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I mean, anyone who was convinced otherwise was delusional. We've always known that methane has a substantially higher short-term impact on GHG emissions than carbon dioxide. We've also known for years now that natural gas is notorious for leaking obscene amounts of methane (even compared to coal mining per unit energy). That hasn't stopped us from tapping and consuming more gas: in fact, total US fossil fuel electricity production has increased by 40% over the plateau in the 1970s-2000s.

In the short-term, we are incredibly, incredibly fucked. Eventually, methane decays and whatnot, but that might be too little, too late.

 A member of the Russian State Duma has proposed releasing women convicted of minor charges from prisons so they can conceive

Can you people at least read the article?

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Natural gas, well-known for being a clean source of energy:

Leaks Can Make Natural Gas as Bad for the Climate as Coal, a Study Says

Study: Methane leaks from U.S. oil-and-gas region worse than estimates

I'm sure someone will try to tell me why increasing natural gas production is a good thing or that this is tankie propaganda in support of coal.

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Al-Shifa lost power, what, 5 days ago? Prior to that, the MRI machine would presumably have been on. Anyone with ANY experience in a hospital should know that MRI machines and metals (like guns, ammunition) REALLY don't mix.

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Some of the rifles the BBC has already confirmed were planted:

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 A member of the Russian State Duma has proposed releasing women convicted of minor charges from prisons so they can conceive

Literally nobody here has read the article and it shows

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I guess they all forgot to condemn Hamas or something. That, of course, entirely justified murdering them all.

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I'm sure will try to justify this because of the existence of one supposed Hamas militant on the premises.

Unarmed. Visiting their family.

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 A member of the Russian State Duma has proposed releasing women convicted of minor charges from prisons so they can conceive

Did anyone even read the article?

User with "get fucked" on their profile, truly the paragon of positive and complimentary comments.

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Ah yes, which is why the only evidence Israel gives is of guns behind an MRI machine... An MRI machine which, as you may know, is extremely dangerous to operate in the presence of metal.

When did al-Shifa lose power again? Definitely not 3 weeks ago...

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Thanks, China.

Took them long enough.

Benjamin "I funded Hamas" Netanyahu

Different people complaining, I think.

The Palestinian Authority somehow took a more extreme position than both Hamas and the Israeli police.

The facts are that helicopters were used to indiscriminately target people in the kill zone and likely killed Israeli civilians, but the helicopters were by no means the only cause of casualties in Re'im. To claim that helicopters killed all 364 people doesn't pass the sniff test.

"they're not in al-Shifa, they're actually in this other hospital!"

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Back in 1983, when Israel still ruled Gaza, they built a secure underground operating room and tunnel network beneath al-Shifa hospital – which is one among several reasons why Israeli security sources are so sure that there is a main Hamas command bunker in or around the large cement basement beneath the area of Building 2.

As reported on by the pro-Israel publication The Tablet.

They produce 90% of the world's advanced chips more out of systematic neglect than out of any technological gap.

Intel floundered years of technological supremacy because they were run by an incompetent manager type. They refused to run a foundry model for decades.

Samsung has completely lost competitiveness and the South Korean government is happy to let them do whatever because South Korea is more like the Samsung government of Korea.

SMIC can't get access to EUV machines, but even then they're already knocking on the doors of Intel's current process.

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Sonar is fucking terrifying. It's lethal to marine life as well as humans, and the fact that we're happy to spam it out into the ocean is an ecological tragedy.

The IDF has a pretty clear record of lying out of their teeth. Most recently, they released that video of a "nurse in al-Shifa" that later turned out to be an entirely faked video.

The BBC compared the original video to the one they correspondent took and noticed that the guns had been shuffled and a new gun had been added to the pile.

If I didn't link the full video, that's my bad. I'm not sure how to link BBC broadcasts.

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Based on other headlines, this should read "India says Israeli PM should be killed without trial for war crimes in Gaza"

You're not allowed to talk about that.

The Zionist community has tried really hard to conflate Zionism with Jewish identity, to the point where anything critical of Israel and Netanyahu's regime is seen as antisemitic.

Isn't Russia just shipping everything to China and India, instead? And India is just playing the arbitrage game and reselling to Europe?

Free speech, but only if it doesn't harm the government.

Anyone seriously contemplating whether China would invade Taiwan needs to look at a map of Taiwan. There is no feasible invasion of Taiwan without millions of casualties: it would be a fight infinitely worse than Vietnam. Taiwan is the perfect fortress, with urban combat surrounded by densely-forested mountains and decades of buildup explicitly designed by the KMT to block a Chinese invasion. It's also an island separated by more than a hundred kilometers of open ocean. The KMT understands this, as does the CPC.

The only practical military option available to the CPC is a naval blockade like the US did to Cuba, but the KMT was actively trying to stimulate trade with China in the 2008-2016 period to make a blockade economically infeasible. Today, China imports more goods from Taiwan than from any other country in the world.

All this talk of war is fearmongering and posturing to justify increased defense spending at the cost of a lasting and sustainable peace.

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Indiscriminate bombing leads to dead hostages. The Hannibal Directive at work.

It's really not. MBFC is run by a single guy. It's methodology is basically worthless. It's basically one dude's opinion on what news sources he likes to read.

What do we know about that guy? Not much. He happens to share the same name as a very prominent lawyer/professor, which makes finding details about him very challenging.

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Sure, absolutely, natural gas burns cleaner than coal and doesn't need as much infrastructure to avoid dumping particulates into the air, but governments and O&G companies want you to believe that it's reducing GHG emissions and that's just not really true.

MBFC, a site run by one guy for which nothing is known (other than that he shares a name with a highly respected lawyer and professor). Truly the bastion of free and honest journalism. His methodology for grading has... No methodology. It's entirely subjective.

MBFC also rates the Electronic Intifada and Moon of Alabama as having never failed a fact check. Can I start posting EI articles, too?

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Guess it's time for Argentina to issue a new currency.

Sovereignty over monetary policy is extremely valuable and dollarization will simply trade one problem for many others.

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Ignore the user who posted it, but this was recently aired on BBC:

The IDF claims that, between their first video through the MRI room and when they led the BBC through it, they found another gun and put it in the MRI room.

We can take a step back and ask why guns made of metal were anywhere near an MRI, but we can also ask where the IDF supposedly "found" the original guns.

Also of note is that the laptop shown at the end of the "uncut" al-Shifa video... Uses an Israeli power plug and displays an IDF soldier. The IDF later took the video down and re-uploaded it with that picture blurred.

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If you went to an American hospital (or a school, even), you'd probably find at least that density.

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We know that there were tunnels and bunkers under al-Shifa. After all, the IDF built them. Whether they're still in use today is very questionable: if you were Hamas, would you center your operation around something that your enemy knows every detail of?

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