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Joined 1 years ago

If my child is on twitch, I can reasonably assume it's for game streaming. If my child is on pornhub, I can assume they are watching pornography. I dont like having that line blurred.

Then it turns out you didn't understand them at all and jumped to a completely wrong conclusion.

My two year old, currently potty training, was sitting on my lap as I put her pajamas on. The conversation went as follows:

Baby girl, "I no poop on daddy."

Me, "thank you sweety and daddy doesn't poop on you. It's a deal."

Baby girl, " it a deal." hugs

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Can you autograph my bean can? To eBay.

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Can't rush the jerk, gotta let it play out naturally.

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Can't wait to read the Userbenchmark review telling me why this chip is actually garbage and how only idiots buy AMD.

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I hate to say I'm glad he was the pilot, but I kinda am. If he was around right now he would be insufferable. Most likely going on a damage control tour talking about how it was a freak accident, it's not his companies fault and how they can't wait to resume tours.

I will only buy a house East of my office. That way I'm driving away from sunrise and sunset.

The airbag deploys at 200 mph. At that speed the sharpness isn't really the issue.

You may want to. You will eventually be interacting with them. Or your kids will.

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I'm not sure YouTube ever wanted you using adblockers.

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Seeing red flags everywhere is a red flag.

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Can it survive outside the womb? If not, its still part of the mother and entirely her decision to remove it from her body.

Will it kill the mother? She takes priority as a living, thriving person with goals and aspirations.

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Every election year I hear about this magical 3rd party that will save us from our shit choices. The only thing a third party would do is split democratic voters, leading to even more republican wins. Despite what left leaning media bubbles say, Republicans are not unhappy. They don't want a 3rd party for themselves and they will keep voting R until the grim reaper rips them from this plane of existence.

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The Taco Bell stomach is more likely food poisoning than anything remotely spicy.

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Maybe, but it's not like everyone doesn't just install the browser from the Goliath of the industry. Which at this point seems redundant, since they may as well be the same browser.

Invented bananas?

You can also buy devices you plug into the wall and route your network through your power network. Used them to give my detached garage wifi. Works pretty well.

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You have to keep saying it because it's not true. I've known artists who have seen their work stolen. Until then I never truly understood the hurt it causes them. I watched a normally jovial friend spiral into anger and depression. Sure, pirating some garbage Marvel movie isn't going to impact much. But you take that same mindset and scale it down, and now you are hurting real people.

I'm not sure YouTube ever wanted you using adblockers.

Fun fact, no one who was aborted ever had the cognitive ability to give a shit. Your empathy is so high into overdrive that you believe you can feel like a fetus.

So the mod creator deserves nothing for their time and work?

I'm not sure YouTube ever wanted you using adblockers.

I dont like eating things that can look back at me. Just feels uncomfortable. I apologize? Do I complement it? I can't ignore it because the eyes follow me wherever I go.

The people supporting rfk are the same nutjobs who supported Stien and Johnson. Those are not conservative losses.

"The only thing that would be necessary for them to create things prolifically would be to ensure their ability to live ..." We can already do this. It's called paying them. Your entire argument is people would make things for free as long as they could get money. Do you realize how nonsensical that sounds?

It's a metaphorical lock jaw. For instance, most dogs will let go when being attacked in the face and eyes. Pits will not. This ability to continue a hold, even in the face of danger is what people mean by jaw locking. So yes, it absolutely exists.

Extreme medical intervention does not count as surviving outside the womb.

This. I grew up considering myself to be on the lunatic fringe of the left. It drove my conservative mother crazy. Then I got banned from WhitePeopleTwitter because apparently I'm a fascist.

The meal is plenty affordable until the wait staff demands the outrageous amount if 25%.

I mean, if there demands were not made of dreams and pixie dust, maybe I would get behind them. They literally have no plan beyond, "we want all oil to stop and the world to be perfect in eight years."

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Disagree. Hated Ash as a kid, was momentarily happy thinking we might get a new protagonist. Hopes dashed by magic pokemon tears.

A month's worth of rice would actually be a pretty smart choice for the money. Unfortunately that's not how that pittance will be spent.

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