1 Post – 142 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

bUt ClImAtE cHaNgE iS a WoKe HoAx To TaKe OuR gAs StOvEs

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Texas: Big government is evil!

Also Texas: Big government, the climate change weve been denying is boiling us please save our freedom grid

Banning driving on the phone while allowing iPads to be put im dashboards shows how fucking stupid our legislators really are.

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I think it’s the same reason the CEO’s of these corporations are clamoring about their own products being doomsday devices: it gives them massive power over crafting regulatory policy, thus letting them make sure it’s favorable to their business interests.

Even more frustrating when you realize, and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, these new “AI” programs and LLMs aren’t really novel in terms of theoretical approach: the real revolution is the amount of computing power and data to throw at them.

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“Intelligent adult” + funko pop collection….who’s gonna tell him?

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But then how do you justify keeping “middle management” hall monitors on a payroll after admitting they’re pointless?

No their ads told me they’re the heroic guardians of my privacy.

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Oh dear lord. What did they say in support of their “Mozilla is shady” argument?

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Granted I need to figure out how to browse communities….but if there isn’t a Lemmy version of /r/rimjob_steve we definitely need to make one. That never got old for me.

Edit: I went ahead and created the community! Find it here!

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Are you really trying to tell me that a good solution to our hollowed-out working class AND the climate crisis is to transition as rapidly as possible to renewable energy and sustainable tech that we design, develop, and produce in our own country????

You sound like a communist grrrrrr!

(I hope my sarcasm comes across. I’m very tired as I type.)

Yep! And their short-sighted greed is going to drive us right to the brink of annihilation. We’re staring down the barrel of environmental collapse and our leaders are generally either old enough they assume they’ll die before it gets “that bad,” and the others stupidly think money makes them immune to the destruction of the biosphere. Anyone under 50 right now is going to live through some incredibly dark times. We are all dogs in a car with the windows closed and the heater on in a Texas parking lot. Business as usual is going to get really ugly, really quickly, really soon.

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So let me get this right….

It’s newsworthy that people don’t want to hang around their office and/or coworkers after work? People who get ally have seen the last few years shred their savings, who face continuous increases in the cost of living, and in America, no meaningful social protections, and very little vacation or freedom with their time and agency….don’t want to spend more time at their office?

Shocking, I say! Harrumph harrumph I’ve dropped my manacle, I’m so angry.

Before anyone wastes time replying to this guy, let me save you the trouble. He’s probably about 35 and thinks 2001-style troll comments in favor of right wing trash are witty and clever. He’s really not worth your time.

I once saw one in my apartment building called “f-u-Mike” and I’ve always wondered which Mike in the building the owner was mad at and why

Ubuntu but with an Arch wallpaper? You madman

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There is nothing wrong with being distrustful of blatant propaganda.

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I boost Joplin on here every chance I get, so please allow me to do so again now! I run it with my own sync server and a small userbase of about 6 people on a cheap VPS. I could not be happier; between the webclipper, sharing, encryption, embedding of pdfs, photos, even mp4s, ease of selfhosting, it’s an amazing project! It’s been (knock on wood) rock solid!

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I mean….at this point it’s just Darwinism, right?

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Like VPNs. Pretty simple.

Downside is it will push teens to free VPNs and those are almost always malicious.

Absolutely assinine regulatory decision brewed by people that do not understand how the world or people work at all.

I’m sorry to be the spelling guy but it’s “forbid” not “phorbid”

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All media will be reality tv and marvel movies and you will love it or else

Seriously! Someone’s failing their mental aptitude test!

enshitification of everything intensifies

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Wait. You mean to tell me that giving kids terrible educations…makes them more susceptible to being stupid assholes?

I can’t wait to have to pay a subscription fee for some aspect of it.

Wait a minute…you mean to tell me there’s a class problem involved here?

While I appreciate the article’s point, and agree with its thesis that the Republicans are increasingly a fascist cult of personality around a rapist and serial financial criminal, I hate that it acts like this is so surprising. This political point is the direct result of decades of cutting social safety nets, deregulating industry, and letting a small cadre of people become wealthy beyond comprehension by controlling what people do, what people watch, and what people read every day of their lives. It’s not hard to grasp: a socially-conservative kleptocracy facing the loss of its international hegemony is faced with two options: 1) reform in ways that better the lives of its people at the expense of a fraction of the leading class’ wealth; or 2) double down and descend into fascism.

Until we get people to really act beyond posting online and relatively small, fully peaceful and sanctioned protests, we will never stop this descent. And the worst part is that this is all so god damned predictable.

Personally I don’t think there is anything they could do gain trust short of undoing their data harvesting. Which would destroy them as a business entity/platform.

Exactly. They want a leader that reflects them: a swine.

No offense, but is this move motivated by a true need to move ASAP? Because this doesn’t really read like it was written by someone in their thirties. Frankly, if it’s not a true need, it doesn’t seem from this post that you’re in a financial position to do this on anything close to a safe manner. And thus: if this is just a desire, no matter how strong the impulse is, it sounds like you need to wait.

I am not trying to be patronizing or condescending: I would just hate to see someone put themselves at the mercy of the world like it seems you may be about to.

All those moral, humane, compassionate corporations lied to me for profit?

Renounce the sky; become mole people.

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I think a big help will be creating a streamlined sign-up process in the apps themselves. Menus to pick a server and create an account. Maybe tell the user which servers are biggest/ask if they wanna browse servers by specific content leanings. That way it’s not intimidating. I’m a tech guy and even I was a bit perplexed in the beginning and that will keep anyone with a non-technical background away: we tech nerds forget that things not “just working” isn’t a feature in the eyes of a majority of people. (For better or for worse.)

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If I don’t have to waste 2.5 hours of my life every day commuting or spend money on gas for that dumbass commute, and I am subject to less pervasive monitoring by my employer... Why would I ever willingly go back?

Yeah people this dumb either think it’s a good thing and revel in it or are incapable of forming the thought/reaching the level of self-awareness that allows them to think “maybe I’m stupid.”

I’m starting to think this guy has to be a plant. I’m not sure to what end.

Although the sadder and lamer truth is likely that this is where we’re at as a country and he’s a natural consequence of our decline.

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Condescending and a terrible answer!

People seem to be missing that this not the result of trumps presidency. This is the result of a disgusting and systematic destruction of public resources and a rollback of the provision of public services. This was done at the same time that oversight and consequences were systematically removed from political operatives. (Thanks, Citizens United!) All of this has been accomplished by the rich in the name of further enrichment at the expense of every single person in the nation. And while they did this, they blasted us with increasingly limp propaganda.

I have a serious wake up call for people reading this article and taking it at face value: EVEN IF BIDEN WINS, DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA WILL STILL WHEEZING ITS LAST SAD BREATHS. And that won’t change until the deeper economic issues and the political operators fostering and worsening those issues are dealt with.

Yeah, obviously it’s worse if trump wins. But the fact Biden is being painted as a savior of Democracy is blatant propaganda by people supporting a party that has been complacent at best for creating the material conditions enabling trump to rise to any sort of political relevance. That should be a wake up call. Biden is a dogshit senile crank that authored one of the worst crime bills in our nation’s history.

Yeah: clearly, fuck trump. But dear god fuck Biden and the democrats too. They’re not the answer. We as a society need to fucking torch both parties and that, not voting for one of the two, is going to save democracy in America.

As a fan of Faulkner, I am personally offended by that sign.

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Where in the source that you linked does it say that a switch to electric stoves is an aspect of greenwashing?

Also to argue that is bad faith. Obviously corporations will want to greenwash themselves and provide us with cheap products. That’s their whole MO. However, that doesn’t mean that a product is bad de facto. That’s like arguing that because corporations producing solar panels have an interest in selling us solar panels, that solar panels are really actually not better for the environment than fossil fuels. I’ll give you credit for only forcing me to read a Bernie Sanders op ed, but your argument doesn’t make sense and your source doesn’t support it.

Yeh this is just thinly veiled propaganda.