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You can use systemd-analyze blame if you want raw numbers:

This command prints a list of all running units, ordered by the time they took to initialize. This information may be used to optimize boot-up times.

Good way to see if your systemd also waits 2 minutes for a network connection which already exists but it can't see it because systemd doesn't do the networking (lxc containers on proxmox in my case) lol.

Also see systemd-analyze.

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Babe wake up, new flathub frontend just dropped

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I think the whole "men don't know where the clitoris is" in reality means either

  • they don't know what to do with it
  • they don't care
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Where hot potato license?

HOT POTATO LICENSE Version 2, September 2021 All rights reserved by the last person to commit a change to this repository, except for the right to commit changes to this repository, which is hereby granted to all inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy for the purpose of committing changes to this repository.

Jesus, leave some pussy for the rest of us

Where does the get sourced from? Looks like pornhub gifs. You could think of a integration for some nsfw subreddits as well (if you can get past the api barrier they built up, like with redlib).

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And if you buy a pc with windows preinstalled, remove any anti virus software free trial bullshit that cones with it. Just use Windows defender as it is already enough for most use cases

I'd be angry too if i had to be an airport at Frankfurt.

Third category also contains works so old that only the people hoarding rights to said works profit from giving out licenses to them bc they never worked on them.

Lawnchair is a fork of the original pixel launcher that gives some quality of life upgrades to an already good piece of software, like being able to remove the search bar, resizable / reshapable icons and fonts usw. Its also open source, so feel free to check out the github.

There is no app store release right now but they are working on it. I've used the alpha versions for two years now and it has worked fine so far.

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I hope so. I've been using Linux for 10 years for everything except gaming. And two years ago i went fulltime with proton and lutris (switched to heroic though).

And let me tell you, we're at a point where its multiple times more straight forward to just install something like Fedora KDE, and do almost anything windows can, than trying to deal with whatever the hell microsoft is up to these days.

The biggest problem still is software discoverability. It is our duty to guide newcomers where they want to go instead of gatekeeping.

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It took that time before the update for me as well. 1-2 minutes for every loading screen. There was a mod for that (before the next-gen update) that you could not load via nexus, bc the setup was a little more conplex, but it worked really well (see )

The method of this mod was to speed up the fps only while in the loading screen to 300-350 bc the loading times were somehow tied to the fps. Well done Bethesda.

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Finally. Hail the google overlords!

Well there is

  • Vulkan (graphics API, successor to OpenGL which was used by e.g. Minecraft, CS Go i believe)
  • DXVK (compatibility layer for games created with the DirectX Framework by MS)
  • Lutris (game launcher for stuff you bought outside of steam, e.g. GOG, Epic, Uplay, etc.)
  • Steam and maybe Proton but idk.
  • the atom thing could be, where you can look up if your game will run on linux and what fixes / commands are available
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Have used it for some months and it's great. I mostly use it for basic stuff like splitting / merging pdfs because im too lazy to look up the pdftk command.

But there are many more features like sanitizing (removing embedded JS code) or OCR (which works great).

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Can confirm, played it this week, am girl now.

Most people working on big media productions (movies, shows, games) get a fixed price or salary for doing so. The owners / publishers (maybe also big stars in movies which already are millionaires) get all of the rest when a production sells good.

So by buying / paying for subscription services you only support big c-suite assholes which sit on the rights to media which they have contributed nothing to, except for capital maybe. I won't pay some intransparent big corporation to be able to watch a 10 year old movie / show just to make those people richer.

Anna's archive would be the go to i think. You can choose the language in the sidebar.

Have a look at self hosted alternatives like Ollama in combination with Open-webui. It can be a hassle to set up, or even excruciatingly painful if you never touched a computer before, but it could be worth a try. I use it daily and like it much more than chatgpt to be honest.

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Compared to other recent releases they kind of were. Also the decks screen resolution and refresh rate is adequate for its performance.

One reason may Bethesda deciding not to implement Denuvo. On the other hand, they sure will rely on the community fixing the rest of the mess lol, although the first gameplay videos make the game look surprisingly polished imo.

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Because they are not publicly traded, i hope it stays that way

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Those examples you listed are not really modern imo. I'm not an UI/UX expert though.

I used Hugo to build my personal website. You can also easily build blogs with it. The difference to the usual approach is that you "code" the website in markdown which makes it super easy. Hugo then generates the html and css for you, which gets statically hosted. Check out the showcases and themes if you're interested. I used a theme called papermod, it's pretty common.

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If only they could let me disable the fucking search bar.

jk, I'll just use Lawnchair instead.

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Vanced died because they tried to generate revenue from it and made themselves vulnerable.

Also, unlike Vanced, Revanced doesn't distribute modded youtube apks themselves.

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Some libraries have these to scan books fast. My old university had one to scan really old books (about 1500). I'm sure it could be used on magazines, you just have to find a library that has one AND is willing to let you use it.

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Would be a pleasure if you could take it out from the back instead of having to rip out the screen.

That and a replacable usb c port.

Loop habit tracker app on android:

They are in the google play store and f-droid i believe

That escalated quickly.

They did this for a while now in Trackmania. It is easy to implement there tbh (big boards in the stadium) but they should still rot in hell like anyone else trying to further enshittificate the web.

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That Kalium with two bonds tho

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I seriously recommend checking out Celeste if you're into platformers with the difficulty of dark souls. The main game is completable in 8-10 hours, but theres about 2-3 times more content in that game. There is also a speedrunning and a modding community.

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I sold my old parts on ebay when i built a new rig. Got about 100€ in total and paid 2000€ for the new one :|

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I remember when i wanted to make something like a chromecast audio with volumio and spotify connect on my Pi 2. I had to buy an audio DAC (~30€) because I could not get the 3.5 Jack to work correctly. It just sounded bad when cranked up to a volume you could actually hear something. You almost couldn't understand lyrics in songs due to the static noise. I read that this was due to being badly shielded from the power source.

The Audio jack on the Pi 3 I have is ok, but still not that good compared to the Audio DAC of course. But then again, the audio DAC i bought for 30€ was said to be on par with 1000€ standalone audio interfaces lol.

I went fulltime Linux and therefor bought a full AMD system (better drivers) one year ago. I played about 15 games the last year, some of them AAA titles, rarely had problems, and all of them could be fixed by looking on (unless the problems came from the game itself of course).

There are some titles which will not support Linux on purpose although it surely would run just fine, for whatever reasons, e.g. fortnite.

Ngl, that bio reads like a rollercoaster ride

Wouldn't want to write a webserver / database connection / scheduler / etc. from scratch. Spring Boot plus lombok turns 2k lines of code into 100.

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Since there is no screenshot in the repo i thought i'd drop this here. You technically don't even need to install the GUI app (but you can) since the daemon starts a webserver on localhost:11987 which looks like this:

Good bot

Better noone tell apple.

Finally, although I don't think that this will have a meaningful outcome...