14 Post – 320 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

But the attacker should know the internal and the external DNS. If the internal DNS doesn't have any SSL certificate on its name, it's impossible to discover.

By the way, I always suggest to reach services through VPN and use something like Cloudflare tunnel for services that must be public.

P.s. Shouldn't public and private DNS be inverted in your curl example?


Or just point to the LAN IP of the server.

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To avoid opening ports, have a look at Cloudflare tunnel.

Thanks, I did't know that.

Is there an Immich Android app that auto upload pictures?

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No way! For just 1 reason: I will have to learn another new thing and replace it in about 6 servers. I value my time and for now Proxmox is fine.

P.s. Incus seems nice though! NO, stop tempting me!!! I'm already in the rabbit hole with a gazilion of self hosted services and dozens piling up in the to do list 🙈🙈🙈

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2004 hardware -> dumpster! Seriousky, with the electricity bill of 1 year of that server running 24/7 you can buy a used Dell, HP or Lenovo PC (2/3 maybe 4 years old); you will have more power, way less power consumption and way less noise.

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I run it on a 4GB Fujitsu Futro S920! 😆 All the RAM seems to be used by 3 VMs. Some SWAP is been used, ok, but the Proxmox overhead doesn't seem that much.

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And the very first sentence says:

Unless you self-host at home on your own NAS

Have a look at this video I've used a Fujitsu Futro S720 (30/40€ on ebay) and I've created my router with firewall, VPN, VLANs and so on with OPNsense

Guys, read the article first! At least try, at the beginning it says:

Unless you self-host at home on your own NAS

Or Wasabi

Wasabi have similar pricing to glacier, but without the limitation

Totally agree! Also, at work we have some Synology and their web UI is soooo slow that it's almost unusable

Dude, chillax! Why would I read the article? I assumed that you got the same hardware that was mentioned in the article; how could I know that you wrote it about your server?

And by the way, your analogy with the archeology doesn't fit at all.

Yes, but for your job you've given to your employer your ID and your home address. If you mess something up they know ehere to get you. These guys can't get these warranties and they need to know you better.

Permanent damage to PSU? Permanent damage to other components?

Or worst: permanent damage to yourself.

I've tried to use it to ask for help on a couple of other open source projects and I thought that I was using it in the wrong way, that I was missing something. So...I was not! I don't understand how people could use it for support. Guys talking over each other, questions mixed and lost between other people's chats, terrible!

Let's start with the basics: is self hosted? 😁

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This is the problem! :( Monopoly is never good, in this case in particular since it's in the hand of a corporation they make money on people data.

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I'm not commenting on the OP message that could/could not make sense, but...come one, this is the selfhosted community! If everyone would post a news that he/she thinks it would be interesting we would be submerged by all but selfhosted talk.

I don't think that it's safe to leave both authentication factors in a single app.

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I don't like the comment "this is why people say the open source ecosystem sucks" because a bankruptcy of a company has nothing to do with the concept of open source.

2 more... I think that a couple of lines explaining what websurfx is would be useful to a lot of users, instead of point them to another post.

Dude, just write down a couple of lines in your posts so that people can know what they're about.

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Does anybody have suggestions for an online service that prints things like business cards, brochures, and pamphlets?

But...if it's a service, how can it be FOSS?

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Ahahaha, top message!!!

Why are you bored with Jellyfin?

Avoid hardware RAID (have a look at this). Use Linux MD or BTRFS or ZFS.

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If you'd like to sell a couple of drivers and you're in Europe, contact me.

Totally agree! 2FA on all the accounts that support it avoiding SMS. And different passwords (complex, auto generated by a password manager) for each single account. I may be paranoid, but I also use a different email alias (SimpleLogin) for every single account! 😆

Beware that this post is 3 years old!

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Is it open source?

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Neo Launcher, open source!

Edit: there haven't been releases for a while, but it appears that a new one is coming soon:

Till now we have no alpha release of 1.0.0, but this would come in the next weeks.


Post per day seams steady at about 30/40, comment per day seams to have dropped from 3/400 to 250/300, I would have expected a great fall.

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Microsoft has already taken a step back: Microsoft implements drastic changes to Recall after criticism

  • Recall needs to be enabled during installation
  • Windows Hello is needed so that only the users can view it's own screenshots
  • Recall database will be encrypted
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I think the one thing missing is a way to federate forums.

Isn't that what Lemmy is/is going to be?

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I would never deploy Compose in any kind of production environment.

May I ask you why?

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I second your opinion about not selfhosting Bitwarden. About email, have a look at Proton mail. All the emails are encrypted in the server and are decripted client side with your password only when you open them.