
1 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I was really on-board of the idea of Lemmy in the beginning. It all made a lot of sense, and I felt like a part of the community.

But now it feels like its just an echo chamber of people, who seems to have very extreme beliefs.

It's starting to be clear that the whole "ML - Leninism Marxism" was actually a big part of Lemmy.

I'm a centrist, slightly leaning towards the left, but I don't feel like I truly belong in the demographic of Lemmy any longer. Reddit is starting to pull me back, and Boost still works, which only makes it harder to resist...

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Even "user-provided awards" should be kept out. It provides nothing substantial to the conversation.

It's like saying "This 👆", "I agree", or "Take my upvote!", all of which can be expressed by simply voting on the comment, which actually has an impact.

There can be other reasons, and while it saddens me to say, we were forced to keep IE for specific web-panels, which hadn't been updated since the 90s.

Edge does, after all, allow for compability with such sites, which is a good thing.

Please note that this is work work-related machines only. I dont see how it's an issue when it has to do with your work account. You shouldn't be using this for other things than work.

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Yep, yep, yep - Cheers!

Seems like I was looking for "Call Barring", whatever that means. I'm stuck at the part where I have to enter a password (tried 0000), but I will get in touch with my phone company.

Thanks for the quick reply!

LastPass is mpre known for being breached than being a password manager these days.

The last breach was brutal. Turns out notes weren't encrypted either.

Please look up the breaches of LastPass. Such things are simply unacceptable for a password manager.

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I have had the same number for close to 10 years now. Been using it for everything. All sorts of crap. After the big Facebook leak in 2021, I've started getting flooded with robo-calls, which is something I've never had to deal with before, since it's not a US number, but a small European one. I also signed up for some Crypto site, long ago, and my number has seemingly been sold over a couple of times, since I'm also getting those "You have an account with us with 9000 dollars worth of Bitcoin" scam calls.

I've been meaning to get myself an actual good number for a while, so I purchased one with a lot of repeating digits, which I've slowly been transitioning to for family and friends. I keep both numbers though, as I have so many accounts tied to the old one, that it's very hard to keep track of. Sometimes I still encounter a site, which I used years ago, that asks me to verify the login via my phone.

And that's why I still have it. Whenever a site asks to verify via phone, I will give the old number, which I already know has been breached multiple times. By doing this, I will keep my new number clean, and never give it out to an online service.

I'm just tired of the endless robo-calls, and as I'll only need to be able to receive texts, I figured I might as well completely disable inbound calls.

I hear what youre saying, and I do agree, but keep in mind that the developer of Apollo has definitely come out well in all of this.

He has made millions from Apollo. Yes plural. Yes in USD.

I'm not saying he isn't deserving of his success, I just want you to be aware that he is definitely well off.

This was me for the last 7 or so years. I still had the Lockwise app and everything.

I switched to Bitwarden half a year ago, and I'm very pleased with the transition.

I find it easier to manage with the add-on, and it allows for saving notes and attachments for each login. The built-in 2FA is godsent though. No more hacky solutions like Authy to get 2FA on my PC.

The original reason for why I switched, was because I was scared of my PC getting infected. If you store passwords in Firefox, they can be accessed from a file on the PC. If that's not a concern for you, you can easily keep using it though.

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Try the app "Connect for Lemmy". Links works great in here.

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No worries.

I keep switching between apps, trying to find the right one.

I was using Boost for many years, so I'm looking forward to seeing the new Lemmy client released. Until then, I guess I'll keep jumping around a bit.

To be fair, they are to thank for the internet, so I guess it makes sense...

That is not possible, as Spotify only serves lossy files.

You will need to download from Deezer or Tidsl for lossless FLAC files.

My phone provider knew nothing about "Call Barring". Bummer. Seems I will have to come up with some other solution to this.

Well, thanks again anyways!

It seems like the negatives are always highlighted, when it comes to AI.

The obvious positives are always just disregarded.

The internet made it easy for scammers to teick people from across the globe. Internet is bad!

Dime a dozen

Wow, a sane take!? I'm surprised that this popped up between all the anti-israel propaganda here on Lemmy.

I've been using Jerboa for quite a while now. Everything has worked alright, with no big complaints.

After the 0.18 update, I have had issues with using lemmy.world, so I decided to give yourbsuggestion a try instead.

Turns out I had already installed Liftoff, and was quite surprised now that I gave it a second try.

It's clearly still in development, and there are some things from Jerboa that I will miss, but I'm set on giving it a sincere try this time around.

If anyone is interested, its available in the Play Store:

Play Store

Look, I'm all for reminiscing about "the good ole days" of YouTube, but let's be honest - the 5-star-system was pretty useless, and was used in the same was as up/down thumbs.

You would either rate the video 5 stars or 1 star. Always.

The switch to thumbs up/down made it much more easy to judge a video. And with the green/red bar beneath, you badicslly had a more condensed star-rating.

YouTube (or rather Google) have made a lot of bad decisions regarding the platform over the years, but I sincerely think that switching to thumbs was a good change.

We all have to learn to improve.

2023 was the year I started my journey towards privacy as well. Protonmail and AnonAddy for email aliasing.

Doing this also made me switch to an actual password manager, instead of relying on Firefox to save my passwords.

I picked Bitwarden. Their track record seemed good. Price is also extremely fair. Its most likely a lot less than you were spending on LastPass anyways. Another notable mention is 1Password, though I have never used them myself.

Good luck!

Europe feels

Yeah, the sync can be a bit "effy" sometimes. I've noticed it with history and open tabs, probably affects newly-saved passwords as well.

Anyways, Lockwise worked good for me for many years, and its definitely better than nothing.

Hopefully the meme-posters will stay on Reddit

People like this are actually the best ones to have running such a project. For them it's not just a pet-project to pass time, or a small way to show their skills. It's a necessary step for them, to be able to keep their online presence.

You'd be surprised at how effective people can be, when they're doing something out of spite.

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Get them out.

Actually I don't feel that for any instance, be they extreme right left or center.

Let the users pick for themselves, instead of forcing them into a position.

Yes, I meant unbiased, sorry.

But look at our scores. We are voices that defies the echo chamber. Therefor we must be silenced.

It sucks, because I actually genuinely was happy for Lemmy, and had moved all my browsing over here. But alas, it seems that I can no longer use this platform for news. I will go back to having this community blocked.

PS) Try going to r/worldnews and Reddit, and check what the tone of audience is over there. Much more biased towards Israel, which is a no-brainer in my world.

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If it seems wild to you to fedrate with Metq, why don't you just defederate yourself then?

Because you actually have that power. You yourself can decide.

If .world deferates the entire instance, people like me who wants to federate with them no longer has a choice.

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Yadda yadda yadda... You can just block them yourself. No need to force everyone to miss out on them, just because you may think it's wrong to federate with them.

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Notice how the comment you replied to, despite claiming they "always get hate" has nothing but supportive people upvoting, while you have 3 angry lions going for the neck because you dare to say you support Israel...

It has come too far to ever work. This community, @world, is no longer a place for biased news. I have had to block for a long time, but just came back to see if it was still such a mess. Turns out it is.

The worst thing is that the mods here are directly supporting this.

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