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Joined 2 months ago

Software engineering, Rust, Zig, embedded

European here. Is this actually true that waffle houses can get violent? If so, is there any explanation? I like waffles and never associated them with violence. Never been to a waffle house, though.

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This is an old paper that it explains the basics:

Today there are a lot of mitigations where the steps of the paper don't work anymore, but the general ideas should be still valid. I'll hope you find the example you are looking for in there.

On another note: What is your intention? And can I participate 😈

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Aw man, now I want this toaster.

Neovim maybe? 😉

I actually hope for a spaceship full of billionaires on the way to Mars. What possibly could go wrong?

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In the context of him sharing a fake video. 🤦‍♀️

To add to your excellent comment:

It does not ask if it can copy the art nor does it attribute its generated art with: "this art was inspired by ..."

I can understand why creators unhappy with this situation.

It's her cardinal sin. /s

In all honesty, I fear that this is somehow her strongest weakness, because I fear the prejudices too many voters may have. I also hope that her campaign won't focus on the fact that she is femal, black and asian. Because these attributes does not qualify her for the job, nor - more importantly - disqualifies her for it. I hope that the majority of the voters in the key states see this as I do it and vote for her.

Thanks for your reply. This extends "smashing the stack for fun and profit" in an important way.

That's what they all say 😉

Jokes aside: have fun.

Can it be used on a "normal" android phone or just android tv?

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