0 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

The community is more mature, less stupid pun chains (pretty sure those are mostly bots at this point), and less presence of interest groups (nefarious or not).

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I know it's been said many times, but I truly miss the old internet. Fuck this homogeneous, corporatized, spyware ridden, ad infested, data harvesting, soulless, pile of fucking dogshit called the modern internet.

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While that negates the poke through factor, you are still wiping your anoos with fine sand paper.

True, too bad reddit is a bot driven platform now.

Had me until the politics, but I agree. These fucking headlights nowadays are incredibly dangerous, especially on these lifted garage queens.

Maybe instead of focusing all of our voting power on the presidential elections, we should all be more engaged with our local elections.

Lol I'm definitely stealing that fbi one, I love fucking with paranoid people

Scary number

What does that have to do with anything?

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The rich assholes that climb everest and litter everywhere make a great metaphor for humanity at large

It might be to obfuscate the thermal image from the air. Not sure about that one btw, just a guess.

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Both sides of this conflict suck ass. What an absolute shit show. I feel for all the innocents affected.


Just uninstalled earlier this week after years of sinking time into it. I watched the wiggle video and with the current developer drama, I'm fucking done. The game is simply INFESTED with cheaters.

I'll be a guinea pig

Why is this community obsessed with Twitter?

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As small of an impact I may have, to make the world a better place. To learn and grow and experience the inevitable pain and hardships along the way. To learn to love and provide for those in need. To serve.

im scared

Great synopsis.

It seems these posts follow the reddit method. If you aren't left leaning, you will be downvoted and shunned. No nuanced discussion. Only red v blue. I'm right, you are wrong.


Philosophy and learning to accept what you cannot control. It's an everyday struggle, but overtime you can form new, more positive, habits. Setting attainable goals for yourself can be one way to help you along this path.

Holy shit. Just "upgraded" to windows 11. Appreciate the tip.

I'm currently going through basically the exact same experience you're having. It wasn't easy, and only you know your situation, but I simply removed the group/persons from my life. I've been much healthier mentally since doing so. It hasn't been easy but I highly recommend if you're unable to resolve these issues by talking them out. Some people are just stuck in a childish mentality and it's not your responsibility to work around/try to fix them. Sometimes it's best to just move on.

I know many extremely bright people who are religious, but I do agree with what your saying. Nothing wrong with having existential dread. Such is the human condition.

If you don't mind me asking, what kind of work? That sounds interesting.

"You must purchase a Big Mac with a large fries to continue logging into your Microsoft account."

Nice! :)

Anything can be a weapon. Guns happen to make pretty effective weapons, more so than sticks.

Quantum entanglement? (forgive me if dumb thought, quantum physics is magic to me)

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Brb, going to buy more rams from my farmer neighbor.

Have you read the book American Cosmic?

Btw I just realized people really seem to not like your comment. I urge everyone to please have an open mind when researching this topic. Yes, it's filled with a bunch of charlatans and BS, but there is definitely something to it. We like to think our current level of scientific understanding is gospel, but I believe we are barely scratching the surface.

What a refreshing comment. No one is immune to propaganda, but I feel like I'm going insane seeing all of this binary, red vs blue rhetoric. One thing is for certain, we are all being fucked. We need to stop looking left and right, I just don't see it happening, as the propaganda has gotten scary good in this day and age.

I had to pause for a second. Most high def emoji I've ever seen. Can't believe I just typed that.

Sounds like purgatory.

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That sounds like potentially violent "protests" in the future.

Have you been in the military? If so, then your suggestion baffles me even more.


It's absolutely sickening. This comment section is using this poor kids murder as a reinforcement to fit their partisan bias. I'm assuming most of these people are terminally online or are living miserable/empty lives, devoid of love. Now watch, they'll use their internet points to feel vindicated against me, now that I'm probably an evil conservative boogy man in their eyes.

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