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Joined 1 years ago

It has been my experience working with FOSS that if you really want a bug fixed, or a feature implemented, it is best to take the following steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Implement the feature or bug fix in your fork
  3. Open an issue (if one does not exist already) in the upstream repository describing the feature or bug
  4. Submit a pull request with your implemented changes as a solution to the issue

I have had a 100% success rate with these steps.

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This is like survivorship bias, but in reverse. Obviously almost everyone who killed themselves with a gun had access to a gun, but this doesn't mean that they wouldn't have committed suicide by some other means if they didn't have access to a gun.

This is something that is impossible to determine scientifically. If everyone in this study group killed themselves with a gun, how many of them would have not killed themselves if they didn't have a gun? They can't un-kill themselves and let us take away their guns so we can determine the effect.

What this study shows is that a gun is likely the first choice of gun owners who are trying to kill themselves. It cannot determine how much less likely they would have been to kill themselves had they not owned a gun, if at all. Intuitively I do believe that it would be less, because other means are likely more difficult, slower, or less effective. Whether this would result in slightly fewer suicides or much fewer I do not know, but this study doesn't prove either.

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I can tell you they aren't just banning IPs for abuse. I have run an OpenVPN server on Linode for years. I am the only one using that IP and it was blocked at some point. They are most likely blocking all known VPS IP blocks. OpenAI does the same thing with Cloudflare for ChatGPT.

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22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name...23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ Matt 7:22..., 23 NIV

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How is it that legislatures can pass tax law which use %s that automatically scale with income/sales/property values, but they can't figure out a way to pass wage laws that use %s to automatically scale with COL/inflation? Imagine hardcoding a taxable $ amount, and then not updating it for 30 years...

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Why don't we just... wait here for a little while... see what happens?

The ironic thing is that if the US government wanted people to stop using it because of the PRC, they should have just leaked some fake Snowden style documents saying that the NSA was using it. Everyone would drop it like a hot potato then.