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Joined 11 months ago

I would just rather see direct link than blogspam:


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Please work on tab grouping instead!

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If you care, please take time to upvote or file bugs on packages that don't follow XDG. Or even better, make PRs.

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Nothing so far seems to indicate Lasse Collin knew what was going on.

I feel sorry for him. Must suck working on an open source project for free and then get sucked into something nefarious like this. He must be under tremendous stress.

Create group, add users to group, create a new directory, chown it to the group, chmod g+s and done.

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For servers stability is most important, so Debian.

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How does systemd-run/run0 handle what /etc/sudoers currently does?

I'm disappointed in how little technical discussion there is in this thread.

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Good job, Mullvad!

Now add port forwarding back.

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Dan Goodin seems to write sensationalist articles of vulnerabilities. Then buried in a footnote you notice that the vulnerability doesn't really affect anyone in real world.

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What use cases does fx fulfill that other tools like jq or your editor don't?

Tab Grouping would be great if implented well.

We run production loads on 2.6 kernel. Please don't ask questions.

Even if there are nation state level backdoors, your personal server is not a valuable enough target to risk exposing them. Just use common sense, unattended-upgrades, and don't worry too much about it.

I bet they wasted most of their time doing rewrites of various mechanics for no good reason.

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No proper estimate of download size.

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Software patents need to die.

Not worth the trouble. Options are either to run a permanent X session somewhere, or a VM with suspend to disk.

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What are the other solutions?

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Can a family have more than two adults?

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This is the way.

Nothing comes even close. I just wish there was a distributed / mobile-enabled way to use org-mode. I guess there exists some project, but running full emacs org-mode mobile is hardly usable.

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Use Ansible for package installations and configuration, and a git repository & GNU stow for dotfiles.

Running GUI programs as root is going to introduce you into a world of pain. But you have been warned now, so if you proceed, let the pain become a learning experience, young padawan.

There is a lot of advice in this thread warning you about doing this. Please heed it. Instead, read more about how permissions and file ownership works.

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Zscaler is corporate spyware. As far as I know, it can log all connections, even ones that don't go through the Zscaler nodes. It can also act as MITM proxy.

I'm doubtful about whether it's (or at least many configurations of it) are legal in EU.

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Sounds like it's used as a MITM proxy and logs all website URLs you visit. If you live in EU that's probably illegal.

RIP Bram

Try having unattended-upgrades with a rolling distro.

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Is YSH comparable to Nushell?

Have you tried Heroic Games Launcher?

I will fully support this once they release GOG Galaxy for Linux. Which is never.

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I would not say easily. And even if you pass SafetyNet, your banking app may still not work. I have one, and I haven't figured out what it checks for, maybe LineageOS name or something. Would probably have to tear the apk apart to find out.

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And more importantly, how do they compare in length?

This is why regulation is a good thing.

What would prevent a price hike in the future?

A bit vary of investing in anything but free software based platforms at the moment.

I just use ^L instead of clear.

Does Gear Lever download appimages as well?

Or is it just a manager for manually downloaded appimages?

Alright, hire this one.

I have lag even with wired connection.

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Long dark winters when everyone is home without socializing with people. You have got to come up with something to survive until the two week summer.

The survival part is surviving the game without ruining your life.