12 Post – 7 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I just prefix all my git aliases with g-. So for status I type g-s.

I had the same feeling until I started using gitk. I always have a gitk window open and press F5 to reload, so it shows me the state of everything after I've run git commands. Now I grasp everything much better.

You need bisect only as a last resort. Effective use of git blame, git log -p -S etc has always been enough for me. Also, the projects I work with take 10+ minutes to compile even when cached, so doing tens of builds to bisect is much slower than just hunting for strings in git commits and code.

Only product from Microsoft I actually like using and trust. Quality from 1998, and still going :)

Try again tomorrow, seems it got popular today

We just need specific portals for sharing that remember your homeserver. See for example

One is enough if it is very big