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Have a look for USB-C docks that don’t specifically mention “for the steam deck”. They’re all functionally the same but I found a steam deck owner tax when they reference Steam decks in product titles. For example, I picked up a Sabrent dock where reviews mentioned steam deck.

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Its a really interesting series this - worth a watch!

Even if its “just” to get a notably higher refresh rate. If you’re considering around 4090 kind of prices a lovely higher refresh rate 1440p monitor would be a great sweet spot to consider.

Though I’d maybe say different if its business expense to earn you revenue and gaming is only lighter touch.

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After reading this post a few days back, I was inspired to get some Ghee and try it out. Absolutely delicious, thank you!

If you’re still looking for a solution, have you thought about using a native JavaScript solution?

It could be as simple as placing a click listener on the body element of each page and then having a list of CSS selector rules. Matches is a JS function that you can pass a CSS selector too, so each click that occurs you can loop through an array of selectors.

Alternatively, that array of selectors could be the elements you attach the listeners to directly.

I’d be happy to help create some examples, if you have any extra context 👍

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Would it be a better ideal to exclude any URLs that are similar to /c/*@*.* I think that would block external communities but keep local ones still indexable in their native locations.

Hey, I'll keep this on the post for now as its generic content at the moment.

There are two ways I'm going to suggest:

#1 Plausible's library

You mentioned using Plausible. did you know that if you include their custom event JS library you can just add class names to existing elements? If you're able to adjust the class names on your site this would be a nice and simple way to do things.

For example:

<button class="single_add_to_cart_button button alt plausible-event-name--Affiliate+Click plausible-event--product=product+name">Buy me</button>

For it to work you need to update your Plausible library to

The main issue here is that you have dynamic content being fed back to Plausible at the same time, which this process wouldn't help with unless you can tell you CMS to drop the name of a page's product into the class list. The example above shows what this would look like.

#2 - Custom JavaScript

The other route is just adding in custom JS. We could create a fun little library to add lots of customisation in, but we can keep this quite simple, by pasting the following code at the bottom of a page's body element.

  var target_elements = document.querySelectorAll(".single_add_to_cart_button");
  for (var i=0; i<target_elements.length; i++) {
    target_elements[i].addEventListener("click", function(){ plausible("Affiliate Click", { props: {product: document.title} }); })

This code will:

  • Look for all elements on the page that own a class name of "single_add_to_cart_button" (they can have other class names too)
  • Look through all found, if any, and attach a click listener to those elements
  • When a user clicks, the "plausible" function will be called and the desired parameters passed to it

If you want to know more about CSS selectors, W3Schools offers some simple examples to learn from.

You'll notice that this just covers the first of the two examples you gave. For your second example it would be good to have some additional information so that we can refine the click listener. For example, are each of these "link" or "button" elements, such as:

<a href="">View on Etsy</a>

If you're happy to DM me an example URL on this site, I can give you a complete example for the second set of click listeners?

Yeah exactly that 👍 It's a self hosted web analytics platform but also has Tag Management available via a first party plugin. It is very comparable to GTM and if you have some frontend JavaScript knowledge it has everything you'd reasonably need I think.

For my setup, I used UDP port 443. For the vast majority of situations it works well as TCP 443 is for secure internet traffic. It seems admins often blanket 443 port open regardless of protocol 🙃

That Plexus list os fantastic! Its one thing that’s always held me off of going from iOS to AOSP.

Hopefully someone can answer my main concern for years - Plexus show’s certain banking apps not requiring any Google services, but how do you get up to date versions of them installed. Relying on a 3rd party store seems quite the risk for a sensitive app like that?

This seems quite similar to Segment’s offering. Matomo (formerly Piwik) have a self hosted tag management system that could be slightly closer to Google Tag Manager configuration for anyone who is looking for a like for like replacement.

They also have a mature and self hosted analytics package too.

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