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Joined 1 years ago

Sending the JavaScript to do this literally uses more electricity than this saves.

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I like it; it feels like a vaccine for clickbait thumbnails…. Because everything becomes a clickbait thumbnail, so your mind just ignores it.

This seems like a good place for a charity… although the cost isn’t just a bus ticket but also probably temporary housing/income as well.

Shit. I just realized I’m suggesting a refugee agency for US states.

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This. Unless your use/purchase directly supports something you disagree with, people shouldn’t be worried so much. Companies and organizations are huge. They are all going to contain shitty people.

If you are on the internet, you have no choice but to indirectly supporting shitty people.

If you are worried about that do actual politics, not this ‘you eat ChikFilA you monster’ type shit.0

Yeah. I often type out a comment. The. Realize I really don’t want to be bother by this person’s adhoc reply… then just delete it.

I’ve worked on payment systems. It is very hard to federate unless something like Stripe is used for actual payment.

Credit card companies simply won’t interface with you unless you prove their data is safe. It isn’t a process that scales well.

Brick and mortar companies get around this by having payment terminals which are insanely locked down. (Which is also why those terminals mostly suck)

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And blast the whole planet with radiation? Are you crazy?

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It is basically when someone is doing something illegal and stupid, but isn’t thinking about it killing someone. Then accidentally kills someone.

Voluntary manslaughter is then when you do something that you know will kill a person, but for some reason it isn’t murder.

For lots (most?) laws, ignorance isn’t an excuse… even though the specific charge may change.

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Am CIS and support this logic

Aagrred with this.

It still surprises me that:

  1. people think students need to be in school so long every year for actual educational reasons
  2. people get offended when you point out that it largely functions as a ‘daycare’ for younger kids
  3. we’ve had both parent working be the norm for decades now… and somehow we still don’t have a school system that addresses that

I honestly think that the main reason for the male/female become gap is the above. Discrimination exists, but I think it is more an issue of women being more likely to compromise their work life to take care of kids… and therefore being less useful to work… so being paid less for it.

If we ACTUALLY fix that somehow, we’d be much more inclusive and free society.

Honestly I didn’t realize this was a trans community. I thought ‘196’ was just some random number like the ‘4’ in 4chan. 196 just had good content. The fact it’s inclusive is just a bonus.

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The internal question always needs to be ‘what is my next best alternative - if I need to actually say no’. Without an answer you are comfortable with, you won’t be able to negotiate.

It is a someone evil aspect to reality…. those who have more, and need less, have a better position to negotiate for me.

This is a government mandate for one corporation to pay another corporation to share it’s product. This isn’t ‘helping the little guy’ or anything.

People still have the ability to just go directly to the news site. Or Google. Or the government’s Facebook page. Or the national alert system. And probably lots of other options I don’t know about.

The law (“you must pay for the news you show unless otherwise agreed”) seems reasonable. As does the response of “well it isn’t worth enough to pay for”.

I don’t know how anyone used Reddit without unsubscribing from the default subs. There was just so much stupid stuff…

(I see the irony of saying this in shitposts… but I’ll probably unsubscribe from here too when it gets bigger)

The issue is that the article (and anybody else) CaN’T be more precise.

We don’t know if the parts are good because they faked the testing.

We can also almost guarantee that some are out of spec. ‘Simple’ things like screws even have fallout when tested.

It is possible to get coherent output from them though. I’ve been using the ChatGPT API to successfully write ~20 page proposals. Basically give it a prior proposal, the new scope of work, and a paragraph with other info it should incorporate. It then goes through a section at a time.

The numbers and graphics need to be put in after… but the result is better than I’d get from my interns.

I’ve also been using it (google Bard mostly actually) to successfully solve coding problems.

I either need to increase the credit I giver LLM or admit that interns are mostly just LLMs.

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Lots of things people think are public are legally private. Most transit agencies, the people who print the US dollar, some state universities… etc.

Usually the bylaws of these private entities are formed to stipulate that the governor or someone picks the equivalent of the CEO.

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I am confused by why everyone thinks this is a big threat?

What stops the FOSS community from just continuing to allow ad blockers and other webpage editing features?

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The irony of the background saying Restore Sanity

So I just heard about this whole thing last night. What is the preferred Israeli response to this?

To me it looks like Hamas using occupied buildings as places to attack from, the Israel being told they aren’t allowed to hit back at people using human shields.

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Male prostitute


(Seriously, agree with you in general though)

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He meant used for a hole guys. Just a minor typo.

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My understanding is that it is only illegal if the information is personally identifiable… and posting such was against the rules anyway.

It still pisses me off that they decided to rate limit comment edits/deletes just as everyone was making the exodus.

Everyone is a little loopy though. We’re all some flavor of hypocrite too.

I don’t mind celebrities being on a pedestal, because it is a common reference point for us all when discussing virtue or lack thereof.

We just all need to be reminded that they are still human and stupid in their own way.

My Dad just last night was complaining about wind farms…

I don’t understand why this article isn’t BS. It was meant to prevent passive snooping. If I connect to a network, it needs to know who I am.

I’ve worked with companies that implement this type of tech for monitoring road traffic congestion. IOS reduced the number of ‘saw same phone twice and can calculate speed’

Shorter: found out

I looked at this awhile ago. There is a google doc maintained by some anti-Tesla investors who track every fire that can find. It is still much lower than the US average fires per car.

I think it gets more attention because:

  1. some people are financially incentivized and;
  2. battery fires really are a much worse deal than a normal car fire

The advice I’ve been given (on train/bus batteries) is to shove the vehicle if safe when it starts; then do whatever possible to fully submerge in fresh water. Obviously that isn’t really feasible.

Thanks. It’s hard for me to judge tactics from video, as I can’t really tell what is accidental collateral damage vs purposeful. The statements by Israeli leadership definitely supports the view that they are purposefully being punitive… which is monstrous.

I don’t know what’s going on, but pass me whatever you guys are consuming.

I was a cashier. Cashier jobs suck.

The problem is society in general. We SHOULD be getting rid of every non-rewarding job we can. But we also need to support the people that would otherwise have these jobs.

I think there might be an axis here that is different than ADHD.

I certainly don’t have ADHD, but I don’t have any habits (outside of muscle memory, walking, breathing, etc) that works the way OP describes.

I brush my teeth because I think I should. A ‘habit to me’ is just that ‘situation X reminds me to do thing Y’.

Was just about to say this. I finally switched today because Chrome tried to sign me up automatically for a bunch of ‘privacy enhancements’ which do the opposite.

The only thing I’m having trouble finding a good version of is tab groups.

I want tab groups that I can collapse and expand at will. Not one that hides my tabs, and which I can’t see two tab groups concurrently.

Apple and other companies with web browsers are probably our biggest hope. People will complain if websites just ‘stop working’ one day because of their browser choice.

That said, I’m probably fooling myself., a huge electric company, doesn’t work unless I’m in incognito mode. I think it fails if you are signed into another corporation’s Microsoft 365 account. But they don’t seem to care.

Blah blah right to assemble blah blah.

Any reasonable person would say “Ok, but there is also at a minimum the requirement to recuse yourself then.”

So I’ve been in discussions like this for equipment on trains. It functionally goes:

You paid for X. The hardware we plan to use for faster build supports X+Y. You can either:

  1. pay for Y
  2. have us artificially prevent Y
  3. wait until the hardware that just does X comes in

I actually agree with the options prevented above. I just think that, as the owner, you should still have the right to reverse item 2 if you can figure out how. Especially if it’s out of warranty.

Automated edits were throttled to an insanely low level too. It took days for me to get all my comments out. At least I think I got them all… can’t really be sure.

This looks appealing as ‘just a basic smart phone’… which the more I think about it, the less I need my phone to be an all purpose computer.

I’m not sure it’s worth the price though, based on this review:

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I tried to nuke it too... turns out reddit has been ignoring delete and edit requests. I think they are rate capping the requests.

After running powerdeletesuite multiple times with all kinds of settings, I could still find comments of mine not deleted.

I also requested a GDPR set of account information. ALL of my deleted/edited comments are still there.

Rosa memes are actually unique much of the time. And they call back to memorable scenes… so win win.