
30 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Father of two, husband, gamer, lover of free software, and willing teacher.

Microblog: https://social.ozoned.net/@ozoned Livestream: https://stream.ozoned.net Videos: https://video.thepolarbear.co.uk/@ozoned Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#the-ozoned:matrix.org KoFi: https://ko-fi.com/ozoned

A lot of GOP voters don't really care about facts sadly. I've talked to some that insist Jan 6th wasn't an issue.

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Pays $40 billion to allow people to be shadow toxic. What an amazing innovator in our midsts. We're all just so jealous we wish we could be so genius ...

Fucking moron.

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If anyone checked the filing presentation they literally put questions marks for their profitability. It was HILLARIOUS.

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"Reddit has given access to YOUR conversations and posts to AI companies.". FTFY

These were created by people, for peoole, and I will ALWAYS disagree that this data is Reddit's or any other platforms.

Don't forget your direct messages aren't end to end encrypted on Reddit, so now AI will be trained on your craziest "private" conversations

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Pretty sure it's denying coup attempts.

I stopped using it years ago because they were going downhill and still collecting your private information. I run my own SearXNG now. It proxies from multiple sources, no ads, no tracking. I really enjoy SearXNG as it's mine.

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Wife and I just had this conversation about drinking in the US. Legal drinking age is 21. So if you're born Feb 29th, can you drink on the 28th? No. If your birthday is January 2nd, you can't drink on January 1st. Only makes sense to me that it'd be March 1st, but I'm born in Dec, so not really my choice or opinion that matters. :-D Just saying.

Owncast Stream whatever you want on your own platform and announce natively to the Fediverse!

IDK why but tons of folks think it's not feasible as they need million dollar computers. I've streamed to 70+ open streams, albeit as a test, on a like $5/month VPS. The key is that the resources needed are how many qualities you're transcoding, not how many folks are viewing. Yes bandwidth is needed for each viewer, but that's significantly less than people imagine.

Full transparency I run the !owncast@lemmy.world community, but I'm in no way affiliated with the project. I just love open platforms and open source.

We can thank US Government for FORCING these companies to allow you to freeze your credit report. It used to be a state by state thing, else you had to pay them like $10 to freeze and unfreeze, unless you had PROOF that your identity was stolen.

Especially considering Equifax had that little "oopsy" (they already leaked all your personal info) 7 years ago, you should absolutely 100% freeze your credit report.

YES you have to unfreeze it when you're needed to check your credit, but how often does that happen?

Honestly it's a great excuse to turn down a pushy salesman as well. "Well I really wanna buy this car, but I have to unfreeze my credit report first and my info is at home, so I'll be back."

And do you REALLY need that 10th credit card for get that $10 coupon for Khols? Nah.

It's a bit of work to set up, but once you set it up don't forget you get a free credit report yearly from each bureau. So space them out every 4 months and then check them yearly.

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This blog actually prompted me to set up a lemmy community !owncast@lemmy.world and I shared the blog there and just saw your post as well. :-D

I <3 the #fediverse and #owncast is such an amazing piece of it. Let's take back the internet!


In other words

Neuralink to implant 2nd human with brain chip as 85% of first one failed.

Thanks for posting. Just signed up to the list. I have my own GoToSocial, but I'd still love to check out Mozilla's Mastodon.

I stream on Owncast and really enjoy it. One of the easiest installations I've ever had with software. And despite what lots of folks think you don't need a million dollars to stream to groups of folks.

Full disclosure I run the !owncast@lemmy.world community and actively promote it on Matrix if anyone is interested or need help. :-D

And already I've learned about referencing communities in Lemmy, thank you Mr. Lemmy bot, whoever you are.

And thank you to folks for helping me realize that I don't have a clue how to create a post. URL OR Picture. Not both. :-D

I mainly use Matrix for myself, my family, and have rooms set up for a community.

Discord I have and use as a couple groups of friends are still and basically every game dev uses Discord now and you have to go to Discord to find out any info about the game, look up tips/hints, or even report bugs. FUN!

Brilliant! Thank you so much for the recommendation! :-)

Why'd they ban him? Just watched the end and it sounds like they all expected to be banned.

The next big thing is moving all of your servers to the cloud!

The next big thing is moving all of your software to containers!

The next big thing is moving all of your money to crypto!

The next big thing is moving everything to AI!

Yes we're in ANOTHER tech gold rush. Not saying these things don't have their place, but the tech industry is infatuated with the next big thing and burning through money and the ones that get burnt are the average working folks. Ask me how I know, currently in year two of a hiring and pay freeze as AWS isn't as cheap as predicted... Who could have fucking guessed? They mean besides everyone but the CTO that's fucking who!

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It was in the description of the video, but it's a Hetzner VPS with 3 cores, 4GB of ram, 80GB disk, 20TB bandwidth.

He once breast fed a flamingo back to health! TO BILL BRASKY!

Tunic, The Typing of the Dead, Pitfall, Worms Reloaded, Cassette Beasts, Legend of Zelda, TMNT Aracde, Bluey, SMB2 USA, TASBot, Shovel Knight Treasure Trove, Kirby, Castlevania 3, Celeste, Super Mario Maker 2, SMB Wonder, Mario Kart 64, SMB Lost Levels, Lies of P, BG3.

And I plan on waking up early for tbcr's Fort BOyard: The Challenge. Former coworker of mine and just enjoy his runs and the silliness it brings. Yourself?

Owncast is a free and open source self hosted live streaming platform. Basically think of Twitch or YouTube Livestreams on your own hardware.

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This is literally the self-hosted community. I'm talking about self-hosted livestreaming platform. If you want to call it a blog + video, ok sure. Everything is basically a rehash of everything else. Just trying to share some self-hosted information. And I'm not the dev of Owncast or anything, just someone trying to make others aware of self-hosting software.

Nope. Full self hosted livestreaming. I personally use it to stream games. I started a communit at !owncast/lemmy.world and I've listed a few different streams. Some folks game, classic movies, music, etc. It's your own self hosted Twitch or YT streaming, etc.

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Wow! Thanks for sharing amd all the detail. Amazing stuff. Loved reading it.

oh my gosh my heart wants to explode they're so CUTE! Thank you for sharing!

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I don't connect my "smart" TV to my network. I just plug in a Linux powered tiny form factor PC and use it as a large monitor and it's AMAZING. This "smart" crap is totally f'ing stupid.

But you have a space in there. I don't know how spaces are handled in fstab. You'll either need to quote it or at least escape the space:

UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 '/media/lucky/New Volume' ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0


UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 /media/lucky/New\ Volume ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0

The space is absolutely an issue in fstab as it's thinking "Volume" is the filesystem type and ntfs goes into your options, etc.

Awesome! TY! Who couldn't use more lettuce eating lettuce in their life?

Now all we need is some fruit cannibalism and we'll have a well rounded meal! :-D

I'm just spreading the word.

Have you used it? Have you looked at the docs? You can use a S3 bucket to handle distribution, though I've never done it. Nor am I going to theorize what will or won't work.

People didn't think the Fediverse wouldn't work yet here we are.

As for any number of video software, I'd love to know. I enjoy tech. Owncast works seamlessly with the Fediverse and OBS. I get to control my platform and it's what I know so I use it. If there is better out there, I don't know what I don't know.

And lastly I personally enjoy the small internet. And I'm assuming folks here do as well, hence why we're all here. Plenty of other platforms that work better.

This was super insightful and nothing something that even crossed my mind. Thank you for explaining this. I can now see what mononomi was referring to. I appreciate the well thought out explanation. Thank you very much!

You've made a directory path literally called

/media/lucky/New Volume


That REALLY doesn't seem like a good idea considering that *'s are wildcards for anything, and Linux isn't really fond of spaces.

The error basically tells you that you have an error on line 18, which I'm assuming is this line you're stating and that it's ignored that line so that it can still go on and mount other things.

Most likely you'd want something like:

# mkdir /media/lucky/NewVol

and then your fstab would be:

UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 /media/lucky/NewVol ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0

Also do you have a lib or something for linux to handle NTFS file system types? I haven't run Windows in 17 years now, so I don't have a clue if Linux can natively handle NTFS.

You can also run:

# lsblk


# blkid

to get the storage information and verify the storage UUID is correct.

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Oh shit, already forgot

The next big thing is "investing" in NFTs!

Do you have millions of viewers? With beefy enough hardware I'd assume you could, but not even the biggest streamers on Twitch stream to millions of viewers at a time. But that's just gaming. I know that Owncast is leveraged by all kinds of folks for different purposes. Some churches use it to broadcast to their congregation, some weddings have done it, funerals, radios, local public access channels, etc.

I personally have a VPS on Hetzner, not sure about others. Obviously hosting is the thing. But I run a VPS for like $8/month, again on Hetzner, and I've done small live streams to about 15 people without much issue.

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Not all companies NEED cloud and containers. But execs push it anyway. That's my point. As I said, they have actual use, but not EVERYONE NEEDS this shit. It's just tech-bros telling us we need it and execs being too stupid to know otherwise.

I'm not understanding what you're stating. Me streaming a video game isn't blogging. If you mean that there isn't a list of folks all streaming, well there's https://directory.owncast.com to find folks. If you mean only you can stream to it, well that's not true as you can set up multiple stream keys and allow others to stream to it as well. So I'm really not understanding what you're stating.

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Because they don't need real facts or reasoning. ARE YOU QUESTIONING MANAGEMENT?!?!

Having been in the corporate world for 14 years, they're all awful, they're all dysfunctional. I just got written up for saying "It's demoralizing for people when the company has a hiring and pay freeze." I'm allowed to say it, just not in public ... They're all awful.

If it is then please let me know and I won't do it anymore. I don't see it on the sidebar.