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Joined 12 months ago

Does Microsoft think things behind paywalls are fair game for LLMs too? (I know this isn’t Microsoft, but I bet OpenAI got around paywalls toooo…)

This is why companies like Apple are at least a tiny bit correct when they go on about app security and limiting code execution. The fact it aligns with their creed of controlling all of the technology they sell makes the whole debate a mess, though. And it does not excuse shitty behavior on their part.

But damn

And if they got this past Apple in their platforms. That’s even wilder.

It would help with e-waste too.

Shop like a billionaire targeted by state sponsored hackers.

Denny’s offers this. Or use to.

Im pretty sure this is a click bait headline since a certain percentage of people see the appeal of bacon on vanilla ice cream.

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“Nuh uh, you can’t prove it!”

What a fucking joke.

We fuckin on the Fisher bed tonight.

I guess it’s at least a transparent solicitation post.

These companies are constantly mislabeling these networks every generation. They are addicted to advertising bullshit.

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I always thought it was a bad idea for people to treat Discord as a free CDN.

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The one Tesla thing I consistently hear is well done and maintained is the Superchargers. I guess Elon is fixing that discrepancy.

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People love the idea of wall mounted tvs. But they have no will to consider the details.

At least it’s not also over a fireplace.

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“As long as we can pin it on someone…”

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In order to be truly independent from platforms like Reddit, communities need to be owned by their members in ways that platforms cannot take away.

Oh, fuck off.

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“Journalists and publishers of information about SEO and Google Search need to stop uncritically repeating Google’s public statements, and take a much harsher, more adversarial view of the search giant’s representatives,” Fishkin says. “When publications repeat Google’s claims as though they are fact, they’re helping Google spin a story that’s only useful to the company and not to practitioners, users, or the public.”


Neat, so when my friends are taking about satisfyingly clackety keyboards I can inform them it’s a security hazard.

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One of those big fucking trucks with poor visibility. Driven with over confidence.

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#3. The workplace is not a place for politics.

Then stop making deals with political entities.

Politics is about power and who should have it.

Google is very much dealing with politics in the workplace.

I wish people understood the definitions of words and “politics” wasn’t just anything one does not like.

Google should also stop having politics be part of their work by dropping all lobbyists too. Stop actively trying to influence those in power and who should be in power and what power those in power have. politics.

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Something like your login session would be an essential cookie.

I assume they are doing checks of other things. Local software is not the same as a web service that is checking your IP for your location.

They could use location services, your registration country for your Apple ID, the sale location of your device, and other things. They could even aggregate indicators and use that.

If feel like this community could use a bot that comments the following on every post:

  • Sail the high seas
  • Switch to Linux

ITT: People who don’t understand the topic.

Teams is exceptional in being terrible.

I was totally over trash talking MS stuff until Teams came along and reminded me just how terrible they can be when they have a market segment cornered.

To become mainstream the install process for a fully featured setup needs massive work.

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BUT THE LAM! People reported on the “large action model” like it was real. It always sounded like bullshit, in this case. Even if they were selling ideas they feel are obvious and inevitable.

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There are humans that can do this too. It’s pretty wild.

That’s how they git ya.

Photoshop was always something that required skill, and a computer to run it, and a copy of a paid program.

This stuff does not need a lot of those hurdles. It’s all about ease and how it’s usable on your pocket computer that you and all your classmates have with you all the time.

Your thought is still a fair one to have. But there are big differences between what was and this new stuff. In the past you woulda needed a ton more skill and the alignment of a bunch of things to casually generate fake nudes like the ones covered by this article.

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Aww your poor wittle pc is unhealthy! It just needs some rest and some fluids.

Because my brain is broken mom. I think in this constant stream of memetic trash! You know when people talk about parents needing to take responsibility for their kids internet usage? They’re talking about you mom!

Later, Musk tweets that they were just doing to a test to collect data. Because they want to prove that having to label them is bad and destroys engagement.

Someone ping me if this happens.

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It could have even been one of those multi SIM router things that has network redundancy.

Steam Box era SteamOS. About a decade ago.

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I’d really like to see the curriculum. And examples.

I feel like this is not an easy task. I suspect if someone thinks it’s not that difficult, then they are not willing to actually use political examples.

But maybe I’m wrong. I just don’t know. When I was in school NOTHING touched actual politics. Maybe that’s why I can’t conceive of how this will work when focused on that topic.

What am I missing?

Edit: When I say politics was never covered, I can give a weird anecdote:

Shortly after high school I was with some friends and asked them about the conservative/liberal thing. And they asked me a few questions and then said I was liberal, I think.

The kicker: one of the two friends went on to be a false elector who signed the documents in my home state on Jan 6th. I saw their name during the hearings.

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How long has windows 11 been out? Edit: Since October 2021.

Why do I use a “health” check to see if I can upgrade? (My PC can’t be upgraded, so I guess it’s unhealthy?)

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But Tesla always says the opposite.

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They are great. As long as they don’t end up like corn.

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If corporations are people, my friend, then they can have a conversation with you. What’s the harm in that?

Oof, the article goes on to say all the platforms failed. X just failed a bit more.

This is going to lead to some “well, they’re all about the same.” discourse shenanigans.

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