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They're semantically different for PATCH requests. The first does nothing, the second should unset the name field.

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I miss Trillian :(

I'm finally coming around to this after decades of being steered away from it by The Simpsons (

Your white led is a blue led with a phosphorescent coating.

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If you were as confused by this as I was:

Shortly after the vote, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said it would sue the FTC to block the rule

The US Chamber of Commerce is a right-wing lobbying group for businesses, unrelated to the US Department of Commerce which is an actual government agency.

He's definitely not lawful, but I'm also not sure he belongs on a billionaire chart.

No, sorry. Ethically, this technology can only be used for torture.

The company has taken action against violations of its policies, she said

What does this mean in this context? Send takedown notices to people who joke on the Internet?

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Pray it just works? Get consumer-friendly legislation to pass in the US somehow? Maybe a genie wish or an infinity gauntlet could be used for this purpose.

Apple has never been great at enabling developer testing. I certainly don't see why they'd care if shit works on third party browsers. The more broken apps are just means the more users who will give up and use Safari.

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And yet you refer to yourself by pronouns multiple times in that very comment.

It's really not at these scales. Earth and Mars go from roughly 4 light minutes apart to over 20.

At the best case, saying something and then waiting 8 minutes for a response is hardly what I'd call "real time".

Sigterm is telling someone to kill themselves. Sigkill is murder.

But, like, for programs.

I'm not so sure. The study discusses specifically people who engage in partisan subreddits, which is not the same as being politically engaged. It also uses an AI to grade toxicity, which surely mischaracterizes many interactions.

For example, I have been in communities of a non-political nature, where political discussions occur. These are often about real issues that affect real people in the community, and yet there are people complaining about political content.

To complain about political content is, at best, a very privileged take, demonstrating that you are in a position where politics do not affect you much. At worst, it is actively hostile behavior with the goal of continuing the status quo and shutting down discourse. I would call most of these kinds of comments "toxic", and yet the rhetoric is usually fine, so I doubt an AI would agree.

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The Overton window has shifted so far right that basic decency or acknowledging facts is leftist.

Were he not evil, he never would have become a billionaire in the first place.

Hear me out: part of me welcomes that.

Currently, most websites are awful to browse, and a few are not. If we switch to a world where most are inaccessible to me, and a few are nice, then I'll spend less time being frustrated by cookie popups and the like.

Like, if a site's going to be terrible, I almost prefer it just not let me in at all.

As an example, I used to click the occasional Twitter link. Now that I can't see comments, I refuse, and life is a bit improved.

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Is this legal? My understanding is that the strip of grass between the sidewalk and street is "semi-private", in that the homeowner has to maintain it, but that the city actually owns it.

I'd check local laws and see if the HOA has any right to restrict dogs there.

Works even better in Ruby, as the code as given is valid, you just need to monkey patch length:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

module DayLength
  def length
    if ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"].include? self
      "24 hours"

class String
  prepend DayLength

day = "Monday"

x = day.length


But you can delete your copy, ask others nicely to delete theirs, and refuse to accept more copies of the same thing.

I'm not sure if Lemmy supports any of this, but it seems pretty important for e.g. child porn.

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The electricity from the fans also ends up as heat.

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Depends on how traditional you want to get. The original metric was the number of 14" shells something could survive. Given that, 20 seems pretty good for a car.

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Pssh, I'll divide by zero all day. You just need -infinity=infinity (think a number circle instead of a number line), and you're good.

It's 0/0 where the real crimes begin.

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That is not a use for blockchain.

Say I want to say that I created an image. I could post that image's hash to a block chain, and point to it as something anyone can check.

But you already have to trust me for that to be valuable. So I can just host that hash in any of a myriad of conventional methods that are simpler, more performant, and less wasteful.

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Hardware cloth is a metal mesh.

Linux gaming is already here.

It's mentioned various times that they're paying for grandpa's stay at the retirement home, so I imagine that's the sixth.

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You can get a rice cooker for $20. Then, you can make rice and beans (with beans from a can) with virtually no effort.

You can also go from there if you have more time/money. Add cheese, hot sauce, salsa, avocado, make tacos, etc.

But I've survived many a meal with just rice from a rice cooker and a can of beans, and it's far more nutritious and has left me feeling far better than eating cereal would.

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I don't know enough to know if nationalizing the police is a good idea, but that's already an issue. Police can and do just move from one department to another.

At the very least there should be a national license or record that follows them.

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Where'd you come up with that shitty-ass straw man?

What? The people who made him buy it got paid already. I'm sure they're laughing every time they see it drop in value.

Verbing weirds language.

Thanks for assuming a ton there, asshole.

I have been there. I have scraped together coins I could find to buy a single pound of dry pasta, to eat it plain. Repeatedly.

Money is not such an issue for me these days, but depression is. I know how hard it can be to do the minimal steps to make food.

I understand how precious time, money, and energy can be. I have eaten cereal and the like for plenty of meals I shouldn't have, and have always regretted it.

There are better options.

A $20 rice cooker is the same as like 5 boxes of cereal. If you are too money pressed, but have some time, one can likely be found nearly free at a thrift store or yard sale, or you can cook rice or pasta in a pot instead.

If you don't have access to a cooking surface, we're getting to houselessness territory, which is a huge problem and is affecting far too many people, but is beyond just being poor or not having time.

Edit: And if all that is too much, you can eat cold beans from a can. I have done this as well. It's not great, but it's a better option than cereal still.

As fucked as that is, what fucking eviction notice gives 3 days to vacate? That can't be legal, can it?

Edit: Looking closer, I see that this is in Texas. And evidently 3 days is all they have to give there. Insane.

You could do what they do in The Expanse. Spin the planet fast enough that you have artificial gravity, and build upside-down housing as you now fall away from the center.

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I think modern inverter units are not less efficient when oversized. They are able to run at varying levels rather than cycling.

Panko bread dough is placed between two metal surfaces, and is cooked by running an electric current through it. This avoids any crust forming, causing it to be very uniform.

I imagine you could do the same with brownies.

Where have you been that this is what convinces you that Trump supporters are idiots?

If it were just the principal then this child would never have been arrested. Sadly, a lot of people in this story should be removed from any position of authority, or possibly society altogether.

Amumu is a character in League of Legends. One of his abilities is to cry, which causes damage to anyone near him.

I'm not an aerospace mechanic, but I do have some insight.

The formula in the image is incorrect. It depicts 7/16" - 10 cents = 10 mm, not plus. Notice that 7/16" indicates the gap in the wrench, and the dime makes that gap smaller.

Now that that is out of the way, it seems that a dime is 1.35 mm (I love that American currency is specified in metric). So, 7/16" - 10 cents = 9.7625 mm. So, pretty damn close to 10 mm.