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Yuck, it does sound very blatant:

“I think it’s just pretty suspicious to see teenage girls dressed in club wear at 9:00, 10:00 in the morning paying for a hotel room during the week,” she replied.

She spoke about witnessing a pregnant woman being beaten to a bloody pulp by her trafficker in the bathroom and how housekeeping staff came each morning to remove garbage cans filled with condoms and bloody towels.

she encountered many of the same hotel staff repeatedly. Those employees witnessed her trafficker being frequently violent with her and “loud sounds of abuse could often be heard from the room,” the lawsuit alleges.

And accepted up the chain even when employees tried to report it:

Vanessa Cole, a general manager at one of the hotels between 2011 and 2012, said in her deposition that prostitution was a “consistent problem” that she reported “up the chain,” including to Moyer. She said Moyer responded by saying: “yes, we understand we have to, you know, clean up the place, but we also need to sell rooms.”

Yeah, if you don't want the next dev (or your future self) to accidentally undo that corner case you fixed, better put a unit test on it.

"I think we are headed for major societal disruption within the next five years," Gretta Pecl of the University of Tasmania told The Guardian. "[Authorities] will be overwhelmed by extreme event after extreme event, food production will be disrupted. I could not feel greater despair over the future."

But, reason to keep fighting:

Others found hope in the climate activism and awareness of younger generations, and in the finding that each extra tenth of a degree of warming avoided protects 140 million people from extreme temperatures.

Climate change could remove the majority of mentions of Florida from states.

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I guess if you're hanging on to your Tesla stock at this point you must have some faith in Musk?

The headline doesn't say anything about what I might expect to find in the article, it just claims it's gonna be great.

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YouGov surveyed folks who changed their minds about abortion.


Was seriously considering a pickup as my next car until my partner pointed me to similar research a while back.

Thankfully has the uncensored version.

defaced trucks

Police always show up for a 911 call, right?

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And he's already been in jail for nine years while they get around to trying the case? Ugh.

Agreed, my read of the quotes is that it's saying something like "you can't claim ANY execution method is humane because we don't research how people feel while we are killing them, so just stop."

Wow, how incredibly brave.

There is not a lot of history of laziness unionizing being rewarded with success.


That seems unnecessarily mean. The author isn't making any grand claims about herself, she's explaining how she changed her point if view and admitted to being wrong about a major view. I'm hoping I can learn something from her experience, and maybe help tip more people towards making a similar change. I don't really care how much or little she apologizes for being wrong before.

Martha Wells. Finished the Murderbot series, wrapping up the Raksura. All very much of the same cloth, but I enjoy it.

Also recently discovered Naomi Novik's Scholomance trilogy, I had only read her Temeraire books before.

The boy had been wearing a T-shirt and a V-neck pullover windbreaker. Both were ripped off his body.

So Vullo encouraged many insurers to cut off ties with the NRA at the very moment that she was pursuing a major investigation into three companies that did business with the NRA. And she allegedly offered to shield one company from additional liability if it took further actions against the gun organization.

As Sotomayor’s opinion explains, that’s not allowed.

Perhaps because the opinion is written by Sotomayor, and not by a more right-wing justice who may be eager to use the state of New York’s blundering treatment of the NRA as an excuse to shut down legitimate enforcement actions against the gun group, the Court’s decision also includes some language ensuring that the investigation into Carry Guard remains valid.

Interesting nuance and reminder to not get carried away with punitive justice even when wielding the law against someone deserving.

I wonder how it was sealed. Is glazed ceramic + wax that airtight? The article (nor many very similar ones from other sites) doesn't give specifics.

funds that Israel must use to purchase U.S. military equipment and services

Oooh, I see. Free tax money for the MIC.

Doctors have been kidnapped, and, yes, they have been tortured. They dehumanize the doctors and health care workers when they capture them. We’ve seen pictures of them, so we know this happens, and it does indeed happen. A few of the doctors went through torture, and one doctor that came back, he’s a general surgeon, he came back, I was speaking to his wife, and he’s not the same anymore. He was tortured and he still has torture marks over his body, and he’s a general surgeon. That’s it, just a medical professional. The assistant director of the hospital was basically declothed and beat up in front of all the other hospital workers just to kind of insult and degrade him because he’s their boss. And they’re beating him up and kicking him and swearing at him, and everybody witnessed this, and they did it purposely in front of his workers. So, it’s a further dehumanization of a human being. These doctors when they come back, the few that are released, there’s still a lot that are under custody with the Israeli forces, they’re not the same anymore. For me, as a surgeon, it’s really heartbreaking for me to see that. As a surgeon, we have people’s lives in our hands and we heal. And then to see them mentally reduced to nothing is hard to take. Yeah. It’s hard to stomach.

Just being forced to talk about how it's going and what's blocking can be helpful, so I'm glad you're questioning for to be more useful, not doing a little rubber-ducking isn't all bad.

Our heat pump (Mitsubishi H2Hi) did fine regularly in single digits F last winter. I know there's a limit (for efficiency more than function) but it's definitely getting lower. We had one day -10F or so and no pipes froze (we were actually out of town which was nerve wracking so I don't know if the house got colder than the thermostat requested).

A family member in rural MA talked to three different HVAC installers about converting from gas to heat pumps. All of them suggested leaving the gas system as backup for the coldest months for financial reasons, despite the MassSave whole house heat pump conversion $10k rebate. So, more legislative pressure would definitely still be a help to counter entrenched fossil fuel preference.

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I dunno, Jorch thinks he's got pretty good chances too.

Poorly written article, legitimate problem. We drove a route we often use this weekend. In the summer, we use 50% of our battery. With 5⁰F weather (and no ability to precondition the battery before starting) the range estimator was way off and we had to make an unplanned stop at a L2 (fairly slow) charger. This is in NH/VT, where DC fast charging off the Tesla network is very thin. The return trip was in 30⁰F weather was fine (used about 70% of our battery).

The solution is more DC fast charging, and chargers that are well maintained. The right way to use them is (as mentioned in other comments) you charge for 20 minutes at 120kW+ to get from 20 to 60% charge, and definitely don't wait the extra hour to charge to 90 or 100%.

There's still a huge racial disparity in tech work forces. For one example, at Google according to their diversity report (page 66), their tech workforce is 4% Black versus 43% White and 50% Asian. Over the past 9 years (since 2014), that's an increase from 1.5% to 4% for Black tech workers at Google.

There's also plenty of news and research illuminating bias in trained models, from commercial facial recognition sets trained with >80% White faces to Timnit Gebru being fired from Google's AI Ethics group for insisting on admitting bias and many more.

I also think it overlooks serious aspects of racial bias to say it's hard. Certainly, photographic representation of a Black face is going to provide less contrast within the face than for lighter skin. But that's also ingrained bias. The thing is people (including software engineers) solve tough problems constantly, have to choose which details to focus on, rely on our experiences, and our experience is centered around outselves. Of course racist outcomes and stereotypes are natural, but we can identify the likely harmful outcomes and work to counter them.

He exited the hotel at 2037 hours. At 2045 hours, his truck was observed backing into the parking space where it was later discovered. Video surveillance recordings continuously record his vehicle. Throughout the review of surveillance video spanning the evening of March 8th through the morning of March 9th, from the time the vehicle was backed into the parking space until the Charleston Fire Department gained entry to the vehicle, no other individuals were seen entering or exiting Mr. Barnett’s vehicle. At no time did anyone engage or try to make contact with Mr. Barnett.

Where does the NYPD keep getting these expensive but apparently useless robots?

Right. I care less about 60% less power, and more about will it randomly connect my phone to my car as my partner drives away instead to the speakers I was already using on the desk next to me.

Did they need to engage in a fight after the man in the yard fired shots? What would have happened if they had brought in a negotiator or something? I don't know if those are viable options in this situation, but it does sound like they continued aggressively. I can't tell when the cops were killed.