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Joined 13 months ago

I'm proud of this guy! I'm trying to click follow, but it's not working.

Exactly! I'm always complaining about the illiterate. I like to write them letters because I know it makes them sad.

How do you feel about negotiating the price of a new car down?

Personally, I think it's really cool that people without social skills are charged more. It's like "take that! ya fuckin loser."

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I will let myself bleed out in a Safeway parking lot before installing McDonald's stupid fucking app to get a 1.99 boiling hot coffee to cauterize the wound with.

I think the point, though, is there should be a redundant system to handle failures, like a mechanical-only door handle.

Another example: your dashboard touchscreen fails, there should still be a button to turn on the AC. Or off. Whatever makes this analogous to the safety concern about doors.

I read the first bullet point and immediately had a prophetic, future-sight vision of the comments before even scrolling down. I'm so sorry, man, haha.

Oh, you poor soul.

Here's the wikipedia, if you wanna read.

And here's a video about the history of slavery and its after-effects that is kind of relevant.

The tl;dr is that there were laws, like vagrancy (i.e. not having a job), that were vague and applied to "everybody" but realistically only applied to black people through legal jiu jitsu and selective blindness on the part of police. Sundown towns are known as such for that behavior. They were (are) very unwelcoming if you're not white.

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It's called "echoes," and basically it's like extreme emphasis.

You imagine (((wow))) to be said in a very loud, booming voice.

Nazis, for a while, were using this exclusively with jewish names because they're incredibly subtle.

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Oh, that's right, this was 2014.

In this case, they're referring to the P.T. video game. It was cool as shit, but good luck getting a copy to play. :p

You would say this directly to Brian Deer's face?
"Sorry, no one cares that people keep pilfering you for content."

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Oh! This was an ad! Those cocky sons o bitches.

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This sounds like a failure on Democrats to get information out.

Actually, yes! I haven't even read the rest of your comment yet.

God damn the DNC needs to go harder.

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Oh, wow. What a journey this was.

It starts in a pretty unassuming place: a big, black void (Final Fantasy VII) (Star Wars) (The Thing (2011) 0:00:37--0:00:38).

As with any great horror, the first step is to lower our expectations. Put us at ease. This is done wonderfully here. It's almost peaceful. But, the wisps of forehead color that rise like flames foreshadow the nightmare to come.

As we venture downward (The Descent), we enter a vast desert (Dune) that feels very alienating. Though we haven't gone far, the framing that seems to put us on one of Saturn's rings tells us that we're very far from home (E.T.).

Further in and things really seem to crescendo as we fall over eerily dark hills into the lair of the desert's greatest monster: some... thing we can't even fully perceive. But we can perceive its eyes, and those eyes might be the most violent eyes my eyes have ever laid eyes on.

From here, the narrative takes a turn: it's all about our escape. We make our way over rolling hills, sun-bleached landscapes. But it's soon after this that I think things start to fall apart. The lips were incredibly funny. Me and my viewing party spent hours staring and laughing at the lips. But, they're also a stark departure from what we've been shown so far, and I'm left not really knowing what the author is trying to say. Personally, I think it would have been great if there were another set of eyes instead.

Things drag on, but it's not long until we're struck out of nowhere by an ending sequence right out of 2001: A Space Odyssey (2001: A Space Odyssey) that really doesn't work and fails to resolve any of the narrative threads.

All in all, I'd give this work a 19 out of 31 and a nice slap on the bum.

Voting for the Team Fortress 2 spy candidate is not "voting blue."

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I like it. It's approachable. Like he could be my neighbor.

So why isn't that happening?
Are you letting a free meal loiter your hallways?

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Debate doesn't change people's minds, that's not what it's for.

Or rather, it does, but that takes months to years.

If you're dreaming of delivering a sick, 360 no-scope bullet point to a conservative that gets them to finally see the other side, you're playing the wrong game.

Using their own language against them confuses them. Confused people think more. That's the whole point of this.

If you're debating Tucker Carlson, there's pretty much nothing you can do but beat him down rhetorically; he's paid not to understand you.

If you're debating your neighbor, getting him to think about abortion bans as government overreach is actually a successful play.

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When games that are losses for the AI from humans are included, the bug is fixed.

You're not grasping the fundamental problem here.

This is like saying a calculator understands math because when you plug in the right functions, you get the right answers.

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I'm sure this would lead to injuries, but some soccer team putting out one goliath and a bunch of rule-qualifiers does sound really funny.

The Turing test is flawed, because while it is supposed to test for intelligence it really just tests for a convincing fake.

This is just conjecture, but I assume this is because the question of consciousness is not really falsifiable, so you just kind of have to draw an arbitrary line somewhere.

Like, maybe tech gets so good that we really can't tell the difference, and only god knows it isn't really alive. But then, how would we know not to give the machine legal rights?

For the record, ChatGPT does not pass the turing test.

Is that the table?

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It failed because an "immutable cryptographic proof" that the information being represented is valid is about as useful as a handwritten certificate that says you own Sagittarius.

Cryptography cannot verify your ownership of Sagittarius; it is not an authority. It cannot prevent you from claiming you do, either: anybody can enter whatever they want into the system.

And funny enough, this cryptographic lock and key isn't even undisputable. If you have a dated record from 2020, and someone else wants it, they can just verify theirs on a different chain. Who is to say which chain is "more correct"? The dates? Dates don't matter. If you were unlucky enough not to publish your work before someone else does, you don't cryptographically own your work. If you were lucky and you had published, someone else can just lie that they weren't ready and you stole it from them. So, even with all of our fancy math, we're still back to he-said, she-said.

Worse, most blockchain records I know of are way too small for images, let alone video, so all they do is cryptographically "verify" URLs to the work. What exactly is the point of this? Can the files served by these URLs not simply be... changed?

I know they can be changed because C2PA has this very same, exact problem.

The blockchain is, at best, a database. The fact that it's public doesn't mean anything---it might be worse, even.

Why bother reinventing all of this? We have institutions already that keep records. What social good is bought from having the most public of all records?

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How does it "understand the strategic aspects of the game really well" if it can't solve problems it hasn't seen the answers to?

Ohh, it's because they're different kitchen appliances. I've been going about this all wrong.

Yeah, I wish sometimes that software would stop trying to be so god damn helpful. I find Emoji to be kind of loud where emoticons aren't, and at the very least I know which one I wanted. JUST. STOP. FIXING IT. :p

This is literally what these walled gardens depend on. Why are mocking people for it?

Just change cities, "but my friends live here."

Just leave the cult, "but the cult separated me from all my other friends."

Like, yeah. Cult's do this on purpose to keep people locked in.

There are differences.

It's a bit of philosophy to understand why, though.

The short answer is, intent is the color that changes a knife's wound from an accident to a murder charge, even if you can't tell by the wound itself which one it was.

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God in heaven.

Mate, a little bit of critical thinking would be useful here.

where you actually come to believe the other side is the literal boogeyman

Am I allowed to bring up the coup attempt.

Damn, I wonder why the division is growing.

I had a job that was kind of like this. I spent pretty much all of my down time writing a web game that later got me a software job.

I wasn't bored, though. I miss working on that thing.

I legit thought it was peanut butter.

I think the definition is "whichever is more emotionally important to you." So, in your case, they would be very, very intelligent.

Like how many, five?

Sick. What's the button combo for this one?

What does this even mean.

I think the core problem here is just a matter of rhetoric.

Like, I agree with you, and usually when an argument like this pops up, I spend most of my time making fun of the alpha male in the chat for their willful refusal to read above a 6th grade level. And it is willful, just to underline that part.

But the truth is really that it doesn't matter how correct you are. You can argue until you're blue in the face about how defensible "Toxic Masculinity" as a term really is, and you'd be right too, but that doesn't really change the fact that you are arguing about it.

You know the adage about arguing with an idiot: they'll beat you with experience.

As much as it does irk me a little bit to admit, "gender policing" is better (I think) because it's much more difficult to assail (something I think you acknowledge is worth it), and it doesn't spell out men in particular. It's really hard to have the inevitable "yes, femininity can be toxic too, jesus christ" argument when it's never even brought up.

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:0 That's true!

Holy shit, you set this guy off xD

If their level of self-driving is so new and revolutionary, maybe it should be kept in the oven to bake a little longer.