3 Post – 6 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The audition must have been wild.

Israel has been doing this forever, I can't even count the times in which they violated our airspace to bomb Syria.

Their pixel art is also so amazing. The world feels so pretty and alive!

I want to believe it helped me but I don't really think it did. I enrolled into a small and generally not famous university in my country which decreases your chances of employment. I worked retail and rarely went to classes, I was majoring in Computer Science. I had 0 college debt and I also got a car.

After graduating with an average GPA I thankfully got into an internship for Mobile Development thanks to a friend of mine. Since then I've learnt lots of things on the jobs and I still work as a Mobile App Dev. No one asked me about my degree or university because I can deliver fairly high quality apps.

Of course my chances of getting into FAANGs or big name companies is slim compared to people who graduated top of their class in a top university, but I'm content with where my career is currently heading.

Is it open source?

1 more...

Sometimes an idea is so engraved in their heads that they cannot believe otherwise. Also, some people don't like to fact-check. They may hear a "fact" which is popular but is totally false, and they will never change their minds about it.