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Joined 12 months ago

Extremely expensive processed packaged product which appeals to the neoliberal idea of “good” when we have plenty of cheap protein which has grown from the earth since the dawn of time

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I dunno I just feel like an insect protein bar all packaged up and retailed for a lot of money appeals to a certain demographic. This isn’t the blue shirt labour class buying this crap. They’re eating whatever their wife/husband made for them and then going home I guess. But I can definitely see upper-middle/upper class detached 5 bedroom house owning yoga aficionado buying this by the crate and giving themselves a pat on the back for being so “advanced”

Straight up yeah. Which is insane. It’s the sexiest thing somebody can do imo. I don’t wanna see somebody eat a shitty protein bar I wanna see your homemade bean curry with brown rice. That’s a measure of character