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Joined 12 months ago

Jokes on them I've been angry for a long time without birth control.

There were sources in the article that says that Bitcoin mining basically wasted a countries worth of resources, increasing our overall electric bills.

Nah i agree with you. Just being sarcastic, and phrasing it badly and exhausted. And concerned with privacy in an age where nothing is private and worried about my younger relatives who somehow have less rights then I did ten years ago. Then I read articles like this where the title could be phrased differently because I would consider a sex trafficker a problem.

Well it was only one woman talked about that needed an abortion, the rest of the article described organizations that help women across countries and also Texas and Oklahoma, some of many states that have banned abortions... Which seemed to be the main focus of the article. She might have not known about planned parenthood in her state but called her friend, that gave her the fastest resolution that she knew of, which was still pretty quick. Planned parenthood has appointments that have to be set up so it may still have been the fastest resolution in the end for her anyways.

Adding to this, there are religious organizations that frame themselves as abortions clinics to manipulate women into keeping the pregnancy. She might have been unlucky and got the first 2 in her search terms.

Damn me for wanting the right to my body in an anti abortion state.

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