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His record should be expunged when he turns 18 because it was a crime he committed as a child. I understand their frustrations, but they're asking to jail a child over some photoshopped images.

Making a deepfake is definitely not a heavy crime that deserves jailtime or a permanent mark unless he was an adult doing it.

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I used to have nightmares of this happening to me when I was a kid. It made me scared of all sewage pipes and openings underwater. Once I grew older I figured I was just a stupid kid with a wild imagination, but I now realize it was my human instinct telling me that shit is dangerous, and avoiding it was the right move.

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Kids are kids until 18 because people mature at different rates. At 18 it is safe to assume most have matured enough. This kid could be 18 mentally, but he could also be 13 mentally.

Why are you trying emotional manipulation in order to justify punishing this one kid as if he was an adult?

Here, let me show you what you just did. Let me introduce you to Steve. His life was ruined because he made a deepfake of a girl he likes and sent it to his friend, but he shouldn't have trusted that friend, because the deepfake then found itself on every phone in class. Steve got a 3 year sentence, forcing early dropout, and due to his permanent mark, he would forever be grouped with rapists and could never find a job. He killed himself at 21. And you claim it's not that bad? The fuck is wrong with you?

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Yes, he should face consequences the same way any child should face consequence, by being grounded and shamed, maybe he loses his allowance and gets a suspension.

You don't charge kids as adults, period. They're stupid, they sometimes (often) don't think of the consequences. They deserve more chances.

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I've been using noscript for years. I don't even have to open up the blocklist anymore because I've successfully unblocked only the necessary scripts on all sites I ever visit. I get no trackers, no bloat, no google analytics, no Facebook, no microsoft, no ads, and no adblocker notifications.

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Accessibility is orthogonal to JavaScript if the site is being built to modern standards.

In other words, accessibility is in the hands of the developers, not the visitor. And the developer really wants that scrolling background and non-selectable text, so tough luck, people with no hands, I guess.

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Flash was containerized, and completely safe until adobe just stopped supporting it. A million times better than what JavaScript has become in terms of privacy. There is a reason noscript is bundled with Tor.

And preference is definitely a reality. It is niche at the moment but I see a future where more and more people see JavaScript for what it is. Bloat.

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It takes 2 clicks to get a website to work. It took a few minutes for me to get all my most commonly visited websites to work. And you can backup and restore so it takes a few minutes to sync the customization to all devices.

We still use plugins. In fact you most likely have one installed right now for video encoding. JavaScript not being a plugin is the reason we only have two major browser cores. Chromium and gecko. JavaScript prevents new browsers from entering the ecosystem due to how hard it is to implement unlike how easy it would have been as a plugin.

Flash had vulnerabilities because of neglect from adobe. The core design of flash and its earlier stages made by Macromedia were great. It had a sandboxes environment, and later it even was integrated into a browser sandbox just like JavaScript, eliminating most vulnerabilities.

Flash was very limited in the malicious code it could run, as opposed to JavaScript which can automatically redirect you to malicious websites, install tracking cookies, access the browser canvas to install tracking pixels, freeze your entire browser, take control of your cursor, look at your entire clipboard history, collect enough information about you to competely identify and track your footprint over the entire internet.

Flash couldn't access your clipboard or files unless you clicked allow every time, couldn't access anything outside of its little window, and if it froze, the browser was mostly unaffected, and flash had almost no ability to collect any data about your browser.

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You really can't. If it was only HTML and CSS, any accessibility program would be able to select any part of the page, and easily alter the CSS and HTML. That is next to impossible now because of JavaScript.

It shouldn't be up to the website developer. It should be up to the browser developer. You don't blame a lemmy instance for poor accessibility with Jerboa.

Flash didn't allow arbitrary code to run. It had a very limited scripting language (which design-wise is superior to JavaScript, by the way) to control canvas elements and playing sound. You couldn't execute programs on your computer.

If by late you mean right before action script 2. I was making flash games back then and I remember it being unable to access virtually anything without first triggering a prompt, which you could disable by right clicking, and going into properties.

Your legitimate concerns about JavaScript are blockable by the browser.

Yes, through NoScript. And it should be blocked, not blockable.

It is funny you mention evercookie because that was a JavaScript library, and affected all cookies, not just flash cookies.

Flash cookies being sharable between browsers was bad, but you could still easily clear those cookies, that is until a certain JavaScript library started restoring them automatically.

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Ecmascript was made to standardize JavaScript, but it isn't based on JavaScript. Actionscript is then based on ecmascript, making Actionscript a sibling to JavaScript, not a subset.

Arbitrary code execution is a vulnerability where you write and execute arbitrary code outside of the intended environment

Just because Actionscript is a language doesn't mean it has the functionality to do whatever to your machine. It lacks most of those functions because it is mostly a graphics library. It would have to run an already prepared external script via some improper memory pointer somewhere for it to be arbitrary code execution.

And Actionscript is not built on top of JavaScript. Both JavaScript and ActionScript are based on ecmascript. They are different, just like Typescript and JavaScript are different.

Actionscript was object oriented and had proper types unlike JavaScript which to this day is one of the worst programming languages.

Are you sure I'm the one misunderstanding the problem of evercookie? Was the problem that you could access the same cookies from multiple browsers because of ActionScript, or was it that evercookie maliciously restored said deleted cookies after they were supposed to no longer be used? One is a feature that allows transferring sessions between browsers on the same computer. The other is essentially malware.

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Drink verification can

Funny because Russia, but sad because science

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What did New Zealanders do to OP?

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Guy who said "If I die, it is not suicide" dies of suicide right before important court date, and perfectly healthy and active person suddenly succumbs to rare antibiotics-resistant infection.

They just happened to work at the same company and die right before they could testify on the same thing.

This not being foul play is less likely than a global conspiracy.

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He must be one of those non-Americans with universal healthc*re

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"Most agreed that promos about new games and other content are slightly more tolerable on the main menu before the game starts,"

If I see as much as a small banner ad in a game, I'm immediately refunding, and never purchasing a game from that publisher ever again.

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they're most likely splitting the AI into multiple ones that specialize in specific fields and you have to pay separately for them. before this, they nerf the general purpose AI to give the incentive for users to switch once they announce the new "Expert Programmer AI" or "Expert Stocks/Crypto Trader AI".

I'm calling it now. AI is going to become like cable.

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Can't wait for rich billionaires' kids to live to be 250 years old while everyone else dies from microplastics-induced early onset Alzheimer's and childhood cancer from PFAS.

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I hope more people and businesses come to their senses and move to mastodon.

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The internet sure has grown. Some day it'll be too big to even fit inside OP's mom.

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A Japanese person is only going to be able to answer "it is normal" unless they've lived abroad. Maybe it would be easier to ask them to debunk or confirm those misleading rumors?

Things I can point out from living in japan is:

healthcare is good

streets are clean

every Japanese person has seen at least a few Animes

Basic Japanese TV is 50% food, 30% reactions with facecam, 15% commercials, and once every Friday 1 movie. (Either ghibli, Harry Potter, or home alone).

You don't really need to know Japanese in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, but in less touristy places it would be good to know how to order stuff, talk to cashiers and understanding basic instructions in Japanese.

Akihabara is dying.

Disney is more popular than Anime, and there are far more women than men and children combined at Disneyland and Disney sea.

People stand in line just to play pachinko.

Japan doesn't have pork broth. (Biggest culture shock for me)

There is a place in japan for every single hobby.

Japanese people like uniforms. If they have a hobby that sometimes has uniforms, more often than not, the Japanese person is going to have the full set of the uniform.

It is not considered rude to eat while walking, or talk while eating.

It is considered rude to blow your nose at the table, to pass food from chopstick to chopstick, to eat or talk on phone while on the train.

Houses and apartments are small, but cheap if you live further away from the center.

Living even an hour away from Tokyo, you're still going to have giant cities nearby with everything you need, and everything will be cheaper.

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This is why piracy is the way to go, both financially, and at this point ethically.

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I already switched Linux.

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I would like to thank Unity for promoting the move to FOSS alternatives. FOSS makes the world a better place.

This is a direct response from meta to being outed as intentionally exploiting children on their platform.

Commonly known as 1950-1970s Atompunk, featuring a cold war utopia with nuclear energy, atom power and robots.

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It's amazing. They finally removed all the bloat and telemetry. You'll love it.

The cloud is just someone else's computer.

Learning how to build a bomb shouldn't be blocked by llms to begin with. You can just as easily learn how to do it by googling the same question, and real and accurate information, even potentially dangerous information, shouldn't be censored.

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Masturbation abstinence as a meme is popular online, but I doubt actual abstinence is.

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Sample the color of a specified pixel (or something recognizable in the streaming format) every 30 frames from the original video.

Store collection of pixels in a database and share in a peer to peer network or stored on invidious instances. Because the sample size is small, and the database can be split up by youtube channel, the overall size and traffic should remain low.

When streaming a youtube video, if the plugin detects that the pixel in the video doesn't match the one in the database, automatically skip until where the pixel matches the data in the database.

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didn't realize i picked one of the top ten instances. lots of programmers here.

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Anyone who hasn't moved on to mastodon at this point is a clown.

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Tldr :

Japanese make game with sexual content.

Western journalists: "disgusting. This needs to be censored."

Japanese gamers: "no"

Europeans make game with sexual content.

Japanese gamers: "hypocritical much?"

Western journalists: "OMG, stop making a big deal out of nudity in games. Isn't it time we accept it?"

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Don't use vscode. Use vscodium

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National pension is a ponzi scheme and as our population declines it will be impossible to pay it back.

With private insurance, you are given worse options and they will do anything in their power not to pay it. For the average person, you will also have paid more in the long run with insurance than without it, even if you had an accident.

Chiropractors are harmful for your body even if your issue is spine-related. Go to an orthopedist.

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I think op meant he requests google to delete the history through the account settings, which they are required to comply with.

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