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Joined 1 years ago

GME investor since just after the sneeze. Now zen because my shares are DRSd and booked at ComputerShare.

It's not that he's a fake philanthropist, it's that philanthropy itself is bullshit. It's apologia for wealth.

LSD My cookies are wild man

The very concept of a state is the problem.

State - a group of people who claim they are allowed to use violence to get their way and that nobody else is allowed to protect themselves from this violence.

(Others may define "state" to be essentially synonymous with "government". The above definition contains the only quality in common with every entity I am speaking of.)

There is no reality in which any state is not taken over by those willing to cause the harm necessary to do so.

This does not mean the best course of action is attempted immediate destruction of any state, that will cause the boot to stomp harder on us. The best course of action is minimize dependence on the economic system that state depends on. That is to say, growing some portion of your food is just about as radical as it gets.

Band aids reduce infection in self-inflicted wounds.

4 more...

I didn't say don't do it

2 more...

Is analogy too much for Lemmy these days?

I think a lot like you do in this regard, this is a complex topic.

At first I treated my cats like roommates almost. I gave my first kitties freedom and they paid with their lives. Now I don't let my kitties out at all.

I've come to the conclusion that the "sin" was in domesticating and distributing the species in the first place. Now that the domesticated species exists and is some combination of unfit for the environment and invasive, it's our responsibility to care for them and restrict them when necessary, including their numbers. The alternative for my cats would be a cage.

I'm an anarchist and don't feel I have any entitlement to control any another regardless of species so this was a difficult conclusion and not necessarily consistent but I don't like dead kitties.

I'd say even arguing, so long as it's in good faith is healthy online conversation.

What makes a conversation unhealthy exactly? I'd say mostly things like

  • not arguing in good faith (common from the right wing)

  • not respecting other commenters perspectives

  • insulting others

  • calling them liars without evidence

  • tribalism and group think

  • getting unnecessarily heated

  • needing the last word

  • ganging up on people

Is there a name for comedic math? I love it.

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The change will take some time.