3 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The best thing about Ben Shapiro is that each day I share on this planet with him is one less day I need to coexist with Ben Shapiro.

Not piracy, but if you're in the US and get a library card, you can use the Libby app, which has tons of free audiobooks on demand. Definitely worth it, imho. You can download for offline use easily too, which makes it excellent for travel.

Piracy? I've been converting my epubs into html files and then using the edge browser's excellent voice to text to read it out to me, but that's my own special brand of insanity.

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I've seen this with gpt4. If I ask it to proofread text with errors it consistently does a great job, but if I prompt it to proofread a text without errors, it hallucinates them. It's funny to see Microsoft having the same issue.

I disagree with this reductionist argument. The article essentially states that because ai generation is the "exploration of latent space," and photography is also fundamentally the "exploration of latent space," that they are equivalent.

It disregards the intention of copywriting. The point isn't to protect the sanctity or spiritual core of art. The purpose is to protect the financial viability of art as a career. It is an acknowledgment that capitalism, if unregulated, would destroy art and make it impossible to pursue.

Ai stands to replace artist in a way which digital and photography never really did. Its not a medium, it is inference. As such, if copywrite was ever good to begin with, it should oppose ai until compromises are made.

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As a cis, heteronormative male, I appreciate this community. I'm not trans, but I relate. I have dreams that I'm a woman, I read nothing but girl love manga, every drawing or painting of myself I've done I'm a woman, I'm migrating from windows to Linux, everyone I used to tour with back in the day is trans.

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Yeah, this seems to be using the Xbox play anywhere system. So people who have a PC and an Xbox have thier saves synced. I'm sure it will not work steam.

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The situation in Ukraine is quite different from WWII bombing raids. Russian attacks are spread out, less targeted, and generally less devistating in secure, Ukrainian held territory. I disagree that Ukrainians should be sheltering at all times, or that if they choose to leave the house they are less deserving of anyone's pity when they are murdered.

You would almost certainly be walking to the corner store, or attending a social event if you lived there.

Interesting! I didn't follow this case, but I do remember Kevin spacey posting a very strange video a ways back in which he acted... Very creepy about the situation.

Anyone following the case have any thoughts?

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I already have an everything app where I can date, do banking, and even use Twitter. It's called Firefox.

"looks at bookshelf of completely unread books." Oh... Yeah I love books!

Imo, the true fallacy of using AI for journalism or general text, lies not so much in generative AI's fundamental unreliability, but rather it's existence as an affordable service.

Why would I want to parse through AI generated text on, when for free, I could speak to some of the most advanced AI on or openai's chat GPT or Google bard or a meta product. These, after all, are the back ends that most journalistic or general written content websites are using to generate text.

To be clear, I ask why not cut out the middleman if they're just serving me AI content.

I use AI products frequently, and I think they have quite a bit of value. However, when I want new accurate information on current developments, or really anything more reliable or deeper than a Wikipedia article, I turn exclusively to human sources.

The only justification a service has for serving me generated AI text, is perhaps the promise that they have a custom trained model with highly specific training data. I can imagine, for example, developing highly specific specialized AI models which tie into an in-house llm and provide me with up-to-date and accurate weather information. The question I would have in that case would be why am I reading an article rather than just being given access to the llm for a nominal fee? At some point, they are not no longer a regular website, they are a vendor for a in-house AI.

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Any service looking to replace human writers with ai is positioning itself for failure once generative ai becomes more mainstream. Once your average Joe can ask a native phone app for anything they want, the Only value of written text will be the human element.

For 3000 photos? A couple hundred bucks for a scanner and whatever you value approximately 67.5 hours of your time.

I do feel like this is an exercise in "whataboutism." The Greek ship was a horrible tragedy brought on by unpleasant geopolitical realities, the submarine was a mystery, with a wacky story, exotic setting, and eclectic cast.

Lol, this is why I left comp engineering to work in a nature preserve

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Gender is the cultural outcome of primary and secondary sexual characteristics and in no meaningfully physical way exist. In other words, we traditionally have a "boy" culture and a "girl" culture, not a gender. We are artificially indoctrinated and assimilated into a given culture based on primary or secondary sexual characteristics.

Likewise, it follows that all other gender identities are similarly a cultural phenomenon and not the outcome of some essential characteristic of the individual.

Gender cultures are, at least historically speaking, bad. They've generally been used to persecute people who aren't in the dominant (boy) gender, and the conditions dictating mobility between genders is so intensly arbitrary that it warrants abolishing the whole stupid idea. Gender dysphoria is a symptom, generally, of the tyranny of these conditions.

(PS, I totally am open to being wrong about this.)

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Original post:

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Hi everyone,

Well, it has been a wild ride. I joined reddit over a decade ago, when it was still much smaller and different from today. I quickly stumbled upon r/theoryofreddit and was fascinated by all the discussion and theories about how communities work. So when after a while mod applications opened up I applied, which was my first experience modding on reddit. My experiences there also prompted me to start experimenting with ways to make moderation easier through various user scripts and CSS hacks. This eventually resulted in a very early version of toolbox, although some earlier experiments never made it to the general public.

In the decade that followed I was involved in various communities and Toolbox developed into a project that used by over 20.000 (twenty thousand) mods all over reddit. But over the past few years reddit has been moving slowly in a direction that I believe is not good for the health of many communities. So even before this whole API debacle properly started I was already burned out and tired with reddit.

What I said in this post holds true even more today. I am just tired with the platform's now accelerated decline, see also this comment.

So, over the past two weeks I have decided that I am not going to use reddit anymore.

As a mod, I already did quit my last actual subreddit last year (r/history). Yesterday I cleaned up a few of the smaller subreddits I was still involved as well. As a user I went through all my subscriptions and unsubscribed from all of them with the exception of r/modnews and r/modcoord. The last two because I'll stick around a bit for the meta stuff, certainly to see how things end up. But I think I have invested more than enough time in this platform, probably more than has been healthy at times.

I want to use this post to thank everyone who has been involved with me in a mod team, involved with toolbox and all users of toolbox. "Wait, why is this posted on r/creesch and not r/toolbox?"

Fair question, with a simple answer. This is me saying my goodbyes for now, not strictly a toolbox announcement. While a lot of people see me and toolbox as one and the same thing, many different people contributed over the years and the project itself is not going away. I am also not going nuclear by disabling it as that would make me no better than certain admin actions in the past couple of weeks. As I said here two weeks ago. I will speak my mind, but toolbox itself has since it's inception be there for all mods to help them out. I am not going to abuse that trust we build over the years by forcing my opinion. "Why not quit reddit entirely, delete your account, be done with it?"

I thought about it. But I am not really the nuclear type. And to be completely honest, over a decade of work and effort is difficult to entirely let go. I really do dislike the direction reddit has chosen to go but I'd like to be able to check in to see if there is a shift in course. And yes, while reddit profits from the information on reddit it also is information regular people might benefit from. If I deleted my account, including scrubbing all comments my voice, over what has happened in the past two weeks (years, honestly) will also no longer be there.

Both. Fascist apologist like to cherry pick palatable characteristics of figures like Stalin, or Hitler, or Andrew Jackson in order to destigmatize thier idolatry of these figures. These "certain aspects" are the tip of the wedge they use to destroy rationality and peace.

A reasonable person who would like to discuss the benefits of communism would point to the value of labor, advantages of unions, and the dignity of the worker, not the evil, paranoid, and violent person of Stalin.

Always, the stink of fascism follows the idolization of so called "great men." Excuses after excuses.

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I'm too afraid to ask what the rule is.

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I just downloaded it for Android. I'm really impressed by it's performance! Plus it has a in game mod browser! Awesome!

Yeah! Hey in this economy, I regret it at times! In the world we live in, there are always trade-offs. No shame in whatever path you take, as long as you don't vote Republican!

I'm gonna make a guess you're in school?

In that context, probably she wanted to get a reaction out of you. It could be that she is a bully, but if she is someone you get along with, or a friend, she may think you're interesting and want to see your reaction.

It sounds silly, but sometimes people pinch or poke people they like, just you see them react.

She probably wasn't expecting you to spank her back, but she was the first to spank, so your retaliation was understandable.

If it continues and she keeps spanking you, and you don't want her too, you should ask her to stop, and if she keeps it up, report her.

Fuck Republicans, but just for a sanity check, is it normal to say "people of color?" As in, "The judicial system is biased against people of color." That's in my verbal lexicon, and I'm suddenly questioning it.

Slurs are so interesting, being on a broad shifting scale based on contextual usage. I think it's interesting, for example, that "handicapped" has become a slur in my lifetime through it's general misuse.

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I'm absolutely in the same boat. Even when I absolutely know someone's name, I almost never use it. I think it's odd that most people I work with just shout my name at me when I walk in the door.

I'm old enough to recognize the phrase, but I've long since forgotten the source. 💀

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This is a really excellent pastebin! I sort of posted my comment facetiously (I present as cis, but I identify as nonbinary.)

But, it's not totally untrue. I've been asked by trans friends, "when are you going to come out?" too many times not to wonder if I am somehow deep, deep in the closet.

If I could, I would be both, and change appearance at will. I know some of this is that non binary part of me, and some of this is simply that I find women attractive. I'm the sort of obsessive person who wants to become whatever I find interesting. It's rooted somewhat in objectivication, not so much personal validation.

I don't really feel dysphoric with my body, but I'd love that button.

So I'll continue to lurk, and maybe one day I'll realize I was in the closet all along!

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Sometimes I have a hard time telling when ADHD memes are sincere expressions of a shared experience or people putting thier friends on blast.


Defederation might be a good thing, and I don't think we should assign a taboo to it.

What I believe, is it establishes a direct chain of responsibility. Instance owners are responsible for what thier users say and do on. This incentivises moderation, but unlike other systems, defederated instances don't cease to exist. In fact, they could thrive, and even mutually contribute to other instances. A new insurance could even preemptively defederate from instances they know won't gell well, allowing communities to build without facing threats of harassment.

I believe, it gives the opportunity for Lemmy users to create a diverse collection congruent communities. Not everything can, or should, be consolidated into one great house.

Just an fyi, defederation doesn't mean you as a user can't see any content from a given instance or vice versa. It's more like from the time of defederation, users on the other Lemmy can't be seen commenting or posting on your Lemmy. I believe there are other consequences too, but it's not as straightforward as a ban.

Defederation is a feature, not a bug. Lemmy was designed with the idea that instances could be more specific in thier content, so for your lemmy to defederate from a Ukraine war footage instance might not be a condemnation, so much as a curation decision.

Think of it like, an instance has the potential to be either a reddit alternative or a collection of related subreddits.

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Still loving my 1070!

My hope is that the mechanization of the written word / artistry will result in such a deludge of low tier nonsense that the people of earth will just stop using the Internet.

Then it can just be me and you ❤️

Digital foundry had an interesting take on this. Cod makes more than 1 billion a year, and cost probably more each year than any other franchise to develop and maintain. If Microsoft made it an Xbox exclusive, they might cut that 1 billion dollar figure in half, and the franchise might bleed more money than MS would make selling more consoles. In fact, the franchise might go negative.

Basically, they can't afford to lose the ps5 playerbase.

To take over the world? I'd take the records of every international technology and medical patent. And, a cell phone. I'd get the local news interested in my new handheld PC, find the least scrupulous tech company which reached out to me, and hatch a plan to create a trillion dollar tech empire.

I keep reading his name as David D Pepe in my head. Far too fitting.

I agree, but maybe it's time for a Linux based Nintendo DS / PSP sized device? I mean, Nintendo has abandoned these truly pocketable consoles. Maybe with a die shrink they could fit something 70% as performant as a deck into that form Factor?

I personally know a lot of people who miss the DS and don't game anymore now that the platform was dropped. Casual gamer types.

Well, I tried, but my preferred distro (vanilla os) had some catastrophic installation issues, and I reinstalled Windows on my main a couple weeks ago out of frustration.

I think this means I'm back in the closet?

The Holocaust most definitely happened and was perpetuated by the Nazis. Please don't accuse me of denial.

Communism, or to be most specific, Marxism, was most definitely aligned against Hitler.

Stalin, was not. He would have watched Hitler kill all of Europe had the Nazis not attacked Russia. Same as the united states if Japan had not attacked them.

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Awesome job! Here is the first image dalle-3 generated of you.

Not overly convincing, but look at those hands!

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From Wikipedia:

A persisting hexagonal wave pattern around the north polar vortex in the atmosphere at about 78°N was first noted in the Voyager images.[67][68][69] The sides of the hexagon are each about 14,500 km (9,000 mi) long, which is longer than the diameter of the Earth.[70] The entire structure rotates with a period of 10h 39m 24s (the same period as that of the planet's radio emissions) which is assumed to be equal to the period of rotation of Saturn's interior.[71] The hexagonal feature does not shift in longitude like the other clouds in the visible atmosphere.[72] The pattern's origin is a matter of much speculation. Most scientists think it is a standing wave pattern in the atmosphere. Polygonal shapes have been replicated in the laboratory through differential rotation of fluids.[73][74]