
4 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Personally, I'd rather just block the stuff I don't like rather than have lemmy.world trying to decide "who's worthy of federation".

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On the other hand, recent studies have indicated that most copulatory vocalizations in women do not accompany their own orgasm, but rather their partner's ejaculation. The study showed that the man typically finds the woman's vocalization arousing and highly exciting, and that the woman herself is aware of this.

All services which I need access to when I’m not home I host on a vps. All services which need lots of storage, I host at home.

There's an old saying, "Unix is user friendly, it's just fussy about it's friends."

Another old school sysadmin that “retired” in the early 2010s.

Yes, use docker-compose. It’s utterly worth it.

I was intensely irritated at first that all of my old troubleshooting tools were harder to use and just generally didn’t trust it for ages, but after 5 years I wouldn’t be without.

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Same. I tried btrfs and ended up with a corrupted drive. I've never had ext4 fail on me in a way that wasn't recoverable. Boring and safe are features I like in my filesystems.

Relatable. 🤣

I think there's a lot of FUD around this. Yes, deliverability can be a PITA, but with a clean IP and good setup it's usually solvable. Worst case, you can pay a small amount to use a 3rd party SMTP relay and still get most of the benefits of selfhosting. It wasn't deliverability that made me stop selfhosting it was spam, and it wasn't that dealing with spam was that hard, it was just annoying.

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The other options I know of are:

  • Actual
  • Firefly
  • BudgetBee

Cats don’t have any of the typical traits of domestication. Humans do.

Draw your own conclusions.

  • Back everything up
  • rm -rf /. -Now rebuild.

Congratulations, you now know what’s required. :-P

My experience is that people are often motivated by quite different things.

Money matters to me, but it's not what motivates me to work. What motivates me to work is how worthwhile the work seems to me and how much I enjoy working with my colleagues. And yeah, that's tedious, it'd be so much easier if it was all about money, but that's not the way my brain works.

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  • AdGuardHome
  • Vaultwarden
  • Linkding (plus Injector Extension)
  • Jellyfin (plus Infuse and FinAmp)
  • Owntone
  • Caddy
  • Pocketbase
  • Uptime-Kuma
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At the moment I only use lldap. I'll probably add Authelia at some point ...

How does that work, having the same IP internally and externally?

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  • Caddy

  • Vaultwarden


  • AdGuard + Sync

  • Linkding + Injector

  • Jellyfin + Infuse (tvOS) & FinAmp (iOS)

  • Pocketbase

  • Uptime-kuma

  • Cloudflared

Services that I'm experimenting with:

  • Owntone
  • Gonic + Supersonic (macOS) & play:Sub / Amperfy (iOS)
  • Calibre (can't get Kobo sync working reliably)
  • Audiobookshelf (love the idea but not using much yet)

I think (?) AudioBookShelf will do this?

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Unless you are very constrained on resources, using a database per application is much easier.

"dammit emacs" ...

Based on ancient memories, what kills hardware is temperature variations (expanding/contracting eventually breaks things). So I wouldn't worry about any damage to components from being left on 24/7, in fact might even be an improvement.

Just make sure that the container is shutdown before you copy the database or you can getcorruption.

I'm really liking the look of stalwart, but it's quite new. Mailu seems to be pretty nice, good features and not too resource heavy. Mailcow does everything, but it's a 🐷.

Most email clients do not keep a copy of your email on their own servers. It is increasingly common though as it allows them to offer features which are impossible to do otherwise.

I don’t believe there is any need for them to keep a local copy of your mail for push notifications.

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I converted everything over to Mikrotik earlier this year. Excellent hardware and software and cheap. But has a bit of a learning curve.

I’ve lost my music collection twice. Once when I gave away all my cds in a fit of minimalism, once when our house got broken into and they took all our cds.

It’s farking annoying and takes forever to get all your music again. At the very least make sure you have a list of albums so you can remember what you had.

Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its coder well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed

I remember being at Defcon the year all the FREE KEVIN stickers were everywhere ...

I think it means that notifications aren't sent, but it's a good question.

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SvelteKit + PocketBase + CapRover.

Vaultwarden AdGuardHome + Sync Jellyfin + FinAmp + Supersonic Linkding + Linkding Injector LLDAP Calibre-web + Kobo

It looks like it’s Android based. Can you run eBooks readers on it?

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Pocketbase is amazing.

Just Debian and docker-compose for years but seriously considering moving everything across to CapRover.


Caddy is server subdomains and standalone domains, doesn't seem to make a difference which is which .. neither work. For the moment I'm monitoring them from another server but that's annoying ... which I could figure out what I'm doing wrong!

That’s a good call, thanks!!

Thanks. In this case I'm trying to monitor Caddy itself (sites that are just html files that it hosts rather than redirect to other containers). I could point the monitor at caddy:443 but then I'd need to find someway to specify the HOST: for the virtualhosting to work?

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Just set it up and working perfectly, thanks!

370G RAM ?!