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Joined 9 months ago

No, they just aren't as stupid and unorganized as Republicans. They can do basic math and have discussions in good faith so they know it's not worth bringing it to a vote they know will fail. You are expecting them to be chest pounding idiots when you know they aren't.

I'm at Disneyland with my family RN and we mainly came because this week was insanely cheap for hotels. My hotel basically touches the convention center and there is almost no one here for blizzcon. It's dying.

The conversations I've overheard are so sad. They all justify simping for blizzard like addicts. So much random misogyny too.

I used to love blizzard games but just the people I've listened to concern me.

Biden is literally trying something and you act like Dems do nothing. Fuck off and just vote Republican like you were already planning. Remember to bring the lube so they don't fuck you dry.

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It's a good thing Republicans are better for the working class then. GTFO of here with this argument. Our federal gov has 2 ellectible parties, vote for the one that sucks less in the general. Anything else is voting for the Republican candidate.

I'm not a shill either, I fucking hate the democratic party, but I'm also not dumb enough to trash them to a point that I don't fully support them in the election.

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Thought my work was bad. We at least can use VMs. I literally can't do my job without one, Rockwell being what it is. Companies don't like upgrading PLC software so I need to use old versions of windows occasionally to run old Rockwell stuff.

There was also a bug for a bit that would brick win11 PCs when trying to update PLC firmware, fun stuff.

God damn this is stupid. I was raised Republican and will never be stupid enough to ever vote for one again. Your state is never safe from their absolutism. I live in Oregon and we almost lost all of our rights during our last election for governor. Yet some fucking idiots here are still complaining about how we handled COVID vs how a Republican literal Nazi would be a better governor. It's absolutely insane how stupid people can be.

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Your being downvoted because your using nuance and freeze peaches as a shield IMO.

Everything is political when dealing with a politician. Trump is completely wrong as always, he put himself under the microscope by being president and the delays are irrelevant to the current charges as you stated. He's bitching like he always does and he's still just bitching with no truth behind it.

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No they can't. A majority vote can, but they can't change them whenever. Dems know they don't have the votes so they don't bring it to floor.

Donald would send significantly more funds for that genocide and would help Russia with their genocide in the Ukraine. So doing some basic room temperature IQ thinking I'm going to pick the less genocidal option.

The USA is going to back a genocide regardless of your opinions. Learn how dirty your hands are and then make decisions that lessen the dirt in the future rather than digging straight into the shittiest option by trying to appear righteous.

I am you. I have two kids and fucking hell our expenses are getting out of control. Fortunately we spaced them out enough that only one is in day/preschool. But it's still basically impossible to justify my wife being employed with only our youngest kid's expenses. Looking at $2.5k per month of childcare expenses for one kid makes me want to give up.

My state, Oregon, passed a leave law that is currently saving our lives. Extra 4 weeks of leave that can be taken intermittently. We are financially fucked the moment we are out of our state leave. For reference I have an MS in ME and work in manufacturing. And my wife is one of the highest paid dental assistants I'm aware of.

It's lazy reasoning by us on the left. Not voting or voting 3rd party is voting for the right, full stop. If you want to move the Overton window fucking show up and vote. Otherwise just sit down and get ready to be fucked by the right.

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Ex Republican here. We loved people like you. We joked about it constantly. A non voter is seen as a Republican vote because it meant we won in the end. Republican voters sort of understand on some level that they are the minority so they see non or protest voters as a victory.

You vote Republican by not voting if you were planning on voting Democratic. It's that simple, no nuance needed.

I blame you directly if Donald wins this time.

15 more...

It's people buying into the propaganda that somehow repubs opposing everything somehow is the same as being better than the party trying to do something. Regressives are appealing to idiots because they are loud and have vague answers to hard problems. Shout them down and they might go away. Don't bother reasoning with them.

Being wrong when uneducated and indoctrinated is one thing. Continuing to be stupid in the face of overwhelming evidence is significantly worse. You are literally a joke to Republicans.

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My previous phone was a motoG power and though it was bulky and a bit laggy the battery life was amazing. It's I think 3 years old now and I still use it in airplane mode for reasons. The battery lasts 3 weeks when I don't touch it. Compare that the s22 I'm typing this on which barely lasts 1 day in standby with batter saver enabled. I hate this phone after having that sweet multi day battery life.

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Wut? Go be wrong somewhere else.

I have some sympathy for her but she needs to wake up. The begging she is doing is part of what Republicans want. In their belief system women are beneath men and they should stop complaining. She won't rise anywhere and may die from complications during birth that could have been prevented if her states laws didn't exist. Fuck every Republican voter who allowed her suffering, but my sympathy waivers when you cause your own pain.

System integrator or automation integration. It has a few names. My title is currently controls specialist but that also changes constantly. I install, setup, and program PLCs to run any type of plant automation. I also set up HMIs and stock tracking systems. I haven't done it in a while but interfacing with SAP used to be a big part my job. Now I mostly just program conveyors and configure HMIs so people can see status without being on the floor.

I started this job by having an MS in ME and taking the first job I could get out of college. It was never my intent to have this career path, but now I kind of like it. It's crazy stressful at times though. Whole production facility can go down for hours if I make mistakes.

Altria has done so much damage. Philip Morris did a damn good job hiding it's influence in the vape market.

Pathetic people really shouldn't aim for positions of power but they make up the majority of powerful positions. This guy could've been remembered for hundreds of years for doing the right thing. Instead he'll be vaguely remembered similar to the failures in the German government pre WW2 if shit truly goes wrong.

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Russian apologist who supports Russia in the Ukraine war is how I understand it.

Same here. Bought in 2018 which was supposed to be at some all time high. Then refinanced it during COVID with a total monthly payment of $1500 on a 3br2ba house. When we bought the house we thought we were making a dumb decision, now I'm some sort of genius for getting lucky. I can't imagine trying to rent these days.

Yeah just typical fascist behavior from someone who we know sucks. Wish we could somehow mix an educated person with the incredible stupid that appeals to regressive voters. I were one of them voters in the past and my god every person here underestimates how ridiculously stupid they are. Like imagine punching yourself in the face, realizing how much it hurt, then doing it a few dozen more times. That's what Republican voters do every year. I used to enjoy that punch and their voters still do. Tell them they are stupid publicly then they might change and it's why education fixed me (professors DGAF).

YouTube premium is the worst streaming deal I've found. Yesterday I cleaned up all my streaming services and my wife was interested in adding YouTube premium. It's $23/mth for absolutely no features that are worth it. I pay less for the D+/hulu bundle. I have no idea why anyone pays for it. It's cheaper to buy a media PC every year to use ublock in a browser than pay for YouTube premium.

I just spent a Thanksgiving listening to Republican voters discussing putting liberals and LGBTQ into camps. Stop trying to be righteous. We are living on the edge of the end you fucking idiot.

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Totally disagree. Sitting down and hiding is what Republicans want, having been one. Be loud and teach them to sit back down. They are basically children and should be taught to STFU.

Don't ever use leifs. Bloodsucking vampire of a company, high pressure sales tactics included.

I mentioned it in another comment but Republican voters are so stupid it's surprising they remember to breath. I was one and my last R vote was for McCain which was still massively wrong. I'd vote Obama if I could go back.

They don't know what they are voting for at all. It's equivalent to how we drive cars every day and almost no one understands how critical the bearing tolerance on the crankshaft is depending on power/maintenance goals. They literally don't know anything about politics and just vote the way they are told.

Education fixes this problem. Not because they become more worldly, it's because educated people just call people stupid publicly. Calling out stupid people makes them shut up and second guess themselves. It's what fixed me. Some will double down but most won't. Right wing media relies on pacifism in its opposition.

If your in the US you should have refinanced in 2021 if it was an option. It's cheaper for me to pay the minimum on my home loan than it is to pay it off. Inflation is significantly more than my mortgage interest rate.

Hopefully it works out for you, but I'd be legit terrified of the moment that loan becomes adjustable rate.

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It's surprising how complicated life is. I've cut off multiple family members but I can't control who is invited all the time dumbass. Stop being dense.

Republicans love you for voting third party. And would put you in the camps with my educated ass.

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Lol. Pride is your sin.

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Might be that you write in a condescending way? Your written voice sounds like it knows better than me just cuz.

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It doesn't matter. Engagement with opposition stifles your own party. I was registered independent for a long time until I stopped being Republican.

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You are giving Donald too much credit. His cult is fairly inactive in commiting stochastic terrorism, moreso recently. I'd argue the judge is just gargling his limp mushroom dick over it being some difficult scary decision. Judges are normal people too and can be swayed into the maga cult.

Standing up to authoritarians when you are given the opportunity is the only way to stop them...

It's not ignoring them. Participating normalizes behavior. So they can point at numbers to justify being shitty.

Be loud but don't vote for them. Being loud is harder than quietly voting in support of a candidate you think is less bad.

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Just trying to help dude.

It's definitely the second paragraph that I disagree with after rereading your initial comment. Never agree with a sociopath, doesn't matter if they are factually correct, it normalizes their other batshit insane behavior. My life was almost destroyed by a sociopath that made international news for a week and even saying they might be right makes their other lies feel less bad. So the downvotes are justified just for that one sentence even if you go on to sort of disagree with it.

It's getting less common because it looks cleaner and functions better to have the divider flush with the sides. My sink is flat on top and it's better because I can set what I'm washing out of the sink. It does get scratched up over time though.

Cheap sinks have the rim they are describing. Expensive sinks usually have a low or no divider. It's the mid teir that is going flush on top for some reason. It's a completely useless feature IMO that makes the sink less useful.

Oh no this is probably going to be me. I never made it out of the "tutorial" area and literally just learned about it a few days ago in a different thread. I thought it was boring because the map seemed small and uninstalled it. Turns out I never really started the game.

Yep, this is basically propaganda.

Class warfare I what you are describing. Keep drinking that propaganda. A few homes being purchased to be rented by what are basically poor people aren't hurting the housing economy. A low level landlord is no where near the same as a billionaire. Billionaires should learn to reach into wood chippers as a hobby, but my god a landlord is not an automatic enemy of the average person.