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Joined 1 years ago

Or just require an account to have reddit premium in order to use the API.

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I want it to burn and I want to watch it burn. Is that such a crime?

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This is just incorrect.

What you are describing is a boycott. And it's probably true that that's the most powerful thing a normal user can do against reddit.

But mods can do much more by messing with their sub. In terms of headache caused.

Yeah, he owns it because he's a dumbass and he's running it into the ground like a dumbass

This is like how some companies view their IT teams:

  • Everything's working, why do we pay you?
  • Stuff's broken, why do we pay you?

I was skeptical at first. Decided to give it a shot and, while obviously not perfect, I like it a lot so far.

I think my biggest issue before is actually a feature rather than a bug. I used to think, "federation is too confusing for the average person, it'll never take off".

But considering how hostile the average comment is on Reddit, keeping the "average" user away might be the best thing about Lemmy.

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I think many people just couldn't care less about pirating and believe the companies can't figure out who they are. For example, I discuss pirating stuff pretty openly on my reddit account. But every single comment I make, I consciously make sure to not reveal enough for people to dox me.

I also don't have Facebook which is how most people figure out identities.

"Hmm, they're an underwater welder from a specific small town and they have three sons. Well this is the only Facebook profile that matches that so I bet it's this person" type of thing.

Maybe it'll happen the same time we all forget how to use any technology as complicated as a tv remote.

My cats like to look out our bedroom window in the morning. We have smart blinds. So I use an Ikea motion sensor to tell when one of my cats goes near our bedroom blinds and one of the blinds then opens just enough for them to look outside.

Another is we have indoor security cameras to spy on said cats when we're away. But when we come home, I use Home Assistant to turn the cameras to face the wall and when we leave, it turns the cameras to face the rooms.

  • tow trucks
  • pickup trucks with nothing in the bed
  • sedans/SUVs that only upper class can afford

All fair points. Thanks

Another option is to add tdarr to your *arr stack and have it automatically convert any problematic audio/video streams into ones your devices can handle.

I have it set to encode truehd(?) audio since none of my devices support it and it also ensures there's a video stream that my roku device can play since it's a bit pickier than my smart tv

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A bidet is a life changer. So much cleaner and faster than toilet paper or wipes, and it even pays for itself via saved money on toilet paper.

I switched to protonmail. It's especially good if you have your own domain name like because you can tie that to your protonmail account.

I like it a lot so far.

Yeah, the titanic situation involved submarines, suspense, radar, underwater drones, etc.

The suspense was key, too. A race against the clock of oxygen running out. What happens if the drone finds them, but can't free them? Stuff like that made it a very unique story.

So of course people are more interested in that one.

Not gonna lie, I'd absolutely love to watch reddit implode while eating some popcorn.

And I only downvote things I feel are worthy of a downvote.

I'd pay a premium to eat real meat that didn't involve killing the animal.

Threads has like 100 million sign ups. It could replace Twitter.

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Doesn't the fediverse have privacy problems too? Or was that incorrect?

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Unless it's to vote out the mods, of course.

Instant purchase

But sometimes the only option is the one that I'll need to encode so it plays everywhere.

I've tried to balance it out so I get pretty good quality most of the time. But it skews towards whatever "just works" the most. I want to minimize having to find stuff manually myself or investigating why plex refuses to play something.

And I'm not a quality absolutist as long is it's good enough.

Personally, I just found out about the Brave one. Giving that a try and it seems pretty good so far. Has an AI summarize at the top of the results which worked pretty well when I searched for a news item an hour ago.