
0 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Welcome to capitalism!

Jesus christ this is me...

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A tankie is someone from the military, while a terf is kind of like a working class dwarf.

You're welcome! /s

Homework shouldn't even exist anymore, it's antiquated and gives kids no work/life balance. (It might actually be a conspiracy to condition them to being worked to death.)

The iPhone is pretty good. :)

Jk, you might want to checkout the "Pixel" line, the manufacturers vary but it's basically the flagship Android phone.

The struggle is real yo

The deep-down truth is that all modern societies are highly complex and interdependent, and therefore every person depends on others in innumerable ways. The way to actually maximize freedom for the greatest number of people is to face that fact squarely, and arrange institutions so that people have the resources necessary to make meaningful choices when possible. American “freedom” is instead about pandering to the entitled, wealthy minority who want to indulge their every whim, no matter the consequences to others or themselves.

Good article, spot on really.

I like his giant flabby titties, seems accurate

indeed :)

Don't even look at it, just keep coding comrades!

This is a good one. :3

You can use Ansible to create domain names and register URLs on most popular hosting providers/registrars.

You shouldn't avoid platforms just because they have non-free websites, that's extreme bro.

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I mirror all my stuff on Gitlab just in case GitHub goes away, it probably won't happen but I like having backups! :)

Here's an ABS nedia release that claims 97% of sexual assault offenders are male: https://www.abs.gov.au/media-centre/media-releases/97-cent-sexual-assault-offenders-are-male

So i'd say it very reasonable to say gender is the #1 indicator for whether someone will commit sexual crimes. (Also note that if you look into murder, assault, child abuse etc, all of these are similarly one sided. It's mostly males who do these things.)

If your fighting with me idgaf who you are, I will use the 200 IQ magical chat bot to lawyer your ass.

I am too much of a sperglord to go it alone!!

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He also doesn't qualify for a public defender and can't afford a lawyer.

If that is the case, then I worry your justice system is broken.

Big tech says no.

somewhere in Ohio, good luck friend!

In some countries like Germany the public system is actually the nicer option.

...ahh you beat me to it :)

Wouldn't be an issue if we wised up and made rentseeking illegal.

That's simply untrue, a yacht like that is a terrible waste of humanities limited resources.

Okay let's rewind a bit, I asked you to provide an example of someone who was making money off this.

Saying "the establishment" and "big pockets" really isn't cutting it, can you or can you not name one party who's directly profiting off this? Can you actually prove the link between a victims testimony and someone being reimbursed?

I need names and dollar figures, not this sensationalist rambling.

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Yeah, you got nothing.

Statistically it's men like 90% of the time.

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If you want extremely low overhead you can use the API directly with curl. Most hosting providers/registrars allow this.

Who's profiting? Can you provide an example with Brands case?

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RIP Harambe

Some people need CIA roms, for them it's worth it!

Cool story bro

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Temporarily? Didn't Crimea get taken like... 9 years ago?

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Not necessarily. But it does make you wonder, how much time needs to pass before it becomes rude to ask for these things back?

In my country (Australia), we basically declared ourselves to be the true owners of this land... pretty damn quickly!

Any teacher still issuing out of class homework or assignments is doing a disservice IMO.

Of coarse people will just GPT it... you need to get them off the computer and into an exam room.

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Politics has just devolved into everyone calling each other pedos lately... lol

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I mean if you were going to guess the religion of those involved... yeah, Islam would be the one right?

Moderations pretty hard tbh, sorry your post got taken down bro.

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