1 Post – 132 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That intimacy was still available on Reddit, but you needed to dig into the niche subs to find it. Commenting on large subs was definitely a cup of water in the ocean feeling.

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They gave a fight. If Reddit had just been silent, I bet most of the subs would be open now. Instead, Reddit has fought for every inch and in turn created an enemy to rally against. I was initially bummed and left to support the blackout and figured I'd just reduce my Reddit usage. With how nasty Reddit has acted though, I'm avoiding them as aggressively as possible now.

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It's horrible but trying to force-ably separate them at this point would only lead to the minors being hidden from view, deepening the abuse. Additionally, the minors are highly unlikely to actually leave their spouse, no matter how bad their situation is. Adding fuel to the "society doesn't want us together" would only serve to deepen the minor's distrust in everyone but their spouse, making it much harder to help them from any ongoing abuse.

Linus is surrounded by people who can call him on his bullshit. Luke is very aware of the shit Linus steps in and lets him know. Linus just kinda sucks at publicly admitting it, at least not without getting his own jab in. Hence taking over the "Trust Me Bro" joke.

Linus takes all criticism on LMG as a personal attack regardless of his involvement. Hopefully, once Tarren steps in, he'll be able to wrangle Linus and just let LMG handle the public relations side.

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That would be in the west bank, not Gaza. Gaza has very steady borders and no encroachment for a long time and Gaza is where the attack came from.

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As a shorter term fix, not murdering people based on a simple phone call would also fix the problem.

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Less than you think. These people do not hold punches with family. They might even be harsher on their own family since they "should know better" and "weren't raised like that".

On the LGBTQ front, families have done more damage to them than any random individuals ever did. These people will not hold back at calling their children whores for getting pregnant even by rape.

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It's because Linus still has startup brain. He was squeezing blood from the stone for the first few years and his success then makes him believe that he needs to maintain that same mentality now.

Fortunately, he's also realized that he doesn't like running a large company and he's hired a CEO. Unfortunately, said CEO is still stuck in his previous role and won't actually be starting full-time for another few months. So now the company gets to sit in an awkward limbo of Linus checking out but Tarren not being ready to take over.

Once he is able to be a real CEO of LMG, I'm willing to bet things will start to dramatically change. Tarren has been running businesses as businesses for a while now and thus should know how to shape the company. He'll be able to adjust the goals and fix the spends to align with those goals. Since the company is privately owned, as long as Linus doesn't step on the process, it should go pretty well.

Not just a doubling of users though. There's been a massive explosion in activity from all users, more than just a doubling.

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Small sample size is fine when it's representative of the population. Trying to extract nationwide sentiment, a very diverse thing, off a small size is unlikely to be very representative.

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They can't do a hostile take over of ActivityPub. The trap is that they would come in with open arms and an army of developers. ActivityPub maintainers would at first welcome the help and guidance from such an experienced team. Then, once they have the community hooked, they spring the trap and start making changes that are actively hostile to small sites. The community flocks to the big site because everything works better there, and the dream is dead.

Now maybe it'll never happen, but it's hard to tell. Even if Facebook joined with the best intentions, that doesn't mean the project isn't going to be taken over by a power hungry manager later who could still activate the trap card.

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That's not entirely true. There have been many very scientifically successful religious universities. That said, MAGA Christians are not the type that would create a free thinking institution.

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It takes effort to rebel this hard. That effort should be rewarded not squashed. Eventually they'll find something that interests them and their effort will be naturally put into improving that. Basically, don't kill a child's spirit.

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Right. Those damn knitters and their echo chamber of knitting tricks.

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I would argue it's more a problem of lax corporate safety. That's a ton of weight and those shelves should have been overbuilt as hell. They should have also been regularly checked for sagging and wear.

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It's not all Google's fault though. With the obliteration of online news and forums, there just isn't much indexable content out there that isn't trash. It's only getting worse with AI spitting out garbage remixes of the same crap on pages that post more ads than content. Reddit was a bastion of real content written by real humans delivered in a mostly friendly way.

So at this point, what is Google supposed to even serve? No one wants the trash content. The next "best" thing is Quora and that's entirely hostile even if it manages to accidentally contain valid content.

Corporate has managed to destroy the Internet.

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There's also many other special areas like the Villages, and he made sure not to touch those. It's obviously just a direct attack at Disney, targeted for the crime of not being bigoted enough.

Just because studies have made sweeping statements, doesn't mean they're right. I could say I've got the longest member I'm the world based on a study I conducted in my basement, but it doesn't change reality.

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The wild ancestors of our modern food did exist. And there's a reason we have highly advanced cultivars of those foods, it's because people were eating them before they were cultivated. Once agriculture started, people took the foods they regularly foraged and started to grow them. Then they would replant the ones they liked and toss/eat the seeds of the ones they didn't. Do that a few thousand years and you've got highly edible and great tasting produce, but it all started with people trying to grow what they already ate.

If you want to be angry, then be angry at the PPP loans that were just forgiven. They sum to a much higher amount than and student loan forgiveness plan.

Getting a DVD player and the Matrix was incredible. It had all sorts of commentary, behind the scenes, and other stuff. I spent hours watching the movie and the extras over and over again.

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They weren't born large. Reddit was seeded with content by the developers before the users came. The secret to growing a community is to grow a community. It all has to start somewhere and frankly, fediverse is starting with a much stronger kick start than digg and Reddit ever had.

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I've hard avoided Reddit this week to break the habit and help keep traffic numbers down for their metrics. Will I return to some of my small subs later? Maybe. Kbin and Lemmy have already done a great job at providing more content than I can really engage with already, so there's not a huge need for me to go back. The only time it's a struggle is when the Kbin servers are hugged to death, but I've been lurking squabbles during those dark times.

Yes but it's going to be hard to keep up with Google in a fork.

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This is not about weapons. That's a ludicrous viewpoint. We've been able to create fusion weapons for decades now by starting them with fission. There's no way to build a pocket fusion device so it would only ever be a giant nuke, which we can already build.

No, this is really real research. Oil and coal barons know the end is coming for oil and coal, that's why they're the primary card holders in renewables too. They don't actually need to burn fossil fuels, it's just more profitable to do so right now. Once it's not, they'll just turn to the next most profitable thing they've got their fingers in.

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There really is no other large social media site that allows you to converse with actual people. Youtube and Twitter are all about chatting with the content creator, trying to get their attention. Facebook is for getting yelled at by distant relatives. Fortunately Kbin and Lemmy where there to catch us.

The real reason it takes time is because we try not to harm people even in experimental drug testing. It would be much faster to simply toss shit at the wall and see what sticks, but that's not exactly humane. So we have to find analogues that hopefully mimick humans will enough, but they don't really work well. So it takes lots of time to build up enough evidence with those preliminary tests to convince the safety board to allow human trials. Then trials have to slowly scale up to limit the amount of people harmed by unforseen effects with a lot of time between as the safety board reviews the previous results before allowing the next test.

It's all good to do, but it does make development frustratingly slow sometimes. Especially when people are actively dying waiting for the new drugs.

It's well known that most social media, and very much so for Reddit, are primarily consumed by lurkers. There's loads of daily users that don't even have an account because it's not necessary. The lurkers may be good for ad revenue, but they don't make the content. You need the active community there to produce the content that lurkers consume. Without the community, the lurkers aren't going to step in and do it themselves, they'll just stop visiting Reddit. So yes, I'm sure the balance looks like 95% lurkers and 5% community.

It should be revised to "the Internet can be forever". There's no control over what persists and what doesn't, but some things really do get copied everywhere and live on in infamy.

That's why I say we need a NSFW and a CONTENT_WARNING. The nice thing about content warning is that it's generic enough to have multiple uses. It can cover gore and death, but it can also cover trigger warnings for sensitive spaces.

You can still use the APIs but you do it via a browser. So it is slightly more annoying for botters but a death blow for apps.

That's just the nature of any site that allows community moderation. If you're looking for something different, try

Even having an opinionated choice would be better than what we currently have.

That's not going to work for web hosting. The only reason it works for crypto or folding is because each request takes minutes to run and there's no time dependence on returning the result. Additionally, they don't need much data and all data needed is dispersed with the task.

Websites are completely different. Each individual request is tiny, taking milliseconds to process. Each request is very time dependant, you have a person literally waiting for the result. But the biggest issue is that what people really want is stuff from a database. So that database would need up grant full access to everyone, meaning anyone could change whatever they wanted. Lastly, that database would need to be hosted anyway so you've gained nothing.

Don't suggest tech solutions when you don't have any idea what the problem or solution actually involves.

The current communities are a bit too small to be really engaging. There's often only a handful of comments instead of a wealth of discussion. It will grow and they will get better, but it's understandable that some people are feeling the content is a bit hollow currently. I bet another doubling in size (very doable) would easily bring us to the activity level needed for things to be lively and fresh.

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That's great for desktop, but as a mobile user I'm stuck with the default behavior of the site. I imagine a lot of people coming here are mobile first as that's the main interaction that Reddit is blowing up.

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He's one of the founders but it seems not the smartest of them.

Probably not. HR would have just pre filtered him anyway.

Nothing. Then again the government isn't doing the forgiveness either. Until Congress is no longer dead set on trying to increase everyone's suffering, nothing will be done.

Probably no where. They likely just left Twitter and carried on with whatever else they were doing.