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Stop transfering people from sales to engineering!

Wow! I want a huge quantity of those no penises sign so I can stick them all over town

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'I'm a bad programmer" then later lists extra curriculars that dwarfs my skills

I don't think the issue is him; it's the economy. Companies are probably not really looking to increase their workforce but still conducting interviews just in case they find a "Rockstar"

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He was reacting to alerts, complying to them by simply touching the steering wheel. He did that 150 times during that 45 minute trip ( not all the trip was on auto pilot).

So if the guy died the car would of disengaged auto pilot (I'm not sure how this works).

You can check the video in the article. It's quite informative .


I saw another video and it takes ~60 seconds after taking off your hand from the steering wheel for the car to safely come to a full stop.

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I always right my code linearly like on the left example with comments like further in the articles. Actually what I do if I right all the comments first and then add the code. If I push my code like that everyone immediately understand my code find bugs & potentiel issues with it and then tells me to refactor it in whatever flavor of best practice they like. If I structure it like on the right reviewers still complain about the structure I choose but never identify any bug or other real issues.

All my career everyone would say elegance and cleverness are bad but everyone who gets promoted are the one who insist on elegant and clever code. I guess it's because their confident and vocal and that's what human are programmed to pick as leaders

That's some juicy drama

“Google is in every part of this value chain. As we see it they hold a dominant position in both the sell side and the buy side in order to favor their own ad exchange,”

I have seen ad tech middlemens that ~75% of the ads they "buy" come from Google dv360 and ~75% of all ads they sell was to Google ad manager.

The only close competition to Google is Facebook and Amazon mostly because they have their own closed garden big enough to sustain ad exchange. On the open web (random apps and websites) it's all Google.

Are they laughing?

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Canada just passed legislation forcing Google and face book to pays for each showing (or redirecting?) of a Canadian news url. The law aims at redistributing money from internet giants back to news sites. Google and Facebook are threatening to just outright stop including Canadian news URL.

It's a bold move from the government, I'm not for how I feel about it.

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That's accurate. There's always a few steps not included in the tutorial

Not sure about the scaling part

I have work on a large application using perl and the readability and maintability where horrendous. The performance where surprisingly good enough (millionsn of request a day); although switching to go (direct translation without any refactoring or usage of fancy go features) yield huge gains in latency and memory usage.

I have work with go, PHP, java, and JavaScript on large application and they all way better than perl. Not even comparable.

What's the name of that safer alternative?

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So the homework is encouraging kids to explore a real life tool and the teacher can look at the result and corrects any issue with the result thus guiding the students towards a appropriate usage.

It's a good thing.

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Would you rather have them only use it outside of school work where no one will point out that it can be wrong? Teachers could also ask questions on the studied subject in class to teach student that by copy pasting the output they are not learning much.

ChatGPT exist, kid will use it. Should adults guide them?

Saudi Arabia are currently a significant portion of venture capital. They have a ton of money coming from a dying source (oil) so they need to diversify.

Did the west just out bid Russia and turn their mercenaries against them?

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A more useful guideline would be something like: how to steer a conversation to be constructive for both parties.

I couldn't get chatgpt to make this into a spectrum like in the pyramid but if you invert the order of the negative impact section and concatenate it after the positive liste you get the text for that pyramid. It does make sense though

Positive Impact:

  1. Collaborative problem-solving
  2. Active listening and empathy
  3. Finding common ground
  4. Constructive feedback
  5. Open-ended questions
  6. Positive tone and inclusive language
  7. Clarifying and paraphrasing
  8. "I" statements
  9. Avoiding defensiveness and judgment
  10. Seeking solutions together

Negative Impact:

  1. Interrupting or talking over the other person
  2. Dismissing or invalidating the other person's perspective
  3. Using aggressive or confrontational language
  4. Making personal attacks or insults
  5. Ignoring or belittling the other person's feelings
  6. Dominating the conversation and not allowing equal participation
  7. Stonewalling or refusing to engage in discussion
  8. Manipulating or twisting the other person's words
  9. Engaging in passive-aggressive behavior
  10. Refusing to consider alternative viewpoints

I moved to the city so I don't have to drive every day. The only way for me to not daydream while driving was to drive fast enough for it to be dangerous.

One of my friend, often a my passenger, admitted he felt safer when I was driving fast and when I was a low speed he would "copilot" for me.

Looks like no one has any clue what's happening. I guess the drone is very high up and they don't know where the bomb came from. Also I'm assuming explosion noise are common in the battle field

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Apparently, from articles I read about the Canadian law, Australia tried something similar but fang got it reversed.

The problem is that Canada is a small market. FANG doesn't need the revenue from it but they would hate for these laws to become popular so they'll try to make an example out of Canada.

Wouldn't it be a pleonasm? Tautology is more about the logic realm, specifically about repeating an argument or a statement as it they were different. Here "inaccurate factoid" is merely inaccurate vocabulary.

I feel like Inflation is not hitting me as much as my suburban friends. They keep complaining about the big grocery store chain collusion (they got caught increasing bread prices a few years back).

Where I live there's line 3 mom&pop produce/pastry/butcher between me and the big chain grocery store. My big chain grocery store is cheaper then other store of the same franchise.

We built huge expensive highway sso huge corps could build mega stores that killed all the locally owned stores. Now they so what they want.

I guess there's a tipping point where there's so much guns laying around that carrying over is safer than not but I would rather put efforts into avoiding reaching that tipping point.

Almost all problems can be solved with either violence or kindness.

There's also the more potent: "you are right". Although it has many draw backs

That would cover like 80% of my work related usage of chatgpt and do stuff I didn't think of outsourcing to AI. I'll probably unsubscribe from co pilot too.

Can't wait for it to be in Goland.

I used to drive to go everywhere then moved to a place where I don't need a car. My life got better instantly.

I know Ence is one team in CSGO who's generating profits. They are a smaller orgs that has in game success.

I think the issue is you have some teams full of venture money that inflates the salaries and makes it super hard for other teams to have in game success while not going broke.

That being said my suggestion for csgo (it's only scene I follow) would be leagues line in traditional sports. Each team plays a game every week and you have playoffs at the end of the year. Put those league games on your own platform and have people pay a subscription to watch. I would pay up to 100$/year (I'm aware I'm the exception). With this model you might even be able to have a few hubs where games are played at a small venue in front of paying crowd. I could imagine a few hubs where teams would move to to play regularly. Something like: New York, Rio, Malta, Copenhagen, Moscow

I think one of the biggest problem is demographics, the younger generations that's in eSports is broke. No eSports fan is going to buy a Dodge RAM (using this as an example because traditional sports are littered with pick up ads and the car industry is a huge advertiser because they need to constantly gaslight people into thinking that driving isn't a chore)

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Here in Quebec they're ban because of forest fire so we get to keep our fingers (at the cost of permanent lung damage)!

Was that a civilian? Just curious

To make it more educational make it interact with the system and the user . For example I would have the program to show a list of real files from the os and prompt the hacker to delete it or not.

If you don't disrupt anyone your protest has the same impact as an angry letter.

In Canada the only protests that accomplish anything are when a group blocks a road or a railroad until a very specific request is met. What typically happens is they get removed by police but I'm the background they get concessions so they don't block another road in next months

At its core, CS is a competitive shooter. Having casual maps and modes is fun but the game should not cater to this play mode. If valve tries to make it casual friendly they will disappoint the competitive players and will not be able to compete with other casual shooters.

Basically I don't want then to cater too much to the casual scene

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