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I'm GOING to the Olympics this year. Totally stoked to travel to France. It is the only vacation my wife and I are taking this year.

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And other major expansions for elden ring and FFXIV released recently. There's potential overlap in the player base. 90% is a big dip though.

Shuji Nakamura was a researcher at Nichia who was determined to create the first blue LED, which had eluded scientists for decades. Through innovative crystal growth techniques and materials discoveries, he succeeded in developing bright blue and white LEDs in the early 1990s. This breakthrough enabled LEDs to be used for full-spectrum lighting. Nichia's fortunes grew enormously as a result, though Nakamura was not properly compensated for his invention. Today, LEDs powered by Nakamura's blue LED technology are ubiquitous and have brought enormous energy savings worldwide.

Something interesting I found was that Nakamura persisted in his research for blue LEDs against the wishes of his company management, who saw it as a waste of resources. His stubbornness and belief in his work paid off by solving a problem that had stumped the electronics industry for 30 years.

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Haley's stated view that states can legally secede goes against the established precedent set after the American Civil War, which was fought over the issue of states seceding from the Union.

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Ai summary of the article if you don't wanna click the link:

A recent poll found that 76% of respondents agreed that Google CEO Sundar Pichai is comparable to Steve Ballmer, who led Microsoft during a period of decline. Both men took over from revolutionary founders as business managers focused on profits rather than innovation. However, under Pichai's leadership, Google has lost its dominance in areas like search and AI, with competitors like OpenAI making strides. Many argue Google search has become cluttered with irrelevant results, while former employees say visionary leadership is lacking. There is a sense that Pichai's Google is no longer the innovative company it was and risks losing further ground to emerging technologies if it does not recapture its start-up spirit.

It's a distraction from the fact that their candidate is a felon x34 (at minimum)

Cool, cool - so are we gonna tax it or what? Folks hiding the money should be penalized for avoiding taxes, right?

The bank paying a penalty of $122.9M is more than double the taxes they would have paid otherwise ($50M). That seems appropriate.

The extra tax revenue will be used to build schools, roads, needed infrastructure? Probably not!

Edit: reworded for clarity

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The Librem 5 is a Linux phone that the reviewer tried to use as their daily driver for a week. However, they found several issues that made it impractical for regular use including poor battery life, a subpar camera without basic features, and lack of compatibility with many popular apps. The reviewer also noted problems with the phone randomly powering off and convergence mode with the next dock being unstable. While the reviewer thought the Librem 5 was a cool device, they ultimately decided it was not ready to replace their main phone due to these limitations and instability issues. The reviewer expressed interest in reviewing other Linux phones if provided to them.

In 2017, Congress eliminated financial penalties associated with failing to comply with the mandate, which becomes effective in 2019.


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From the article:

"Public filings also showed that Huffman and Redditโ€™s chief operating officer, Jennifer Wong, were paid $286 million in 2023, including stock and option awards (the value accrues over several years, and the current cash value is substantially lower)."

Were they actually compensated that amount in cash? Or is this assuming that the stock value actually amounts to something.

Obviously compensated too much, but it looks like the compensation total is being obfuscated for shock value.

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Sweet, now they can charge me $1k for a shot and not use a needle.

Last time I got an ultrasound the hospital charged me $2k. Wanted to confirm nothing was wrong with my kidneys. Turns out I was all good, but now I have an expensive bill to deal with...

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Don't know why you're getting downvoted. You're not off base. My family is Hispanic and my mom would love it if I lived with her till I'm 40.

Lol, you might misunderstand my issue with the constant repost. I get it. Reading comprehension is hard!

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So much to digest in this article it's unreal (the comment below is AI generated and picks up everything in this weirdly laid out news site):

  • Donald Trump compared his legal troubles to Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's imprisonment and death in a Russian penal colony, drawing criticism for minimizing Navalny's plight.
  • Republicans have touted claims by Alexander Smirnov about Biden corruption in Ukraine, but he has now been charged with lying to the FBI and admitted Russian intelligence helped him smear Hunter Biden.
  • A transgender teenager named Nex Benedict was beaten at their Oklahoma school and later died, highlighting the dangers transgender students face, especially after Oklahoma's anti-trans bathroom bill.
  • Yulia Navalnaya, wife of slain Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, was temporarily banned from Twitter for unclear reasons after posting a video accusing Putin of killing her husband.
  • Bernie Moreno, a Republican Senate candidate in Ohio, suggested women don't need abortions and that men should help carry heavy items like strollers instead.
  • Christian nationalist figures like Russell Vought seek to infuse their ideology more deeply into a potential second Trump administration.
  • E. Jean Carroll's lawyer hinted they may sue Donald Trump for a third time if he continues denying the rape and defaming her after being ordered to pay $88 million.
  • Samuel Alito complained that people who oppose homosexuality are unfairly branded as bigots.
  • Donald Trump was reportedly obsessed with punishing Snoop Dogg in his final White House hours over past criticisms.
  • Hunter Biden's lawyers argue the investigation against him included factual errors like mistaking sawdust for cocaine.
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This has been reposted enough to where I'm going to start blocking accounts that continue to post it ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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I mean, if my cheque was off by a couple of hundred dollars, I'd want to follow up on the discrepancy (not in panic mode though). My wife's a high earner and some pay was delayed a month due to staff turnover.

Leadership was like "it shows financial stability to be able to wait for pay," but people have budgets and plans for that money. Otherwise it's an interest free loan to the organization - the money should be paid out timely.

But I do agree, overall, that folks should be able to manage their budget, especially as a high earner.

Depends on the guy, is he attractive? Gotta try 2-3 times to be sure I don't like it.

Can't play certain games* without windows

ChatGPT user Chase Whiteside noticed that his account history contained private conversations that were not his own. These included login credentials and details from a pharmacy employee troubleshooting an application. OpenAI investigated and believes Whiteside's account was compromised by an external group accessing a pool of identities. This underscores the lack of security features on ChatGPT like two-factor authentication. Previous incidents have shown ChatGPT can also divulge private information if included in its training data. An interesting aspect was the candid language used by the pharmacy employee to express frustration with the poor security of the application they were troubleshooting. This highlighted the risk of including private details in conversations with AI systems.

Hell yeah - this is great news.

"Why is Amazon search available in this Amazon news reading app??"

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This article discusses reactions from some Fox News commentators to the possibility of Taylor Swift endorsing President Biden in the 2024 election. Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, and others on Fox News urged Swift not to get involved in politics. Some speculated that Swift's relationship with Travis Kelce was engineered by Democrats. Hannity drew a connection between Swift and George Soros, noting Soros' son helped fund the sale of Swift's song catalog. However, not all at Fox News were negative - sports analyst Jay Glazer praised Swift as a "genius" and saw nothing problematic about her or the NFL. In summary, several Fox News personalities strongly discouraged Swift from supporting Biden, while at least one commentator admired her musical talents.

You want to know why I love dat boi? Dat boi is a completely self-made meme. So many other memes are based in nostalgic childrens shows, funny faces, relatable situations, or references. Not dat boi. Dat boi is completely absurd. Itโ€™s a low-res frog on a unicycle, and an arbitrary method for greeting him. The first person to ever upvote dat boi did not do so out of recognition. The first person to ever upvote dat boi did not do so because a pre-existing meme format. The first person to ever upvote dat boi upvoted a meme literally pulled from the ether by sheer human creativity and willpower. Dat boi is evidence that humans can stare into the meaningless void of eternity and force their own meaning onto to it. I will always upvote dat boi, o shit waddup!

Move along...

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I agree with you. I still use Nova, they had a solid update recently and my phone is feeling snappier than ever. It does concern me, however, that they're tracking every interaction with my phone now ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

I'm normally very privacy centric - very conflicted about Nova Launcher because I like the launcher so much...

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Now if the spurs would just stop losing so much this season ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ


But for real idk. My wife is an obgyn and I'm Hispanic soooo I feel like we might be in danger.

Weirdly hostile, but ok. It's like any other tool that can be used to accelerate a process. Hopefully at some point it's useful enough to streamline the minutia of boring tasks that a competent intern could do. Not sure who is specifically targeting welders??

If it frees up your time to focus on more challenging stuff or stuff you enjoy, isn't that a good thing? Folks are dynamic and will adjust, as we always have.

Don't think there's a good excuse to come at someone with animosity over this topic.

Dude I read that part a few times... The person delivering this quote isn't interpreting self-immolation the same way (as an act of protest to highlight atrocities), like, at all...

This view is close minded.

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Hahaha nice one! Jk this is low effort, but what else do you expect from a high-volume poster.

Fiio has some pretty solid options for this. I really enjoy the Android mp3 player I picked up from them.

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Hahaha I was assigned Burlington by this year's wrapped. Guess I'm moving to the lesbian commune out in Vermont.

OC as in stolen from Reddit. Pretty sad.

4 star day

Feeling good about where I'm headed, not enjoying the growing pains

Anyways - the way this webpage is laid out is weird and the ai picked up multiple stories, but the stories are all there if you bother to continue scrolling

No joke, same here. The middle was face down then I saw a cup and it all flipped

Yes - I didn't have time to watch the video and wanted a text summary. Thought others might find it useful