, door closed; window closed, door open. I do what I can to prevent unnecessary door slamming in the night caused by a draft from the window

Break the task down into bitesize chunks and then just do the first one. The dopamine hit from completing the first part will help your executive dysfunction.

Example (do the dishes):

  1. Move dishes out of the sink
  2. Fill sink with hot water and soap
  3. Wash one plate
  4. Wash one set of cutlery that goes with the plate

Once you do 1, you'd be surprised at how easy 2 is, then 3, then 4 and then the rest of them.

It's a skill, so it's not something you can just click your fingers and do, so work on it, and develop the skill over time. It's tough, but doable

That's stunning!

Looks like Blank Check did itself dirty!

I'm glad this game is still getting regular support even though I've stopped playing. There aren't enough games like this that stick around

I'm not sure but the iPhone bubble colour debate seems so US centric. In the UK, I've never heard of anyone bringing it up

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I am so excited for this release. I've been playing the first one on and off since launch and it's brilliant. I'm really looking forward to the things they've changed in this one - the new traffic simulation looks great. Who knew I'd be excited about traffic!

The entire Antimai album is great. Industry is my favourite track.

Yeah, a few YouTubers have scanned through the files and the various bits of text and audio from the game to try and guess what the story line will be, and if any of their predictions are correct, then it'll be super interesting

When a creator releases something into the public, they no longer control how it's used, they can influence, sure, but not control. It's the wider community's decision now

It's a different 'feel' - a souls world is supposed to be lifeless so it's designed purposefully to be that way; desolate and lonely.

Open world games that compare their world to say Elden Ring for example are missing the point; their worlds aren't 'supposed' to be lifeless so the entire game structure doesn't support that loneliness, whereas Elden Ring is and does.

I shop in Lidl, and it's full of brands that are decent in their own right but design packaging clearly meant to evoke the big name brands. Most of them taste better than the big brands too

I'm obsessed with Satisfactory at the moment. Just every minute of every day building these beautiful factories

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Update 8 is on Experimental now, and they've added Lumen for Unreal Engine 5, it makes everything look so much more beautiful

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