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I'll pitch that this is just the natural result of repealing the fairness doctrine by Reagan in 1985.

The fairness doctrine started out in 1949 as a policy to avoid having the top broadcaster's of the time (NBC, ABC, and CBS) create a biased public agenda by leveraging their audience monopoly. They were required to provide multiple contrasting view points on issues of public importance.

When Reagan repealed the fairness doctrine, the influence on media outlets to pitch left or right leaning view points only, took off.

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I have a framework laptop and endeavour os with gnome de. I've had no problems with it. I mainly use it for dev work and web browsing. I enabled gnome muli-gesture (basically the same gestures on a Mac trackpad). I've had no problems with that either.

I'd recommend it.

Besides all the arm and hand comments, I noticed the center guy doesn't have buttons that run all the way down. I'm not sure if this is accurate clothing or not. It just seemed unusual.

I'm just waiting for us to go full circle where the majority are just listening to the radio for the broadcast about the game.

I dabbled in Linux for a while (since 2009, college). I did some distro hopping for a while ( Ubuntu, opensuse, mint, Debian). I finally mained Linux after windows 8 came out, ugh.

I mained Manjaro and then switched over to Endeavour. I couldn't be happier. My opinion of Linux keeps getting better and better, but that's probably because I have to fix my parents computers once in a while. They run windows 10 now. I hate it. Ads in the start menu?! Kill me now.

Jesus Christ. Even plastic straws are being argued over. I'm so tired of the grid lock. Everybody seems to treat the parties like baseball teams.

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I've said it once with my brother. I'll say it again. I'm waiting for some kind of assassination attempt. Just in general. Not even a party affiliated prediction. I just think somebody is going to take a shot at "solving the problem".

Valve with Proton also helped a lot. Playing games on Linux is easy as pushing play. If I have any problems, I just wait for a glorious egg roll to drop.

I think the embryos are also thrown in the trash. Are these where dumpster babies come from?

There's a certain irony behind the source info being from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum website.

That and the flat earthers explaining away any picture of the earth

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Exactly what I was wondering. I main Linux since 2019. A buddy of mine sent me a unity demo game that he made ( basically a hello world ). I just did wine hello-world.exe and it ran just fine ( auto downloaded .net runtimes and everything ).

I don't expect everything to run flawlessly, but wine has come a long way. Especially with valve support and investment into proton for gaming.

I pretty much agree with everyone else said. I just want to say that I don't recommend xamarin. I had to work with it at a job and it's a massive headache imo.

I'm on Linux and use Firefox with ghostery and AdBlock extensions. I've got hit with the "must watch ads to play video" thing on YouTube, but just end up activating a user agent extension and set it to report that I'm "running chrome on windows 10". Voila. I can magically watch YouTube videos without ads again.

I'm away from my computer right now, so Im not 100% sure, but I think you can set display profiles. You should be able to set a display profile that will auto load on login and should set your display options that you want. Maybe this can work despite the colord issues?

I'll verify if kde display profiles are a thing and if they can help your use case tomorrow.

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This. I was reading through some of the comments, but this is the most accurate one I've read thus far. All the APIs I've dealt with are just vanilla HTTP and use a reverse proxy for https. A reverse proxy like nginx is also convenient for path pattern matching to different API services but only having to setup https in one spot, nginx

I'm assuming this is a "dedicated app" (i.e. apt install discord). I was capable of streaming the video, but sound was a different beast. Audio streaming on discord was a no go. I was finally able to do it with pipewire and using discord-screenaudio

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For real. The newest two are more in line with the Last of Us where it was story first, action second. The first games of God of War are a buffet of violence being propped up by a story. Don't get me wrong, the story line is good, even now. But it was always button mashing, crazy boss fights, brutal kills first.

No doubt. It's not much of a complaint, but rather an advisory. I still main duckduckgo of for no other reason than to avoid the mounting ads on Google

I'm pretty sure it's rather simple for the developer to enable EAC for Linux. (

I've noticed a lot more games that I can play now with EAC. I don't know why some devs are dragging their feet on this.

Sorry. I think it was gnome I was thinking about. The display configuration for gnome allows for specifying layout and advanced profiles when it detects certain monitors are plugged in. Things like dpi, font size, etc. I have a computer hooked up to my TV that runs gnome and another that upstairs running kde

Sorry for late reply. I just now noticed this.

The difference would be that a browser would likely have multiple web pages fighting for resources whereas the dedicated client would not have to fight over so many resources.

The OS has a dedicated task scheduler that alots cpu time to each process. Some processes get preferential treatment, but most processes started on user space ( i.e.double click UI icon) are just "normal" priority.

When a task scheduler hits on a process, that process can start executing whatever it needs to do. The problem with running discord in a browser is that the application is splitting its attention across multiple pages ( and probably other stuff ) instead of a single page.

Basically, it's faster to focus on painting a single canvas than it is to painting 3 at the same time.

I'm not going to discuss shared memory and separate processes or forking. You can goggle search if you want to know more about that.

I hopped on board the duck duckgo train a short while ago ( 6 months ). I've had no real issues with it except for one thing. If some event occurs and gains popularity very quickly ( within the span of a couple days ), it doesn't really show up at the forefront of the search results.

A decent example is when I was looking up the Willy's Chocolate Factory event fiasco. I was specifically looking for images from the event to forward to my brother bc that entire event was hilarious. I had trouble with ducksuckgo. I fell back to Google image search for more ease of use.

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  • Ubuntu
  • Opensuse
  • Linux Mint
  • Fedora
  • Manjaro
  • Endeavour OS