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Joined 1 years ago

If you are looking for German (or German + English dual language) content it can be very hard to find stuff on public torrent trackers and it's pretty hard to get onto private German trackers - but don't worry, there is a solution:

Usenet and the indexer sceneNZBs.com that specialises in German releases have got you covered!

If you want to automate the search for German Dual Language content using Radarr/Sonarr I made a guide (that also works for torrents too): https://github.com/PCJones/radarr-sonarr-german-dual-language

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Looks like first and foremost you need a good(that means paid) indexer. NZBgeek and Drunkenslug come to mind as a good start - they both cost 15-20€/year. Drunkenslug registrations are closed right now but there are a lot of invites floating around. NZBgeeks registration is open.

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I know this is not exactly what you are looking for, but the Usenet indexer https://scenenzbs.com/ is specialised in German (+ German/English Dual Language) releases. Registration is open. They have a lot of stuff, not everything if it's older or rare, but enough. For new stuff it's perfect and there is basically everything.

Let me know if you need help setting it up, this is the best way to get German content if you don't have access to a private tracker.

PS: If you are looking for a German dual language Radarr/Sonarr setup I made a guide for that (works for public torrent trackers too, but as you said - there isn't a lot of German content on them): https://github.com/PCJones/radarr-sonarr-german-dual-language

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For all German speakers I have a beginners guide: https://github.com/PCJones/usenet-guide

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Usenet is the secret for German stuff. I have a German beginners guide: https://github.com/PCJones/usenet-guide

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They are obfuscated and encoded so it's not easy to find the files. Since they are encoded they basically look like random noise instead of actual video files (very simplified)

May I ask what I should look for in the log files to detect this (and so I can configure fail2ban correctly)?

Short answer: no

Long answer: yes, but they are basically useless. Except for some indexers that cost money but also have a free plan where you are capped at like 5 downloads per day.

The provider is there to access the usenet, just like you pay your internet provider to access the internet (well, not exactly like that in a technical sense, but you get what I mean I hope). And yes, while there are some free indexers they are basically useless - so you do have to pay for both, usenet access and an indexer. It should still be cheaper than a seedbox though.

To start I’d recommend frugal Usenet for 40$ a year if you are mostly downloading new stuff:


If you are also downloading a lot of older (think 10+ years) stuff you should get ewaka for 48€/year (or keep an eye out for the 36€ year deal that pops up a few times per year):


Let me know if you need more help :)

edit: good indexers to start are NZBgeek (open registration) and Drunkenslug (closed registration, but there are a lot of invites going around). Both cost 15-20€ per year

It's the same, it just adds support for jellyfin

You might want to have a look at Usenet. Yes, it costs money but it's such a premium experience compared to torrents and you don't have to care about seeding etc at all

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I already responded to you on reddit, but for Usenet you really don't need a VPN, only for torrents. I also told you to just use Radarr, Sonarr, Prowlarr and SABnzbd but since you also want something to play the items definitely keep Jellyfin. I also recommend to keep Jellyseerr as it's a great way to request and find new movies and shows.

I'll paste my original response from reddit here just in case someone else is looking for the same thing:

Assuming you want to fully automate it by using Sonarr and Radarr you can use my fork of docker-media-center which has SabnZBD for Usenet downloads:


Sadly I haven't got the time yet to update the documentation but if you know docker you should be able to figure it out, if not I'll gladly help.

You'll want to remove all services you don't want from the docker compose file (so for a simple Usenet Setup you'll only want Radarr, Sonarr, Prowlarr, SabnZBD).

Important stuff missing from the documentation:

  • the git clone link in the documentation is still pointing to the original repository, make sure to clone mine

  • at some point docker will tell you that it can't find the network global or local (one of these, I forgot which. But it'll tell you) When that happens all you have to do is execute docker network create global (or local)

  • after starting all services (especially SabnZBD) you'll need to execute the file set_sabnzbd_hostname.sh once and then restart the SabnZBD container.

  • In the sabnZBD Folder settings you'll need to set the temp folder to data/temp (it doesn't have to be temp, you can chose another name).

  • In the sabnZBD Folder settings you'll need to set the completed download folder to data/downloads

  • In the sabnZBD Categories settings you'll need to set the Folder/Path to data/downloads/radarr for movies and to data/downloads/sonarr for TV and anime

  • you'll have to add sabnZBD as download client in both Radarr and Sonarr. Just use sabnzbd as hostname

Once set up and configured it works like a charm.

And again, if you need assistance just let me know and I'll help

Really depends on your usage. I have a few Terrabytes of Usenet traffic every month so I'm glad I don't have to use block accounts for that

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Just having a Jellyfin instance for family and friends. I have everything in h264 for maximum compatibility to avoid transcoding. All 12 seasons of Bones (2005) take up 800GB alone for example. A 1080P Remux movie takes 10-40GB

For German stuff there is xrel.to

This is a really great ELI5 explanation of how Usenet filesharing works technically, nice!

Since you are looking for German movies you might be interested in my German DL Sonarr & Radarr guide:


I also use a Hetzner Storagebox for my Jellyfin instance, I mount it via SMB. Works great.

fileleechers is a board and not an indexer though right? So you can't add it to Sonarr and Radarr

Feel free to correct me, I don't know a lot about them since they are invite only

It really depends on what he needs and want to achieve. I host a Jellyfin (FOSS Plex) instance for me and some friends so I pay around 10€ for a VPS + 50€ per month for 20TB storage at hetzner alone (can't host at home because I only get 50k upload), but he most like won't need that if he is just hosting it at home for himself.

So assuming it's just him or people in his household using what he needs is:

  • a PC/Laptop/Homeserver/Raspberry Pi/Toaster with enough storage to host everything
  • Free Software: Sonarr & Radarr & SABnzbd to automatically find movies, shows and download them*
  • Optional: a free media server like Jellyfin
  • A Usenet provider. There is a lot of info on this if you look for it but for a beginner I'd recommend frugal Usenet for 40$ a year if he is mostly downloading new stuff:


If he is also downloading a lot of older (think 10+ years) stuff he should get ewaka for 48€/year (or keep an eye out for the 36€ year deal that pops up sometimes):


  • A Usenet indexer. scenenzbs.com costs 15-20€/year and is THE must have indexer for German content right now. Additionally, Drunkenslug(private, but lot's of invites going around) or nzbgeek (public) are great for english content and also do have some German stuff. They also cost 15-20€/year. To start sceneNZBs should be enough though.

Let me know if you/he needs more info or guides, but like I said it really depends on what his setup is supposed to be in the end

*edit: of course you can also skip Sonarr & Radarr and just search on scenenzbs.com by hand.

Have a look at my German Usenet beginners guide: https://github.com/PCJones/usenet-guide

Let me know if you need any further help

Can you share your dockerfile if you have one? Don't forget to remove personal information before

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What you can do is add the eMule download directory as a Usenet Blackhole. You'll still have to start downloads manually in eMule, but radarr and sonarr will pick them up automatically.

Pick one: Ombi / Overseerr / Jellyserr

edit: fixed Ombi misspelling

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I'm sorry, it was late and I meant the docker-compose.yml file. If you don't know what that is or don't have it then it's not important :D

Whoops, I always mix up emby and ombi since I don't use either of them. My bad!

I mixed up ombi and emby, sorry.

Radarr/Sonarr can't handle multiple versions of the same movie/episode, so a lot of people have a second instance for 4K movies (so they can have both a 1080p and a 4K version of the same movie). Also if you have a lot of anime it can be worth it to have a Sonarr instance configured just for that

This looks great! Does it have support for multiple regions/languages like Overseerr?

I can give you info about a provider that offers full F1 TV access for 20-30€/year, I've been using it for a few years now. It's great and you can easily stream it on any device. Send me a DM if you want more info

Which one-click hosting websites are good for German content at the moment?

Does the dub even exist :D?

They can work with other languages, but it can take a while to find a correct setup