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Joined 1 years ago

Here's a million Lemmy bucks

Inspired from the original Reddit silver, of course.

I'd lobby to make political bribery illegal/actually enforced, then subsequently get assassinated mysteriously.

/r/resume was great, as well /r/cscareeradvice, and really any career centric subs. Being able to bounce career questions off of others is an absolute gold mine of information that only serves to forward the field.

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I'm going to 36 weeks of military training that will also be a substantial pay cut from my civilian career, but worth it in the long run as it'll be the necessary experience to switch my civilian career to my field of interest. Not looking forward to the training, but I'll be in such a better spot once I'm finished. Looking forward to that!

Guake is awesome too

Don't forget, you, not OP, are also taking a risk. We're all on the road, it's fucking disgusting that people will do this instead of just study for a little bit.

I'd be really interested to know the source of whatever stats say that. I mean, it's not like people actually stopped drinking, so why would domestic abuse "disappear"? That also totally implies that domestic abuse almost entirely happens because of alcohol.

With how much political/financial influence/bribery was behind prohibition, I'd totally bet statistics are skewed in favor of prohibition.

I've posted this a couple times in similar threads on Reddit, and never really got any speculation. Of course nobody can have a definitive answer, but I'd be super interested to hear what anyone else thinks.

So I had just gotten out of Army basic training about a month prior, and had my first drill at my first unit. It was a pretty long drill, about 5 days, so I was already pretty out of it, and not to mention nervous as hell after meeting my chain of command, etc.

Come the final day of drill we get out really late, like the latest allowable time, 11:59 or some crazy shit. I lived about 2.5 hours away from my unit, and had ROTC PT at 6am the morning after. I was dead exhausted.

I started to leave and got on the turnpike and about 10 minutes into this drive I could already feel the sleep hitting me hard, and I had to pee really bad. I found the first rest station and decided to stop there, pee, and grab a coffee, and maybe a meal. I dragged myself from the car into the station, and walked in a haze towards the bathrooms. Within like, 10 seconds, I realized there was a woman at the sink washing her hands. I was confused for about 5 seconds, then realized my mistake, turned right around and went for the male bathrooms.

I decided to take a stall to sit down and relax for a couple minutes as the rest station was pretty dead. In fact, there was nobody else in the bathroom. I didn't give it a second thought, and sat down. About 2-3 minutes later I saw 4 sandled feet standing infront of my stall door. Not slightly near the door, but - get this - almost feet sticking under the gap, toes directly facing me. These were not children's feet either, for sure two grown men.

My heart starts pounding out of my chest. I wait 5 minutes more, and they're STILL standing right there. What the FUCK is going?!!!

I try to calm myself, take a couple deep breaths and allow myself to think straight. By now it's been about 10 minutes of them standing right there. I can hear them speaking in Spanish about "this man right here" though my Spanish isn't that great. I decide to text my dad my location, and tell him to call the police if I don't respond in 45 minutes.

15 minutes now.




After about 40 minutes they FINALLY decide to leave. I don't know where they might be waiting, probably outside the bathroom entrance. I text my dad to postpone another 20 minutes. I wait even longer until I hear another person walk in with a child like pitter patter of footsteps with him. They speak a bit, and it's very audibly a man and his son.

Without even thinking about how me being targeted could put them in danger, I use the opportunity of witnesses being present to bolt from the stall. I didn't care about washing my hands, and SUPER WALKED out of the rest station to my car, called my dad to ensure him I was fine, and told him what happened, then went on my way.

I still don't know what the hell that was. Was I being targeted for "snooping" in the girl's bathroom? Was a big supporter of the military about to shake my hand? Was I being targeted for being in uniform?

I'll never know.

Here some more LemBux™

Looking forward to more Viltrumite vs. Viltrumite

Very true, pretty indicative of the whole industry though. I'm glad I'm already in it, especially in a good position as a software engineer, but after $1k spent in certifications, ~600 resumes sent out, and completely revamping my LinkedIn, etc. It almost feels like you really do have to have worked at FAANG as a senior engineer to even be noticed.

It's all way too gatekeepy as a whole.

How was it transphobic? The whole entire show is extremely critical of the wars (Vietnam in theory, and Korea in practice), the military, and the state of society in general.

Stating that it's transphobic because it just depicts a common practice of draftees seeking non-dishonorable discharge is like stating "Get Out" is a racist movie because it depicts racism.

The only hate ever depicted towards Klinger is by characters that are considered antagonistic. Not to mention the multiple plotlines that are extremely supportive of homosexual characters.

Save for the first three seasons with Hawkeye and Trapper's overt "womanizing", it's an extremely woke show even by today's standards. Alda even spoke out against his character being written as such. At most, it's fairly misogynistic. I'm not really sure how you come up with transphobic though, unless you haven't really watched it.

Fun fact: the CO2 version can actually be made incredibly cheap if you retrofit a decently sized paintball CO2 canister to work with your soda machine (kits can be bought). The biggest difference is that paintball CO2 isn't food grade, but it's pretty common to dismiss this if that's something you're comfortable doing.

You go from spending however much (think I remember them costing as much as $50 for like, 12oz) on a SodaStream proprietary CO2 canister, to spending like $10-$30 every couple of months on a 20+ oz fillup at your local sporting goods store, and the one time $40-$60 for a decent sized canister that lasts forever. Seriously, I still have my canister from when I played paintball in 2008.

Eh, I don't think the correlation of age is the causation of getting wounded or killed due to questionable decisions on powerful motorcycles. I'd venture to say the correlation is moreso in personality type, and aversion, or lack thereof to risk.

Like, you don't see complete straight edge 16 year olds getting bikes, and from my own anecdotal experience, my straight edge friends were scared of it. Though if there wasn't an inherent aversion to the risk, I'd bet those types would be incredibly safe motorcycle drivers.

The types that currently get them are the types that will take risks, regardless of their age, and we can't rightly outlaw something because some risk takers act dangerously on them. We'd have to outlaw cars too.

I certainly would and do describe people by "male" or "female" daily, along with everyone in the military, and anyone else that isn't afraid of words.

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Hello Kitty No Hanabatake I believe was the very first video game I played when I was like 4. PGA Tour Y2K was a banger too.

Absolutely, just the issue isn't with the word "female" or "male", it's with the objectification and sexualization. We don't have to vilify a word because it describes the subject of undue sexualization. "Person" or "human" could also be used, but I'd bet nobody would raise a stink about that.

If it were a slur or something, that'd be completely different, but this is just a term that people don't use on a normal basis, unless they're part of a smaller group (military, science, maybe ESL) that does use it more than the general populace. Just because you're not used to it, doesn't make it wrong. Vilify the person, not the normal language they use.

One of, if not my favorite shows ever. I don't understand why so many people I know are entirely dismissive of it. The hacking is accurate, the characters are compelling, and the plotline is amazing. It inspired me to get into Cybersecurity.

Climbing is for real G's 😎