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Joined 1 years ago

the snaps are terrible and they now have ads in the server version (CLI)

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there's an option for freeform windows in AOSP (tested on Pixel 7), but it's hidden in developer options

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I'm pretty sure that you had a certain company in mind when you wrote this

this looks VERY interesting!

I'd be very sceptical about the Librem 11 just because it's created by the same company as the "Liberty Phone" which is a complete scam

yes there is, even private and semi-private ones are listed

yes, you open apps like the first level comment showed

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Tux is the universal logo

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ooh can I ask what books? I'm just curious 😅

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no, DNS adblockers block certain web addresses that serve ads and Google has the same address for ads and videos, so blocking ads this way means you won't be able to watch videos too

if those screens use different refresh rates try setting them to the same, hope this will help

I'm not sure if that's what you mean but if you're using docker compose there's a variable called WEBUI_PORT

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oh that's too bad, it works pretty good on AOSP

wow I can't wait to put my skills to the test in this hunt, it looks very interesting!

I'd like one if you still have any

wow great job! very useful information

are you setting the language profile when starting the search on sonarr? I didn't do that at the beginning and had the same problem

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you have to set your created language profile here,


but from what I can see The Bureau doesn't have an English version anywhere (maybe you have access to different trackers).

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it's an option in the developer settings and it's not easily accessible for a reason. it's unstable. turn it off and you're done

yeah it's a cool solution, but I think that the servers won't be populated much and the matchmaking time will be like 10-15 minutes.

let the luck be on our side

ah I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you. it turns out I have the option to choose the language profile because I have created two separate ones. now I just suppose the English version of The Bureau isn't easily accessible, sorry.

idk you tell me

I suppose it can source the NAS directly using something like DLNA protocol

oops sorry my bad

I don't think so, it's on the top right but I have no idea what the percentage you ask about is

yeah very helpful, the first community has 36 members, the other has 4

probably it's not even a thinkpad specific problem