15 Post – 232 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If your computer is connected to a network, I don't see any downside of enabling a firewall. It's a good security layer to have and costs basically no resources to keep running.

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Personally prefer to read the title before the image. It's one of the reasons I don't use the Connect app

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I can only hope plasma6 has serious improvements on Wayland compatibility with nvidia drivers because plasma5 is unusable.

Yes, I know it works on your machine. It doesn't work on mine :P

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It's not shitty, it's fair. If damage is caused by the overclock why should the manufacturer foot the bill? You modified the product to run outside the specs!

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It's awful for most new users, though. They don't even know what the options are, how can they choose anything?

Not every new user is the same but if they are absolute newbies they should start with a user friendly distro, which Arch definitely isn't.

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I wish it was more popular so more job offers would pop up :P

I got my Nvidia GPU before I even considered moving to Linux. I am honestly getting pretty tired of reading these gatekeeping comments telling me "I'm not allowed to complain about anything" or how I'm a trash person for buying an Nvidia card in the first place. Nvidia is the largest GPU manufacter, people are going to own Nvidia cards, you need to live with it. Be constructive and nice to other people.

X11 is rock solid with Nvidia, never had a single problem.

I had a lot of issues with Wayland on KDE, lots of flickering issues all the time. I moved to Hyprland and things are mostly fine. IntelliJ has ocasional problems but they are working on a Wayland version anyways.

Just because it's wildly used it doesn't mean it's the best, otherwise you'd be suggesting OP to install Windows 10.

Manjaro has several legit criticism. Maybe they're not important to you, but they are still legit and relevant points to make. Personally, I ended up going with an Arch derivative that uses the official arch repos. Everything else you like in Manjaro can be easily installed.

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I honestly think it's nice. You're paying for mostly cosmetic stuff and the core Discord experience is unaffected.

I'm not sure if they suck or have shady businesses, but I have never felt the desire to pay for Nitro. I hope they manage to get profit with such an unremarkable set of perks.

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I'm sure you can Google china warcrimes as well. Assuming you're not inside the great firewall of China, that is. Let's not pretend China is good just because US is bad.

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I miss some Reddit communities, to be honest. There are no communities here for most of my hobbies and that brings down my enjoyment of the platform. Most things that spark joy in my life are not here.

Another thing that has been bumming me out is that people are way more aggressive now. Lemmy was a very friendly and welcoming environment, even in the most toxic topics you could think of. Lately I find a lot of elitist comments where anyone that doesn't have the same opinion or needs is objectively an idiot.

On the positive side, I switched to Linux because of Lemmy! And I'm (still) learning Rust!

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Honestly this is pretty disheartening.

I've just recently had this discussion with a friend where he told me he prefered Nostr because he was afraid instances would randomly start banning eachother. I told him that I've never been banned from anywhere on my life and it just wasn't realistic at this stage of growth.

Well that aged like milk, huh?

They were bought by an advertising company, which is a bit sketchy.

I don't think anyone is an X11 fan boy. We all know Wayland is the future. I would be using it if it worked on my machine.

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Is it safe to use 2FA yet?

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That will never happen, a browser is probably the best telemetry source you can possibly have. Microsoft wouldn't dream to give that up.

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I can't go back to cheap headphones, really. It makes a BIG difference.

Windows RAM allocation depends on your ram size. If you have more ram, it will allocate more. Unused RAM is wasted RAM

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Yeah but what's the point of using Debian when you're going to have to manually package newer versions of a lot of software?

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Rust is definitely something I've been keeping an eye on. The syntax looks a bit scary, to be honest, but looks very versatile.

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Definitely my trip to Qatar.

Once I was standing in a public place, there was a performance on a temporary stage. I was approached by the local law enforcement, I couldn't be there. Left side of the stage was for families only, right side was for everyone. Restaurants sometimes also had 2 doors, as if they were different restaurants. Left was for families, right was for everyone else.

Male friends holding hands and kissing in the face, as a gesture of friendship. Not that holding hands is weird, just found it odd on a country that stones gay people. Public affections between male and female was very rare.

All women wore hijab, others wore an additional piece of cloth that covered her entire head. It was very awkward to see them driving cars in this attire.

Then there was Ramadan. That made life a while lot harder.

Putting the obvious privacy issues aside (which also exist in Windows 10), my friends/family who use Windows actually enjoy Windows 11. Most people don't care about privacy, they enjoy running the most recent windows edition whatever that is.

The problem is that Windows 11 introduced some really arbitrary hardware requirements and people who actually want to upgrade don't have the tech knowledge to bypass them. These sites think people hate windows 11 but they're just too poor to upgrade.

You misunderstood the sign. You can't smoke the dog, the dog can do whatever the hell it wants. Smoking cigar is allowed, smoking barefeet dogs not allowed.

I was under the impression that fella was a gender neutral adjective to describe people with the same interests or group. TIL.

I believe most people in Europe use a localized ISO layout. I used ISO for most my life but in my personal opinion ANSI is way better for software development. I just don't see myself ever going back to ISO.

I wish I was brave enough to try Colemak or Dvorak, tho!

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EndeavourOS has been a wonderful experience for me, can't recommend it enough.

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X11 development is dead so it really is just a matter of time before Wayland is the norm and you'll be saying stuff like "back in my days we used X11 and we liked it!"

I've been on both sides of this table. Yes, I wish people would move away from WhatsApp but that's not going to happen. They're not going to even make an effort to begin to understand Signal just to talk to me. I could just not use WhatsApp and use Signal to talk to myself, that'd be fun.

I understand their frustration as well, people already have too many message apps already. WhatsApp, telegram, hangouts, SMS, Slack, Discord... When asked to install a new app they are naturally reluctant to install yet another messaging app just to talk to me and only me. I too have that one friend who bugs me every couple of months to install the new cool message app that is going around. Currently that SimpleX, wonder what comes next.

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This is not how you get people to join your ideas, this is how you push them away further.

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Which one is a concern you share?

My main concern is trust. How can I trust that the Manjaro team is competent when they can't keep up with something as simple as certificates. You say they helped the AUR but they actually DDOS'd it several times due to problems in pamac the software store they developed. By using Manjaro, you are saying that you trust the Manjaro team more than the Arch team, since you are using their repositories. Their actions do not inspire trust on me.

Arch actually has an unstable branch, that is "bleeding edge". Most people run Arch on the stable branch, which is perfectly fine. You can run into problems, but so far I have never encountered any. Holding packages for "stability" is a neat idea but if the Firefox and Arch team deemed the new browser version to be stable, that's good enough for me. I don't see the Manjaro devs as having more competence to judge such things than the Arch community and the software devs.

This is a pointless discussion anyway, I'm not changing my mind and neither are you but all least now you know where I'm coming from. Cheers.

The cost of making a new request for the rest of the news is higher than just returning the full news. The only use case where this makes sense is where news are behind a paywall and you just want to show a teaser to Anonymous readers.

No 5G is a deal breaker for me.

I don't agree with this. It creates a monetary barrier to starting a new channel. If uploading costs money the number of uploads is going to reduce considerably, no one likes to throw money away.

Just use proton VPN, the free tier should be enough.

Who wouldn't want a ton of feedback about the service provided?

I wish my costumers provided me with all their genuine feedback, all the things they hate about our app and why. All the things they wish it did but doesn't. All the bugs they have found and never reported. Feedback is such a vital and scarce information

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Any exciting features coming up with plasma 6?

Congrats to the devs!

Well, right after posting I found a working solution. Doh!

Solution here, works great.

Not masochists, just people with very different needs, privacy concerns and overall tech knowledge than you. Not sure why this is hard to understand by some folks.

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It's not nonsense, just concerns that you don't seem to have. Which is fine, really. If Manjaro is perfect for you, keep using it. No judging here.

I personally don't like Manjaro holding out on package updates, Arch stable branch is more than good enough for me. Everything else can be easily installed if you want to. Therefore, there's really no reason for me personally to recommend Manjaro.

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