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What's crazy is that your comment isn't even endorsing any position, just stating a fact:

Michigan has a large and diverse Muslim community and without them, Biden is unlikely to win the state.

His policy on Israel's war has lost him those votes, and that has been reflected in the polling since long before the debate.

This isn't a new development.

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No one here is debating that there is some hidden upside to theocracy. They're bad, we get it.

His point though, is that much like the Miami Cubans, the Iranian exiles that fled after the overthrow of the Shah, tend to be part of the old ruling class that had been disempowered. At least, the most vocal ones.

Also, just like Batista, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, was enabled and backed by Western powers, before revolutionaries overthrew him and ended his dynasty.

Sure, they had a system of relatively successive monarchies, but that isn't the same as having a single running system of government. And it certainly not somehow more legitimate than theocracy, if your own benchmark is democratic rule - which you just said was the determining factor of a government's legitimacy.

Also, not for nothing, but the last monarchical dynasty was literally installed by the British, and propped up by Western powers until the people, or at least, a fanatically religious subset of the people, overthrew them.

Again, it's not like I'm a fan of theocracies, but saying that their current government is illegitimate is absurd, whether viewed in the context of international relations, or internal support and control.

He failed to legitimize the government that has been ruling the country since 1979....?

Presumably this website feels the Pahlavi dynasty, which was installed and backed by foreign powers and also lasted about 50 years, was the last legitimate government.

You don't have to support theocracy to recognize the absurdity of claiming that a government that's been in charge for 50 years, and is recognized around the world, is somehow illegitimate.

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Intentionally misleading headline, but not technically incorrect.

These are designed to carry troops through an irradiated battle space and keep them safe from the fallout. At least while they're inside and the filtration systems are functioning properly.

That doesn't mean they were magically enhanced to be impervious to antimaterial weapons, or other types of kinetic damage that happen in combat.

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You should really read up on how they operate.

Here's just one hypothetical based off available reporting, court cases, and leaked documents:

Artist A has a history of performing at independent Portland venues but also tours the country and therefore has to use LN venues and TM services.

When LN opens their Portland location, Artist A will have to either start using the LN venue, or find that the rest of their tour has suddenly run into financial issues with LN pricing and rebate schemes.

So Artist A switches to Portland LN venue, and magically those issues start to go away.

And that's just the artist side, LN pulls variations of this monopoly abuse with local venues who refuse to Ticket Master, or sign with LN.

I'm not even doing their criminal behavior justice and the real examples are significantly worse then what I quickly typed out. This will only harm artists, local venues, and Portland, if allowed.

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Losing one artist isn't the's losing all your independent venues because they won't financially survive being blacklisted by every artist that hopes to tour anywhere else because LN is a monopoly...

So goodbye independent venues and hello to exponentially higher prices, because that's what monopolies do...

Just duct tape some EREC (explosive reactive egg cartons) on that bitch and you'll be good to go.

Trump isn't some mythical Boogeyman who only Biden can beat. That's not my gut feeling, that's what the recent electoral results and polling data shows us.

But putting that aside, that doesn't mean the DNC should be rigging primaries because they think they know best. That's how Trump won in 2016, and why we just witnessed Biden sun downing on a debate stage.

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Correct, they rigged it: past tense.

I don't mean by literally stuffing ballots, but via mostly boring administrative and bureaucratic maneuvering. Although, some state Democratic parties did actually cancel their Presidential primaries entirely, which frankly should be illegal.

Nothing I'm saying is breaking news. This was covered at the time, and has seen a small resurgence in coverage since the debate.

I think The Lever actually just republished the reporting they ran at the time.

That's what primaries are for.

Unfortunately, Biden and the DNC didn't feel that aspect of party democracy was convenient for them this year, so...well, here we are.

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Just because something is legally defined, doesn't mean the law will be equally applied and it's not a conspiracy theory to point out the German government's long history of unequal application of draconian laws that are used to target specific demographic groups.

The groups they choose to target may change as time moves on, but the tactic remains.

He's unironically a cuck. After all of Trump's personal attacks and humiliation, Ron went full TED CRUZZZZZZ and immediately got on his knees and started slobbing on Trump's golden knob.

What a big dumb baby.

Well...those were mugshots taken after their arrests on murder charges... wouldn't it be even more disturbing if they were smiling and cheerful?

Well, how else should we punish children for...peeing in public? Should we beat them? No, that's inhumane. Clearly the right answer is...checks notes... separate them from their families and stick them in a cage.

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There was a lot of poor choices working in concert to allow this accident to even happen, but based off the article there was nothing maliciously stupid, or grossly negligent in the context of rural southern AZ.

You don't get hopped up on Ketamine, that's for the comedown.

You get stimmed up on amphetamines, and then take the edge off with downers.

The way he's slurring his words, I'd guess benzodiazapines (Xanax, Valium, etc.)

But I'm sure he's taking Ketamine as well, and probably mixing up quite a few daily cocktails with who knows what else.

His dumbass is probably doing a bunch of RC's to top it all off.

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That is a genuinely heart wrenching read. I look forward to more reporting, but this is type of story where digging too deep may result in a hit and run "accident", or straight up car bombing.

They don't go into too many details, but it sounds like hospital staff were paid to abduct the infants and tell parents their newborns died.

Given how widespread it was, I assume it was a system of brokers who paid off the staff, took the infants, and then acted as go-betweens for the agencies selling the babies for adoption.

That's entirely speculation on my part. I hope they can dig deeper into this and bring some level accountability for the sake of those families.

Wait... You don't actually think the executives are actually going to switch from resource extraction mode to an invest in company strategy, right?

He was mayor during 9/11, not because of it.

That aside, you're right about him coasting off 9/11 for quite a while. His failed Presidential bid was basically him spamming "9/11” from start, to finish.

He had the same problem as Meatball Ron: the more the GOP base voters heard him and saw him, the more they were repulsed by him.

Tate isn't smart, but he isn't stone stupid either.

If he hasn't burned all of his connections to organized crime, he might be able to get backdated paperwork and legitimate papertrails for many of his assets.

Or maybe he's smarter then I'm giving him credit for and he already took measures to launder, or otherwise legitimize the money used for his most valuable assets.

If the official statement is immediately blaming "outside influence"/saboteurs, then I'm inclined to believe that it was very likely just a good old fashioned gross negligent fuckup, which may, or may not, be attributable to corruption and generally lax Russian safety standards.

There's absolutely organized crime involved. The hospital staff weren't posting the babies on eBay. There was most likely a network of abductors, brokers, agencies, etc.

All done for profit, so yeah, it's the definition of human trafficking.

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As he should.

I hope he goes full hog on attacking Indians and Hinduism, as that's a pretty important demographic for the GOP.

Be interesting to see how that would play out.

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This is like posting articles from Russia Today to provide commentary on the Ukrainian government.

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So you're a perfectly normal and well adjusted person that makes unoriginal glib jokes about the death of a 8 year old, but I need professional help for calling you out in an manor that you find too aggressive?

The Democrats could've unfucked the USPS whenever they had power, but they didn't, because they love the neoliberal death spiral it's been sent on. Just like how they could have undone any of the tax cuts, raised capital gains, or the made college debt dischargeable through bankruptcy again.

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...The Democrats don't care either. Enabling corporate maleficence, stock buy backs, and deregulation of the railroads, is a bipartisan issue.

Not really. He died having won all his battles.

If he died at hands of some rough trade gone wrong, that would feel good.

If he died because one of these cancer striken plant workers had killed him, that would have felt better

But no, he died after helping reshape America in his disgusting image, so no, it doesn't feel like a win because he died on his own terms.

Laser's aren't difficult to counter, and are extremely dependent on uncontrollable operational conditons i.e. the weather.

No one weapon of the military is used in a vacuum, they are awful bloody tools in a large toolbox.

So having this will expand the capabilities and cost effectiveness overall, but not because it's singularly amazing and unbeatable.

It's the chain of events that could be suspicious, or totally random.

A person has trouble breathing, which could have been induced, or just bad luck, then goes to hospital and dies of MRSA - which also could have been induced, or just bad luck.

The most logical explanation is that bad things happen to people all the time and it's usually not murder.

However, because of the widespread press coverage of the previous "suicide", it makes sense that if additional whistleblowers were being killed, that the methods would grow increasingly complex and obfuscated.

Remember, these were all long time employees. Boeing is going to have all sorts of information on them, including their medical history and that's not even factoring in the resources they have available.

It's not hard to imagine that they would know how to create a situation where a person gets hospitalized, without causing suspicion, and have the resources to finish them off inside that hospital with something like a rapid MRSA infection.

Or maybe all this means is that corporations really are people and Boeing is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Now, God is an enacting revenge on the people who have testified against his favorite son, and our Savior: Jesus Boeing Christ.

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Sounds like an improvement, depending on how you look at it. Having experience with these types pharmacies going back decades, most used to just fill fake schedule II bottles with placebos, or worse, random Schedule III pills.

If you're already copping, or trying to, illegal prescription narcotics in Mexico, you probably already know what you're in for. You want to get high and you don't have a doctor's prescription.

Not saying this is good, just that it's probably not surprising or unexpected to the people most impacted by it.

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Just another moron who either didn't read, or understand the article, and definitely doesn't understand the realities of living in a rural desert like southern Arizona.

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Don't be an asshole, this is just a minor bump in the rode.

If anything, it validates Tesla's stock price because it shows they are very close to a fully wireless steering.

Of course first gen will still have a chimp in the trunk with the brain implants, but I hear second gen they'll install a Central American.

Anti-steroid propaganda was probably the only effective messaging from the war on drugs, but like all drugs, it's relative, and not that simple.

Not to go on too long of a tangent here, but the complete restriction of these classes of drugs actually can cause a lot of unnecessary harm to athletes. For example, in helping athletes heal and recover from injuries, or surgeries.

Recovery time is really important in pro-sports where the ability to earn money is limited to a relatively short window e.g. professional fighting. Often time fighters will return before they're fully healed, because they need to earn a living. In many of those cases, steroids could have significantly shortened their recovery time and reduced the risk of further injury.

I'm not here pretending that steroid use can't also cause undo harm to athletes, just that it's not as black and white as many people believe.

Edit: to be clear, steroids are some of the most complicated drugs to use correctly in order minimize long-term health effects, such as destroying your endocrine system. Professional or amateur, they should only be used under the close supervision of a specialized doctor.

Prior to his FAA appointment, Whitaker was a long time airline industry lawyer and executive.

Don't confuse the job description on the FAA website, with the actual role he's been appointed to fill.

Yes, I understand your bullshit just fine, it's not exactly difficult to parse. I also understand that you're at least smart enough to realize you're the one in the wrong here, but too embarrassed to use those exact words.

I did <3 your weak attempt to save face and turn this loss into a draw, especially at the end, so... What, so only the stupids use AJ English for coverage, but you're one of the smarts because you use Jerusalem Post?

FYI both outlets have otherwise reliable journalism, but I wouldn't use AJ English as a primary source for insight into the Israeli know, because that's consistent with the reasoning I already laid out.

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Prescription opiates and stimulants aren't expensive, when you have a valid prescription.

If this article was about the problem of counterfeit cancer drugs, or other non-narcotic medications, it would be a different situation, but that's not what the discussion is about.

While I ultimately believe that drugs should be decriminalized and legalized, that's not where we're at.

So, if I was an active drug user and in Mexico, I'd prefer to get counterfeit narcotics that actually contain narcotics, and not ground up Zoloft or sugar pills.

I'd also trust the QA at shady cartel run Mexican pharmacy more than the average addict dealer in the states. Not a lot more, but enough to know which I'd prefer.

You just described approximately 95% of all post-9/11 FBI terrorism cases, as well as the Michigan Governor's "attempted kidnapping".

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This is war, and that changes the trustworthiness and bias when reporting. Here's a study from 2004-2008 that deals specifically with conflict reporting and bias.

*"The Jerusalem Post, clearly a partisan outlet, favored the Israeli side of the conflict..."*

Also, lol at conveniently moving right past the context of my comment and the inherent problems with trusting the domestic media of a country waging war and their coverage on the morality and alleged bad actions of the oppositional forces.

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