
7 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No ads.

If it's popular enough maybe. For now it's averaging 17-18k visits monthly so not even a drop in the ocean. But yeah i can't post the direct link to rdx on Reddit. I have to post Github link.

Hey.... and if anyone is interested in a chrome extension to automatically redirect reddit links to this please tell me, I have made one and I am using it for myself for now, if people want it I will upload it to the extension store.

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Some people have asked about an Android app so maybe I will try to ship it by the end of this month. Thing is, I see thousands of users using the website but feedback/contributions etc are so small I don't even know what people want. I mean I am not expecting 5 star reviews/donations from every user using it but people don't even give good/bad feedback. I also don't want to force tracking because that's what I myself despise. So there is not way to know what people want unless they use the feedback form and tell me.

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In a week if everything goes right.

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Any reason I should use this over something like Stealth?

From my quick google search I can see that Stealth is an Android App ( i can't seem to find an iOS version) while rdx is a website you can fire up in any browser. if apps are your thing Stealth is certainly better. Anyway, Stealth and RDX both are open source and free. You can use whatever you like.

It's read only.

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Indirectly? yes. But there are some subs like r/progresspics r/gainit etc that haven't moved to other platforms and have good content on them related to the niche the serve. Also the occasional google search that takes you to reddit.

I wanted to see how many people are using this, the analytics are anonymous. I will switch it to a better privacy friendly analytics service soon.

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Check the console of your browser. Browser's aggressive privacy controls may be automatically blocking the json call to reddit's api. (right click, inspect element)

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Double tap any comment? Guess I should leave this as a tip for new users because a lot of people ask me this.

All is explained here - https://rdx.overdevs.com/settings.html if you need any help even then you can reply to this comment.

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In a week.

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my own reddit viewer https://rdx.overdevs.com

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Nope. It doesn't require an account anywhere.

You can add it to your homescreen and then the navigation bar stays fixed so it's easier to navigate that way. Also it uses localstorage to save your settings/subs etc and ios clears the localstorage after 7 days of the last visit to any website. Adding to homescreen prevents that too, on Android localstorage is saved permanently.

No reddit popups, ads, banners, faster, easier, only focuses on the content.

For now yeah. I will add a compact/classic view toggle in the next update.

one day sugartits, one day

It literally just makes one API call to fetch the data from reddit, that could have been blocked by privacy settings of your browser. You can look at the browser console for more information.

Thank you so much. Also you can use any browser redirect extension to redirect reddit links to rdx. match https://www.reddit.com/r/(.*)/comments/(.*) redirect to - https://rdx.overdevs.com/comments.html?url=$0

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Just a double tap(mobile) or double click(pc) would do that. I know it's annoying when copying text on desktop, I will add a fix for that.

yes, no no.

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Reddit is aggressively blocking VPNs.

Videos will have audio tomorrow. If reddit provides a way to export subscriptions I will implement the import function.

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I would love to fix this, most people who have this issue are using enhanced privacy/tracking protection settings that block the reddit url or have VPN/proxies turned on. Unfortunately reddit blocks that traffic in the guise of preventing spam/scrapping.

Now I can put up a server and bypass the traffic through my VPS and make the reddit content available to rdx(which libreddit used to do before reddit tightened their API). But soon enough they will ban my server, I will have to buy another and this keeps going on and on. That will be too much effort for too little gain.

However if there are already some servers that make the reddit JSON available through some proxy, I am all for adding it to the app. However I couldn't find anything that will even last a week.

In a week.

Android version in a week.

Go to the subreddit, press the three bars icon on top right. Click subscribe.

NSFW is enabled by default, just go to any nsfw sub you know for and click allow this content.

Thanks, fixed them.

I would love to fix this, most people who have this issue are using enhanced privacy/tracking protection settings that block the reddit url or have VPN/proxies turned on. Unfortunately reddit blocks that traffic in the guise of preventing spam/scrapping.

Now I can put up a server and bypass the traffic through my VPS and make the reddit content available to rdx(which libreddit used to do before reddit tightened their API). But soon enough they will ban my server, I will have to buy another and this keeps going on and on. That will be too much effort for too little gain.

However if there are already some servers that make the reddit JSON available through some proxy, I am all for adding it to the app. However I couldn't find anything that will even last a week.

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It just sends one xhr request to reddit. Unless you have blocked reddit or disabled javascript it should work. Can you please right click > inspect element > console and paste the output here.

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One reason could be you being subscribed to a dead subreddit. See what it does when you subscribe to subreddits is create a Multireddit of all the subs. Now if a dead sub's last post was some months ago t will keep showing in the feed until you unsubscribe.

Thank you!

Can you please right click > inspect element > console and paste the output here.

No but there are many gorgeous Lemmy clients out there. I will make one if more people ask me to.

save yes.

On iPhone - Click on the photo, it will open an image viewer with share option on top, tap that, save photo, If you are using iPad then I will add the feature in next update. To save the GIFs on both iPhone and iPad tap the save icon below every video/gif post (it is just before the safari icon)