4 Post – 699 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

It just won't work for a local account. This is for those who sign in/up. And those who are forced to sign in/up in the first setup. My hate towards Microsoft and all the companies like it increases every fucking day.

That's our fucking tax money, that's what's killing me. We are indirectly funding the killing of all of these innocent people. I hate life.

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Wow, now THAT will solve most of our country's problems, right, y'all? Fucking piece of shit useless mother fucker. I hate his weasly voice.

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Fuck yeah, and fuck any company that does that shit

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I fucking hate Apple with a passion.

Edit: many people seem to be a bit confused. I don't own any apple garbage, and never will. I've only had an iPhone back in 2016 for a little while then replaced that shit with a pixel 6p. I don't buy shit that makes my life difficult.

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Trying to understand what the fuck the headline is talking about be like:

It's hard to find "fit" people anymore. Walking around some grocery stores is mind blowing. I honestly feel bad for people. The "food" we have is shit and life is getting busier and busier.

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Those are very reasonable salaries to me. What's insane and should never exist is those who make $200 million a year. Like who needs this much money? What are you gonna do with all of it? Does it even matter how much money you have after a certain amount? I think at a certain point it becomes some kind of disorder or a mental illness to pursue more and more money. Give me $100k a year and I'll be a happy, very happy camper.

Edit: to be more clear, I'm talking about where I live currently. $100k where I live would put me in a very comfortable spot financially. My bad, everyone.

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I fucking hate, and from the bottom of my heart, how Biden is funding the genocide in Palestine, but I'm still going to vote for him this time, because we just can't have a person like Trump in the white house, period. I still can't figure out how he got in the first time. I'd never let my 10 year old lead a country, yet we let Trump do it for four fucking years. I, too, am sick of this "the lesser of two evils" bullshit, but this time I'm giving it a pass because of Trump. We already have a crumbling country and can't afford another four years of this dude.

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Imagine how Apple will feel if Google got docked for this. Apple's app store is even worse. You can't even side load apps on an iPhone/iPad without jailbreak.

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Cool, now let's ban Google, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and every single social media platform that does the same exact thing as TikTok. I have never used TikTok, but this is fucking bullshit. Facebook literally ruined elections and lives around the world.

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Samsung just needs to shut the fuck up. They're worse than Apple by a fucking mile. They make fun of them for something then turn around and do it next month. Fuck off with this shit. They removed the headphone jack, the charger from the box and the SD card slot. Samsung sucks more than Apple.

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Reading this made me wanna cry. It's so fucking sad that millions of people actually voted for this man. Wow, just wow.

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So there is an anti-trust lawsuit against steam, but not apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft.... Etc of those giant companies who literally destroy everything in their way? Please tell me they're next?

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Clickbaits need to die

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I'm a single click person, but I welcome this change. Those who like single click already know where to change it. This is good for new users.

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That's nothing if you have a mortgage, a car and student loans. I thought it was much more than that.

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How do those "officials" find these OF accounts? 🤔

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Healthcare? Nah, let's fight about it for decades and never give people anything meaningful. Education? Nah, let's make our people go neck deep into debt and still fight about it for decades. Ban TikTok? Hold my bribery, you got it. Gimme 24 hours and you got it, boss.

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What should blow your mind is that it's 2023 and you still need a separate program to extract compressed files on windows. 😂 Good thing they're adding native support for it in windows 11. FINALLY.

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Why are people around this dude are falling like flies, except him? What kind of wizardry is he doing to avoid prison? Or is our system just that fucked?

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I'll add these to the list if you don't mind:

  1. GrayJay for Android
  2. FreeTube for desktop and also works on Android.
  3. SmartTube for your Amazon fireTV and Google tvs and the likes
  4. NewPipe for Android.
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That's the first one that came to mind. They started every shitty trend in the industry

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"I'm pulling up riiiiiight now. Onnnnnnne second. There, I'm parked. Now, why is my license suspended again?"

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Nationalize Healthcare. Most of the world figured it out, except the bribe country.

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Let me cut the debate for a lot of people, the best desktop is what YOU like and works for you. Now relax.

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I use containers for everything. Best thing Mozilla has ever done.

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Capitalism and its endless profit motive should never be near the things that have direct effect on people's well-being and livelihood. All the human basic necessities should be capitalism free, housing, healthcare, education.... etc... If you want to built a better and healthier nation of course, but no one cares about the nation, money is above everything to these sick fucks.

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And that's why I quit buying and playing their shit. They're so shitty they don't deserve my money. 🖕

I've had mine turned off for years, but it doesn't really matter, Google and all these tech giants will still collect whatever info they want regardless.

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Chris Titus made this tool. I use it to debloat windows, disable all the telemetry, then pause all feature updates for two years and let only security updates through. As an added bonus (and if you want win11), he added a tool to create a micro windows iso. I am running the micro and it has been fantastic. I even removed defender and other garbage they force on people.

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"please use our spyware so we can syphon more of your personal info to get more quarterly profit.... We are begging you. See how many apps we have for mail?"

I'm relatively new to this country, has it been always a joke like this? Politics are fucking hilarious here. Wtf is going on?

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I love how we need studies to know that a corporations are greedy and giving them more money means they're just getting more money to give to their shareholdes, no one else 😂

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Copilot do be high sometimes.

LOL! Then don't offer it. Let's see who will work for you. Fuckers want to enslave people.

I don't get why I need a middleman between me and my doctor! As a person who comes from a 3rd world country that has universal healthcare, this sounds insane to me.

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I just fucking hate Walmart

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That's the fucking spirit. Here, I'm joining you. Fuck Google.

I actually looked up the artist, and damn he does be like that 😩😩😩😩😩

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