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Joined 1 years ago

Why are you reading this? Go do something worthwhile.

It's an interesting stat. Is this individuals or households? Is it "head of household" or is it also counting minors?

Regardless, there's enormous disparity.

The median wealth in India, according to Wikipedia, is $3755. There's probably hundreds of millions of people there who fall into the less than $380 category.

Again, Wikipedia, but Africa has just over 700M inhabitants with a median $1242 wealth. That's $879B. For everyone on the continent. 8 people have 1.5X more wealth than an entire continent full of people.

But maybe it's not 3.6B people. Maybe it's 3B or only 2B people. It's still not OK.

I get that ads pay for a free internet. But that doesn't mean that 60% of my screen needs to be malware to read a local news article.

Until advertisers act in good faith, I block as much as possible.

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It's not homeschooling, it's unschooling.

My parents were both teachers at private or Christian schools while I grew up, and every year, there'd always be a new couple of kids who's parents couldn't quite hack it anymore, so they'd send them to school. But couldn't bear to send their kids to those secular, godless, evolution teaching, sex driven, minority filled public schools, so they'd send them to my school instead.

Those kids were always some of the dumbest, most ignorant people on the planet. Some figure it out, but most don't. They just double down. They were usually barely literate, couldn't do math, and had no social skills. It's how you end up with a 19 year old freshman who can't read Dr. Seuss.

I know teachers aren't paid much, but if you have the audacity to say that you can do a better job than 4 or 5 professionals at teaching your kid every subject, you should have to take a test to be certified, and your kid needs testing too. Some states require it, most don't, and it shows.

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Just some advice to anyone who finds themselves in this specific situation, since I found myself in almost the exact same situation:

If you really, really want to keep the data, and you can afford to spend the money (big if), move it to AWS. I had to move almost 4.5PB of data around Christmas of last year out of Google Drive. I spun up 60 EC2 instances, set up rclone on each one, and created a Google account for each instance. Google caps downloads per account to 10TB per day, but the EC2 instances I used were rate limited to 60MBps, so I didn't bump the cap. I gave each EC2 instance a segment of the data, separating on file size. After transferring to AWS, verifying the data synced properly, and building a database to find files, I dropped it all to Glacier Deep Archive. I averaged just over 3.62GB/s for 14 days straight to move everything. Using a similar method, this poor guy's data could be moved in a few hours, but it costs, a couple thousand dollars at least.

Bad practice is bad practice, but you can get away with it for a while, just not forever. If you're in this situation, because you made it, or because you're cleaning up someone else's mess, you're going to have to spend money to fix it. If you're not in this situation, be kind, but thank god you don't have to deal with it.

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I live in Tennessee. The number of lives that Dolly Parton has changed for the better is immeasurable. The two things you're supposed to do as a Christian are to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.

She loves her neighbors more than she loves herself. Anyone talking trash about Dolly is the worst kind of person.

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I mean, if the choice is instant, painless death or decade after decade of your parents asking why you don't own a house, I guess death is fine?

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I think most millennials and and gen-x folks will be totally fine.

I don't want to sound like one of those "kids these days" people, but kids these days have it rough.

I work in tech and old folks, mainly boomers, are usually ok to work with when it comes to tech, because they know they don't understand it. They grew up without it, avoided it when possible, embraced it when necessary, but they know that requires effort, and they're just generally not interested. I get that. They just need some reps and to feel comfortable, and they get it.

Most gen-z folks have grown up in a world where you just click things and they work. As a general rule, gen-x grew up in an era where you had to tinker with the hardware and software yourself if you wanted to do something. As a millennial, I had it easier. Most of the hardware was sorted, but some of the software was not, so you still had to do some configuration yourself if you wanted something to work.

Gen-z hasn't had that. If app A doesn't work, download app B. They're so used to things just working, they have no idea how to troubleshoot anything. In that way, they're usually worse than boomers. Generally a boomer will make an effort to try to fix something, understanding it's outside their wheelhouse. The zoomer won't and just stops in their tracks.

For example, a boomer will mangle the displayport connection on their computer trying to plug their HDMI cable into it. It looked like it would fit. The zoomer doesn't understand they need to plug in the computer to the monitor. The computer is already plugged in to the wall. Why plug it in again? Both things I have seen in the last 3 months. If someone thinks their computer is broken but it just needs the monitor turned on, they're more often under 25 than over 55.

Again, these are generalizations. There are individuals who don't fit into these trends. This is just my experience.

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The problem with github isn't really a problem. It's just accessible enough to borderline tech people who want a one click solution to a problem. They can find it, but using it requires more skill than they have. It's a code repository, not an app store. The most useful things I find on github aren't from some massive app developer, they're from some guy who happened to have the same problem as me. Rather than screaming at that guy for an executable, level up. Learn something.

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There are so many ways you can waterproof a phone and have a user replaceable battery and still keep it thin and sleek. But that doesn't sell a new iPhone to someone every 2 years. It's why anytime Apple, or any company like them, spouts off about how green they are, I know they're full of shit. They intentionally cause so much waste it's insane.

I feel like that's because we actually get to see them side by side. But if you were friends with one and saw the other as a stranger out in public, say the grocery store, it might warrant a "holy shit, I just saw someone who looks exactly like you," text accompanied by an awkwardly zoomed in picture of them in the frozen foods aisle.

Easy. Because then it means that the easiest way to get files off your phone to your computer (definitely a Mac, right? RIGHT?) is via an iCloud subscription. Why sell a cable for $10 when you can sell a monthly subscription for $3?

JK Rowling's opinion about slavery is that most slaves like it, they're better off in slavery, and it's just the natural order of things.

When she speaks, she speaks from a place of fear and ignorance.

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I mean, clicking links in any kind of comment/forum type place on the internet can be dicey, even if it is exactly what it says it is.

If you disagree, and the political standstill created by career politicians puts a sour taste in your mouth, visit to find out more about how you can make a difference.

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They were never the law and order party. They were and are the put minorities and poor in prison party.

Remember it's all about hurting the right people.

ChatGPT has the potential to make Bing relevant and unseat Google. No way Microsoft pulls funding. Sure, they might screw it up, but they'll absolutely keep throwing cash at it.

The fact that ads are so intolerable is the problem. I understand that much of the internet being free is because of ads. But we went from the early days of the internet where ads were malicious, active annoyances to the modern internet where ads are malicious, passive annoyances. Clicking on an ad no longer ruins my afternoon with a virus, but it does log and sell my data to the highest bidder. Nearly every ad on the internet is in bad faith.

Until we have better ads, I will block absolutely everything I can.

I spent a decade with streaming services, because for 10 years, it was the best, easiest way to watch what you wanted to watch. I paid a fair price, and studios got a fair cut.

When every studio decided they wanted a bigger cut by extracting more out of my pocket, they intensionally fragmented the market and made me pay an unfair price for an inferior product. They haven't innovated, done more, or produced better TV or movies, they just demand more for the same.

So, I pirate.

Can't believe you'd accuse the NFL, sponsored by Draft Kings and Fan Duel, of rigging the Super Bowl. Is nothing sponsored by Caesars Sports Book sacred?

Sounds like 1984 is about to get banned South of the Mason Dixon. Can't have these liberal, Yankee views corrupting the youth.

If you won the lottery, what's the first irresponsible thing you'd do with the money?

No paying off student loans, no buying your parents a house. It has to be irresponsible but not necessarily indefensible. Great icebreaker question.

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I can't believe that Apple would do this. It's so not like them to cripple great machines with one horrendous bottleneck. Like could you imagine if they released an iMac in 2020 that they sold until the release of the M1 iMac that had a 1TB hard drive in it as a boot device? That'd be insane.

On some Boeing aircraft, the nose wheel will actually come off when the autopilot system overcompensates during takeoff and crashes the plane straight into the ground. There were aome small news stories about it a few years back.

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The problem here is that Google's "unlimited" plan was real, but it was for the G-Suite Enterprise product, which they discontinued. Two years ago, they started moving everything and everyone to a new product offering, Google Workspace. The Enterprise plans there have unlimited* data, and that asterisk is important, because it specifies that unlimited is no longer unlimited, which is dumb. It's a pool of data shared between users, and each user account contributes 5TB towards the pool, capping at 300 users. From there, if I remember correctly, additional 10TB chunks cost $300/month.

I feel bad for this guy, but the writing has been on the wall for years now. Google has changed their account structure and platform costs to discourage this type of use.

I primarily watch woodworking or baking content on Youtube. I feel like the far right content is super prevalent with Shorts. I'll watch something like a quick tool review, and the next video will be someone asking folks on the street if it's ok to be white. What color you are isn't your decision, but what you do every day is, and being some dumbass white kid accosting black tourists in Times Square for shitty reaction content is just gross.

It doesn't matter how often I say I dislike the content, block channels or whatever, Youtube has just decided it's going to check in from time to time and see if I want to let loose my inner Boomer and rage with Rogan.

I don't know. I bet it has been pretty effective, but I also don't think I'd trust any data I'd see from Google.

But, their goal isn't to get you or me to watch ads. Hell will freeze over before I spend 30s watching an ad for a video that's barely double that. Their goal is to target the people we've installed ad blockers for: friends, parents, siblings, in-laws.

I'm not going to watch ads, and I sure as hell am not going to click on anything, but my mother in law does now. My mom does too. They now feel like an ad blocker is "too much hassle," so Google won that fight. I don't know if new people are installing, updating, or changing ad blockers enough to offset right now.

I got one of the first gen models, and I have been totally sold ever since. Yeah, there are laptops with more ports, but it's harder to find a laptop with a wider variety of ports.

I love that the laptop is customizable and totally serviceable. As someone who has been dismantling and fixing their own laptops for a long time, watching the industry get more and more unfriendly has been disheartening.

Framework is a breath of fresh air. Even if they fail eventually, I will still be happy to have given them my money because this is an incredible laptop. Excited to see the 16.

Hey, hey. Come on, now. The United States doesn't just lock up brown people. We execute many on the spot, without provocation or probable cause. Credit where credit is due.

For real. It's been at least top 3, and arguably top 2, for scifi my entire life.

Star Trek has been at the top for nearly 60 years. In the US at least, you can turn over a rock anywhere and find a Star Trek fan.

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Men are logical. Women are emotional.

Such an enormous generalization and oversimplification. Very false.

True, because it's also a giant Ponzi scheme. We pick up new debt today to pay off debt from yesterday, and we hope expanding GDP and inflation will always offset the difference.

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I had Amazon Prime for nearly 10 years, and in the beginning it was great, but I got tired of spending ~$120/year for 6 day shipping. I don't use Prime Video, because so much of what's on there I am not interested in, and when I cancelled my yearly subscription, in the explanation field, I said that if anyone could reach out to me and explain Sauron's motivations and arc in the Rings of Power, I would renew. Nobody reached out. If they killed the billion dollar crap TV shows and brought back 2 day shipping, I'd return, but instead, we'll get another season of Wheel of Time.

"I'm not gay for sucking dick; this dick is gay for getting sucked."

This is logic.

One of my favorite pieces of the Bible is the Parable of the Talents where Jesus tells a story about three men who are given different sums of money. The first two are given more. They do stuff with it and are rewarded. The guy who gets the least buries it in a field and is punished.

It's often used an an example of stewardship, and regularly used as an excuse to not give drug addicts and homeless people money. They might use the money for drugs. That's a sin and a "bad investment." It ignores the fact that nobody looses money in the parable. The point of the story is that any good thing you do in good faith with the gifts you're given is commendable.

I don't understand telling 50% of your church that the most important thing they can do is be a PreK Sunday school teacher or nursery volunteer. That's burying talents in a field.

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So if a Cybertruck runs me down in a crosswalk, does my newly widowed wife sue Tesla or Apple?

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Big cities are so overrated for the dating scene. You don't have to go all the way to Falador to meet someone sexy. I met my gf in the Lumbridge general store.

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Tell me you're a 44 year old man with a Messiah complex who spends his Friday nights trolling college bars for girls his estranged daughter's age without telling me.

Those that I fight I do not hate, those that I guard I do not love.

Should have audited a freshman Lit class.

Yeah, I really don't get this attitude on Lemmy. I get not wanting to crash the bus. But voting for the guy who at best will let the other guy crash the bus in the future or at worst crash the bus tomorrow isn't the answer.

I first thought that Lemmy was a little more of the early internet forums I remember, more anti-establishment, anarchist, left wing, but there's way too much "vote blue no matter who" which is the exact same mentality that has killed the Republican party. Is Candidate A an immoral shit bag? Doesn't matter; there's a D next to their name. Probably better than the guy with the R. Better not see if anyone else is on the list.

I can afford to vote my conscience. I live in a deeply red state, so my vote doesn't matter, something Democrats could try to fix, but they won't. Voting 3rd party does matter though, and it's the only way to truly affect real change and make a difference. It's the DNC and RNC's job to field a candidate who's worth your vote. If they don't do that, find someone who's worth it.

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Badly. The vote to pass spending removed it, and now a separate vote to add it separately will be delayed.

Putin is getting exactly what he paid for, and he's got to be absolutely thrilled.

It's because a lot of conservatives believe in a really screwed up, masochistic, bastardized version of Christianity that prioritizes vengeance, punishment, and anger. It ignores the love, kindness, acceptance, and mercy (ie the actual teachings of Jesus) that make society work well.

So, when kids come home with these new ideas about kindness and acceptance, because being kind to a gay classmate is a great way to demonstrate the love real Christianity teaches and society values, the parents freak out. They push to ban books, fire teachers, and move their kids to private schools that more match their hate filled, divisive worldview. Education polluted their child with abnormal, liberal indoctrination, like being kind, empathetic, and accepting of others.

I an attempt to steer their children back to their core values of hate and divisiveness, they lash out. Any pushback the parents feel in response becomes persecution, because of course "the world" would disagree with them. They're the TRUE Christians afterall. So they isolate in ecochambers, and they get more hateful. Any difference of opinion is met with derision and just simply validates their position. And despite being the TRUE Christians, or REAL conservatives, they become less Christian and less conservative every day, instead just becoming these weird, evil, empty husks of people with no real values or ideals outside of hate.