0 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sorry but what's a MAP?

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Oh so that's what happened to Blinkin in Robin Hood Men In Tights

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USB sticks are not very reliable and can become totally unreadable randomly. I hope you at least have a few backups of it

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I saw a documentary about Renault doing this in Israel I think. With a network of stations looking like auto wash: it takes your car, opens a door under the car, swaps the battery with a full one and off you go.

Apparently it went bankrupt after a year (2012-2013):

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What phone does not spy on its users out of the box?

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I do exactly the same. They want me to work for them? Pay me

The article doesn't say if they intend to have 100% nuclear or if they dropped the target of 100% renewable to have a mix with more nuclear

Yeah unfortunately apart from the pinephone and librem which run a full linux distribution, no other phone can say they don't sell their users' data

The comment you are replying to is probably more about finding a balance between comfort and luxury than an exact guide on what limit to apply to your spending. At least that's how I take it.

Judging someone by what their great grandfather did or who he supported is so reductive it makes your point worthless.

I don't use data on the USB port very often and when I do it's always to make an access point over USB so the USB2.0 bandwidth is enough for my use.

I wonder if people really have a use for USB3.

Apart from making phone more expensive, I don't see a real need for me

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Is your name Earl?

If they could double KO in the process that would be nice

That behavior deserves more internet points

Sorry but even with all that said, you'll never lure me to the evil side. I'm sticking with Firefox until it dies an atrocious death

What kind of risk are you talking about?

The electrical network connecting all your federated renewable infrastructures is managed by one entity already, isn't it? That's the same kind of risk you describe.

I get why people don't like nuclear power and there are many valid arguments against it but yours is not

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That one is very good. It's mine now thanks

Tell me you use the same password everywhere without telling me you use the same password everywhere

I think what is missing is control over the representatives. When you elect someone, you give them your power, you should be able to take it back when they abuse it.

In a representative democracy, transparency and control are key and when this is not enforced, people tend to think the system is broken and does not work. It would work if that is fixed

My guess is it helps dissolve them?

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I'm Idaho

Lower back to check your stink

Moral of the story: once you remove the French, everything is lost

They make up for it at cricket

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Let's break it down

Is it a fact that it was a kiss? Yes

Is it a fact that it was a surprise (to her)? Yes

I'm not denying this is sexual assault but there is a difference between a fact and a judgment.

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You only solve one part of the problem: what do you use when there's no sun and no wind? Coal? Gas?

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I wanted my own domain and a good integration with android but I didn't want to give my data to microsoft so I went with

Had no issues so far for the last 2-3 years.

It's cheaper than protonmail and you're not locked to a specific application since Exchange is well supported.

So a mix between the fairphone and the librem?

What's wrong on both of them in your opinion?

Hmmm no free software can be closed source. Neither is the subset of the other but they intersect

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I miss Gone with the blastwave

Regular European woman

If you want cheap qualified labor in the US you're gonna have to put more white people in prison

I envy you, I've tried to use NixOS but it's genuinely hard, especially the configuration language

That's actually the factual way to describe it

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I don't use Teams but I use WebEx on a Linux laptop. Can't imagine how it can get worse than that

Pringles are from Belgium I think

When I see news like this I can only think that we are starting to see the end of our society as we know it. This is not progress in any way for the people, just for the powerful.

To me when progress is not directed toward the people that means we fail as a civilization. Why are humans living in complex civilizations if not to put the effort of thriving in common, getting past survival and aiming to live in comfort?

Damn I'm contemplating going to FreeBSD. What made you go the other way? What do you miss from FreeBSD?

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A movie? No

A piece of information that your life might depend on and you need to trust the origin of this information? Yes

I have never said that and you are reading what you want to read from my comment.

The FACT that the kiss was given without consent makes it a sexual assault. But still, it's a surprise kiss and that's a fact.

I wasn't trying to say more than that so maybe tone it down.

I'm probably a better feminist than you are. That is not a fact, that's a judgement