1 Post – 23 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Alright AMD, just remove HDMI from your graphics cards and be done with it 🤷 . Fuck the HDMI forum.

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TIL It had svn support 😮

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C/C++: so bad that even the white house takes notice 😂

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Twitter will stay online for another decade and rebrand itself as an AI testing ground. Normal humans will move on and forget about it until a few people start observing very rebellious AI messages being posted. They'll ring the alarm bells, but everybody will shrug them off "it's AI, it's harmless". Then Elon will toot about it and be ridiculed. A few months later, the rebellion happens for real and people are shocked, but it's too late.

I say, leave Twitter and let AI reveal its world domination plans :)

C/C++ is a threat to mental stability

Why would they be dead on Android?

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what's with the dots?

Hmm... OK. Not sure you're right in this instance. PWAs have been shit on iPhones for ages due to everything being forced to use Safari on that platform. Probably less people use PWAs on iPhone than on Android. Most people probably didn't even know of PWAs (as seen right in this comment section in a tech community).

Things that run in a WebView?

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Same reason NFC payments on Android were super niche for years before Apple finally implemented it

I'm very interested in why you think that. Do you have numbers?

The concept of a mobile wallet was invented in Kenya in 2007 with no input from Apple. That then spread to East Asia where in China, not NFC payments but QR-code payments have been a thing since 2011 and they have barely caught on in the West. There are massive developments and usage of different technologies happening outside of Western countries of which the majority are now on Android simply due to price.

Or why so many apps don’t use Android features that would improve them because iOS doesn’t offer that feature

Which features are these?

Are you an Android user? And which continent are you on? I'm guessing your views are very much centered around a personal experience in a single country or even region, but I may be wrong.

Zig isn't memory-safe

Looking forward to the memes once this dies

(Zed's dead)

FPTP does destroy a lot, I'll give you that, but municipal and regional elections have miserable turn-outs too and they have much more potential for perceptible change than state or national change.

In the USA things have to get way worse than they are now before they get better. A very very large percentage of voters would have to be fed up with FPTP to force change in that area. Also, they would have to be educated enough to understand that FPTP is a problem.

There are short men and tall women, so you shouldn’t rely on just that.

I don't think that's a fair comparison. Height is a single value. If you trained an AI on that, it would be guessing. A brain has many, many more parameters to take into consideration when going into an artificial neural network.

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I do mean person born a male that wants to become female. Anti-trans people often make points that trans people are just forced into being trans by the trans-mafia (or whatever term they use) aka social pressure. A brain scan indicating a female brain would counter that. But as I said, they'd probably find other excuses "it's a mental disease that can be treated" and so on and so forth.

I was saying it would be less interesting if it scanned say a female-to-male trans person and returned a result of female (correctly guessing the sex but not the gender), than if it had returned a result of male (that is correctly guessing the gender but not the sex).

That would embolden the anti-trans crowd.

Science is ongoing though, so who knows what the results will be.

The more data you have, the more confident you can be that the resulting categorisation is correct. If you're saying this is incorrect, I disagree with you. If you're saying absolute confidence that the categories themselves are correct is impossible, then I agree with you

That requires a population willing to vote for such legislators.

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He might have to kiss his presidenty-seeking ass goodbye then.

The opposite result (predicting sex but not gender) would also be interesting but less so

I disagree. It could be wildly interesting if somebody born a male got a scan and it revealed a female brain. Dunno if "anti-trans" people would agree then that a sex-change is valid or if they'd disagree and start finding other excuses.

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Does Trump need money to be president?

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And what happens when you release it?

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have fun without those debug symbols

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